
N'avoue jamais

N'avoue jamais

François Marsault, ancien haut gradé de la marine, est farouchement attaché aux traditions. Pour un homme de principe comme lui, lorsqu’il apprend que son épouse, l’a trompé 40 ans plus tôt, une seule solution : divorcer. Mais à 73 ans et après 50 ans de mariage, ça n’est pas si simple…

Nataly Fish

Ultraman Zero: The Revenge of Belial

Ultraman Zero: The Revenge of Belial

Ultraman Zero, the rookie Ultraman from Tsuburaya Productions’ 2009 theatrical movie returns, and getting full-fledged. However, he is confronted with the empowered Kaiser Belial, back from the evil Ultraman Belial whom he and other Ultraman warriors battled so hard on the m-78 Planet. Can Ultraman Zero live to the expectations of his legendary ..

Nataly Fish

The Ghost Bride Takes Revenge

The Ghost Bride Takes Revenge

Yanhong was murdered by a traitor and is preparing for death on the charge of murdering her husband. She repeatedly told adults and those who executed him that she was wronged, but no one believed her. In the end, she could only die with injustice. Before her death, she told the executioners that she would retaliate... Yanhong died, but everything ..

Nataly Fish

The Glorious My Revenge

The Glorious My Revenge

Three years after the expiration of the ten year statute of limitations, police detective Ryoo Yi-jae meets the man who killed his son in a hit and run accident.

Nataly Fish

Revenge : A love story

Revenge : A love story

Un tueur s’attaque aux femmes enceintes en les éventrant pour faire disparaitre le foetus. Les enquêteurs découvrent avec horreur que ces femmes étaient en fait les épouses de deux collègues. Les inspecteurs arrêtent un jeune homme de 23 ans et réalisent qu’il se venge pour une affaire ayant eu lieu six mois auparavant...

Nataly Fish

Birthday Party (Or the Revenge of the Stepdaughter)

Birthday Party (Or the Revenge of the Stepdaughter)

When seven-year-old Carolina wades through her novel family’s frenzied reunion in hopes of gifting her new stepfather a birthday card, she learns that to the party's adults, she is little more than decoration.

Nataly Fish

Samon’s Hell Revenge: Unauthorised Jutte Records

Samon’s Hell Revenge: Unauthorised Jutte Records

Samon Kamiyama, a skilled yoriki under Toyama Saemon-no-jō Kagemoto is feared and known to the villains as “Samon from the Hell.” Samon suspects that the drowning incident at the raw silk wholesaler Shinano-ya was the work of Maruya Rihei, a kimono wholesaler favored by the Ōoku, but has no evidence to prove his allegation. The elder Arao Tsu..

Nataly Fish

Les Nibelungen : la Vengeance de Kriemhild

Les Nibelungen : la Vengeance de Kriemhild

Kriemhild n'a pas pu oublier Siegfried et son lâche assassinat par Hagen Tronje, qui reste le protégé du clan des Burgondes et s'est approprié le trésor des Niebelungen qu'il a caché dans le Rhin. Le margrave Rüdiger von Bechlarn lui apporte la demande en mariage du roi Etzel (Attila) : elle l'accepte. La voilà reine des Huns.

Nataly Fish

Lustful Revenge

Lustful Revenge

After reading about beautiful women killed in a gruesome manner during the recent months, Akiko tries to nail down the sick serial killer herself. What she does not know is that the killer has already targetted her as his next victim.

Nataly Fish

Money. Revenge

Money. Revenge

The main characters are approximately 35–40 years old, some are already firmly on their feet, have a business, a fortune, others are struggling to survive, getting into debt. And someone, wanting to easily and quickly earn big money and show off his classmates, becomes an accomplice in a criminal scheme. All of Baidam's efforts to change his lif..

Nataly Fish

Bangkok Fighter

Bangkok Fighter

Manit, un petit garçon de dix ans assiste à l’assassinat de ses parents. Implacables, les tueurs décident de l’éliminer. Touché à la tête, l’enfant survit miraculeusement à ses blessures, mais se retrouve frappé d’ataraxie. Les dommages provoqués à son cerveau lui ont enlevé toute émotion. Sauvé d’une mort certaine par un ..

Nataly Fish

Ma Suzhen Takes Revenge

Ma Suzhen Takes Revenge

Nataly Fish

Silent Revenge

Silent Revenge

A resentful young man decides to kill all the people who were involved in his brother's decision to commit suicide.

Nataly Fish

Samon’s Hell Revenge: Unauthorised Jutte Records 3

Samon’s Hell Revenge: Unauthorised Jutte Records 3

After three consecutive days of heavy rain, the water level at Sumida River rises and the newly built Eitai Bridge collapses just two years after its completion. Among the 20 victims is Okou, the lover of Yokichi, a member of the theatrical entertainment district controlled by Samon Kamiyama. A body of a bridge carpenter is also found in the debris..

Nataly Fish

Your Silence Became My Revenge

Your Silence Became My Revenge

A woman seeks revenge on a powerful crime boss.

Nataly Fish

Gunslinger's Revenge

Gunslinger's Revenge

Doc, le fils du célèbre pistolero Johnny Lowen, est médecin dans un petit village. Il s'est marié avec une Indienne, qui lui a donné un fils, Jeremiah. Après une vingtaine d'années d'absence, son père, Johnny, réapparaît. Il désire renouer des liens solides avec son fils, sa femme et son petit-fils. Malheureusement, son terrible ennemi d..

Nataly Fish

The Elusive Revengers

The Elusive Revengers

Dan'ka's and Ksanka's childhood in the village has been brutally ended when their father was killed by the White Guard officer in front of their eyes. Seeking revenge they join forces with an intellectual from the city Valerka and jipsy Yashka, but before they get close to their enemy they have to help their village and advancing Red Army.

Nataly Fish

La Vengeance

La Vengeance

Après avoir tué un officier de haut rang lors d'un duel illégal, un samouraï de bas rang est déclaré fou et est défié en duel par le clan auquel appartenait son adversaire mort.

Nataly Fish

Running Man : Revengers

Running Man : Revengers

Lors de la compétition annuelle des « Running Man », les participants vont s’affronter à travers une série d’épreuves pour, cette fois-ci, gagner un artefact légendaire qui fait de son porteur le souverain absolu du monde.

Nataly Fish

Bloody Chainsaw Girl Returns: Revenge of Nero

Bloody Chainsaw Girl Returns: Revenge of Nero

Giko Nokomura is a female student at Nightingale Academy, who carries around her very own chainsaw. One day she begins to be attacked by modified corpses created by one of her classmates, Nero Aoi . She tears her way through the corpses and busts into Nero's hideout. Why is Nero so intent on attacking Giko?! The reason will shock you!After her batt..

Nataly Fish

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