
Les Nageuses

Les Nageuses

De la Syrie en guerre aux JO de Rio en 2016, deux sœurs entreprennent un périple hasardeux, pendant lequel elles font un usage héroïque de leurs aptitudes de championnes.

Nataly Fish

The Swimmers

The Swimmers

A swimming instructor teaches children to swim in a little town near Havana, but there's only one problem: the pool is empty. That will not stop the kids or the teacher from accomplishing their goal.

Nataly Fish

Attack Girls Swim Team vs the Unliving Dead

Attack Girls Swim Team vs the Unliving Dead

Les lycéennes d’une école de jeunes filles au sein de laquelle évolue une équipe de natation hautement compétitive se retrouvent contaminées par un virus qui transforme les porteurs en zombies cannibales. Seules les nageuses semblent échapper à la contamination et elles décident de s’organiser sous la direction d’une inconnue fraiche..

Nataly Fish

Swimming Out Till the Sea Turns Blue

Swimming Out Till the Sea Turns Blue

Documentaire sur l'histoire littéraire de la Chine.

Nataly Fish

The Swimmers

The Swimmers

After falling pregnant to Perth, her boyfriend's best friend, Ice commits suicide. She returns to haunt Perth while Tan seeks out the person who made her kill herself for his own revenge.

Nataly Fish

The Atlantic Swimmers

The Atlantic Swimmers

Munich Heinz and Herbert wants to escape the torturous confines of their home by swimming across the Atlantic.

Nataly Fish

The Danish female swimmers

The Danish female swimmers

Short film showing Ragnhild Hveger and 'Little Ravishing Inge' Sørensen in a little more intimate setting than normal. Gunnar 'Nu' Hansen interviewing the two girls 'glorious' show.

Nataly Fish

Swimmers in the Desert

Swimmers in the Desert

The true life story and adventures of László Almásy, the 'English patient', who crossed Africa in 1929 with the father of filmmaker Kurt Mayer: These events provide the motivation and outline for a critical journey through 'men's domains' in Cairo, London and Vienna. Navigation in the expanses of the memory - the dream of flying, documents from ..

Nataly Fish

Les Tortues nagent plus vite qu'on ne le croit

Les Tortues nagent plus vite qu'on ne le croit

Suzume est une femme au foyer qui s’ennuie et mène une vie faite de mondanités. Son mari, muté pour son travail dans une autre ville, laisse Suzume souvent seule. Sa seule occupation « importante » réside dans le seul fait de nourrir la « bien-aimée » tortue de son mari. Suzume est lassée de cette vie. Un jour elle lit une annon..

Nataly Fish

Le Nageur

Le Nageur

Erez a 18 ans. Étoile montante de l’équipe de natation israélienne, il entre dans un internat pour athlètes dans l’espoir d’obtenir un billet pour les Jeux Olympiques. C’est là qu’il fait la rencontre de Nevo, un coéquipier qui a toutes les qualités nécessaires pour devenir champion du monde. Cette rencontre éveille en Erez des d..

Nataly Fish

Του κολυμβητή

Του κολυμβητή

Nataly Fish

The Swimmer

The Swimmer

The tale of a 20th century family line of swimmers who all attempt to swim some near-impossible distance in the Black Sea.

Nataly Fish

The Swimmer

The Swimmer

In the company of his girlfriend a sound engineer records sounds during a beach trip that reach the depths of his conscience.

Nataly Fish

The Swimmer

The Swimmer

A rich and frail boy receives a threatening letter of kidnapping. Kazama, a swimmer, is hired as the son's bodyguard. While protecting the boy from the evil hands of the kidnappers, he also instils the taste of men into the boy.

Nataly Fish

The Swimmer

The Swimmer

A boy throws himself into the sea without looking back.

Nataly Fish



A lonesome public pool employee with a monotonous life falls in love with a girl who frequently comes to swim there, he starts to project in his mind an illusory relationship with her and the hope she can change his dark life.

Nataly Fish



Nataly Fish



A car belonging to a suspected hit-and-run driver has been spotted outside a swimming pool complex and the police are there to arrest the fugitive.

Nataly Fish

The Swimmer

The Swimmer

A boy realizes how will his life be in the present and future with or without his crush

Nataly Fish

Freestyle Swimmer

Freestyle Swimmer

Young Max discovers that grandfather Gustav cannot swim and decides to teach him. But Gustav thinks that it may be too late for him...

Nataly Fish

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