
The Sentinel

The Sentinel

Il y a vingt ans, Pete Garrison, agent des services secrets américains, a sauvé la vie d'un Président. Aimé et respecté de ses collègues, il est à présent chargé de la protection rapprochée de la Première Dame. Sa vie bascule lorsqu'un collègue et ami est assassiné avant d'avoir pu lui transmettre des informations de la plus haute impo..

Nataly Fish

La Sentinelle des maudits

La Sentinelle des maudits

Une jeune top model emménage dans une maison uniquement habitée par un prêtre aveugle. D'étranges phénomènes se produisent dès l'arrivée de la jeune femme.

Nataly Fish

The Sentinel

The Sentinel

A combat veteran struggles to care for his young son while dealing with severe PTSD.

Nataly Fish

The Sentinel

The Sentinel

Experimental video by Sven Harding.

Nataly Fish

The Last Sentinel

The Last Sentinel

No emotion. No fear. No pain. They were the perfect soldiers to protect civilization until the drone police became the perfect enemy. With little hope left for mankind, Tallis, an electronically enhanced soldier, rescues a survivor from a failed resistance mission. She will have to learn to fight and think like a machine for the final battle to sav..

Nataly Fish

Robotech II: The Sentinels

Robotech II: The Sentinels

Robotech II : The Sentinels était une tentative de poursuivre la série télévisée originale Robotech de 1985. Le projet a été annulé en 1986. La série avortée Les Sentinelles aurait suivi les aventures de Rick Hunter et Lisa Hayes et du reste du Corps Expéditionnaire Robotech (REF) pendant les événements des séries Les Maîtres Robotec..

Nataly Fish

Supersonic Sentinel: The Story of the Avro Arrow

Supersonic Sentinel: The Story of the Avro Arrow

A short film originally filmed and produced by the Photographic Division of the Avro Aircraft Company (Canada), probably in mid to late 1958.

Nataly Fish

The Sentinel Asleep

The Sentinel Asleep

A lost film. A Napoleonic soldier doing picket duty is visited by his sweetheart. He is nearly exhausted from his long vigil and loss of sleep. The meeting is an affectionate one and the girl offers to bring him food and drink, and steals away. The soldier lies down and is soon sound asleep. Napoleon, himself, has an attack of insomnia and is walki..

Nataly Fish

Shep the Sentinel

Shep the Sentinel

When May receives a letter from another girl telling her that Jack, her lover, is untrue, she dismisses him. Shep, Jack's beautiful collie, however, is suspicious of Jim Hallet, who, some way, he feels is responsible for his master's unhappiness. He trails Jim and steals another letter, written by Nell Borden. Jim's accomplice, which betrays the pl..

Nataly Fish

The Grey Sentinel

The Grey Sentinel

Tom Carson, a southerner, with his daughter, Grace, is the keeper of the Grey Sentinel Lighthouse. John Adams, the sweetheart of Grace, returns from West Point and joins the southern cause; he, however, spying for the Union Army. A fierce battle takes place between the Confederate and Union forces in which the former are victorious. Hal Peters, a s..

Nataly Fish

Sentinel: The West Face

Sentinel: The West Face

1967 : deux des meilleurs grimpeurs du monde, Yvon Chouinard et Royal Robbins s'attaquent à la face ouest de Sentinel Rock, pic granitique de la vallée du Yosemite. Récit poétique de deux jours de peines et de joies.

Nataly Fish

The Iron Detective: Sentinel

The Iron Detective: Sentinel

When business is slow for private detective Alex Calibourne, aka Iron Joe, he takes on a body guard position for a sultry nightclub singer. The animated first half of a two-part anthology.

Nataly Fish

Sentinels in the Air

Sentinels in the Air

This short shows the important role played by members of the U.S. Air Force Reserve in the USA's defense against enemy attack.

Nataly Fish

Sand Tigers - Sentinels of the Deep

Sand Tigers - Sentinels of the Deep

Dive with the endangered and fearsome Sand Tiger shark and you'll see why adventurers travel from all over the globe to swim side-by-side with these graceful and magnificent creatures. Explore the sunken wreck of the Papoose (a tanker torpedoed during WWII by a German U-boat) where divers literally get nose to nose with dozens and sometimes even hu..

Nataly Fish

La Sentinelle

La Sentinelle

Mathias, qui vivait en Allemagne, décide de regagner la France. Dans le train, il croise un homme qui le menace, l'insulte et disparaît. Il découvre le lendemain dans sa valise une tête humaine réduite à la manière des Indiens Jivaros. Mathias ne pense plus qu'à cette tête, tente de percer son mystère et s'isole totalement du monde…

Nataly Fish

La Sentinelle endormie

La Sentinelle endormie

En 1812, Napoléon Ier se met en route pour la Campagne de Russie et prévoit de passer une nuit à Châlons-sur-Marne. Mais la police ayant connaissance d'un projet d'attentat, le lieu d'hébergement est modifié au dernier moment et la maison du docteur Mathieu, médecin demeurant à Champaubert, est réquisitionnée

Nataly Fish

Sentinel Under the Neon Lights

Sentinel Under the Neon Lights

Soldiers act as sentinels in the city center after the liberation of Shanghai and they are facing all kinds of temptations.

Nataly Fish

Little Sentinels of the East Sea

Little Sentinels of the East Sea

Somewhere along the coast, the little red soldiers Xiaohong and Xiaolong were standing guard. Three spies disguised as People's Liberation Army came to ask them for directions. So, Xiaolong went back to report the letter, and Xiaohong climbed to the horn of the horn where the enemy was going first. While fighting the enemy, she blew the conch to ca..

Nataly Fish

Pierre Schoendoerffer, la sentinelle de la mémoire

Pierre Schoendoerffer, la sentinelle de la mémoire

Pierre Schoendoerffer revisits his life and career, with a strong focus on the impact that his experience as a war cinematographer for the French army during the Indochina War had on him.

Nataly Fish

Les Sentinelles du Pacifique

Les Sentinelles du Pacifique

Au cours de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, l’armée de l’air chinoise est en déroute face à la toute-puissance de l’armée impériale japonaise. Pour mettre un terme aux bombardements qui déciment la population, les Etats-Unis envoie le colonel Jack Johnson afin qu’il enseigne aux jeunes pilotes l’art du combat aérien. Ensemble, ils form..

Nataly Fish

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