
The Golden Plague

The Golden Plague

Nataly Fish

A Long Weekend in Pest and Buda

A Long Weekend in Pest and Buda

Iván is living in exile from Hungary when he receives word that an old flame is ill. His return to Budapest rekindles old memories and reopens old wounds.

Nataly Fish

The Plague

The Plague

Rosa's father escapes from a nursing home and comes back to his former house. He hides a secret, and he's not coming alone.

Nataly Fish

Tales from the Gimli Hospital

Tales from the Gimli Hospital

A la fin du siècle dernier une épidémie de peste bubonique s'abat à Gimli, une colonie islandaise. A l'hôpital, Einar, pêcheur solitaire, rencontre Gunnar, gentilhomme sympathique et grassouillet. Les deux hommes deviennent amis. Ils se racontent des histoires toujours plus enfiévrées et deviennent ennemis quand ces histoires vont trop loin..

Nataly Fish

The Golden Plague

The Golden Plague

At the end of the war a disillusioned German exile returns home only to fall into the dark world of black market goods and drug trafficking.

Nataly Fish



A family is disturbed by an unknown being lurking around their house. As the father investigates, he discovers that a pest has broken into their home.

Nataly Fish

Story Shel Pestigal

Story Shel Pestigal

Nataly Fish

Pandemic Pest

Pandemic Pest

Dong, a young adult, panics because of the initial lockdown news and dives into a mini mart to buy food and needs to prepare for the pandemic. He then meets with his second mother, Yaya B in the store and faces the chaos the pandemic has caused.

Nataly Fish

Pesticides : l’hypocrisie européenne

Pesticides : l’hypocrisie européenne

Eldorado pour les agro-industries chimiques, le Brésil est complaisamment alimenté en pesticides par une Europe qui se débarrasse de ses pro-duits interdits. Un cynisme aux conséquences désastreuses pour la santé, épinglé par une enquête accablante

Nataly Fish

Motek Shel Pestival 9 Yotzim Laderech


Klaus is a quiet boy. He lives a peaceful life with his two parents in the city but the supernatural arrival of a troublesome specter disturbs his daily life.

Nataly Fish



Sous la chaleur de l’été, les guêpes sont occupées à dévorer de beaux fruits mûrs et sucrés. Mais ces fruits attirent bientôt d’autres visiteurs qui prennent un malin plaisir à s’approprier les précieuses richesses du jardin. Une guerre se prépare, d’un côté un groupe d’enfants, de l’autre une armée de guêpes. Chacun son..

Nataly Fish

Pesticides - Agricultural Pest Control

Pesticides - Agricultural Pest Control

Nature has been poisoned in the Black Sea Region of Turkey under the name of agricultural spraying since 2015. The documentary was shot and broadcast spontaneously against this unconscious attitude.

Nataly Fish

Mens Pesten raser

Mens Pesten raser

In India, the Army surgeon is Dr. Warren posted, and he neglects his wife, Alice, who instead finds pleasure in Captain Alston's company. After contact with a sick child, Alston is struck by the infection.

Nataly Fish

On the Roofs of Budapest

On the Roofs of Budapest

Gráci has been recently released from a reformatory school. His old gang would like to involve him in a new action, but he hesitates. His past record is bad enough already, and he would not like to get into new trouble.

Nataly Fish

Bébert et l'omnibus

Bébert et l'omnibus

L'espiègle Bébert échappe à la vigilance de son grand frère dans les rues de la capitale. Perdu, Bébert va vivre une nuit mémorable dans un train de banlieue.

Nataly Fish

La Peste à Florence

La Peste à Florence

Grandeur et décadence de Florence, déchirée entre foi mortifère et débauche. Une pépite expressionniste aux somptueux décors et costumes, scénarisée par Fritz Lang et récemment restaurée. Ce chef-d'oeuvre inspiré d'une nouvelle d'Edgar Allan Poe, symbolise la chute de l'Empire allemand alors rongé par l'inflation. À la Renaissance, s..

Nataly Fish

Sketches: On War and The Plague

Sketches: On War and The Plague

A conversation between a father (the poet) and his son (the illustrator) about imagination as the creator and, at the same time, transgressor of reality.

Nataly Fish

Notre village

Notre village

The Village (German: Sie fanden eine Heimat) is a 1953 Swiss drama film directed by Leopold Lindtberg.

Nataly Fish

Bridge over the Wadi

Bridge over the Wadi

For the first time in Israel, a group of Arab and Jewish parents decide to establish a conjoint bi-national, bi-lingual school inside an Arab village. The film follows the school's first year and portrays through the personal stories of its characters, how complicated and fragile is the attempt to create an environment of co-existence against the b..

Nataly Fish

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