
The Operator

The Operator

A scoundrel is tormented by a seemingly-omniscent telephone operator.

Nataly Fish

The Operator

The Operator

During another dull day connecting long distance intergalactic calls from a remote satellite, Michael receives a distress call. No one ever receives a distress call. They barely touch on distress calls during the induction day.

Nataly Fish

The Lonedale Operator

The Lonedale Operator

Une jeune femme reprend le rôle de son père malade en tant que télégraphiste dans une gare, et doit faire face à une équipe qui a l'intention de voler des trains.

Nataly Fish

Le témoin doit être assassiné

Le témoin doit être assassiné

Un patron du syndicat, fainéant de pouvoir, recourt au meurtre pour éliminer les témoins qui devaient témoigner contre lui.

Nataly Fish

The Morse Code Operator (or The Monkey Wrench)

The Morse Code Operator (or The Monkey Wrench)

"One of two new digital works in the all-Gehr program, Morse Code is not only clever; it's unexpectedly funny. Having now spent several years exploring the possibilities of DV, one senses that Gehr has attained a new level of comfort and flexibility with the new medium. The Morse Code Operator is a glitch-turntablist remix of a segment of Griffith'..

Nataly Fish

The Tour Operators

The Tour Operators

The Tour de France is said to be the most extreme sports on earth. Every year in July, top cyclists from the world gather in France, carrying the dignity of their own countries, to compete on speed and endurance. This documentary focuses on the 2000 TdF from an insider point of view of Team Confidis, its victories and defeats. It also covers the le..

Nataly Fish

The Lonedale Operator

The Lonedale Operator

The writings and movie memories of renowned poet John Ashbery are refracted in a kaleidoscope of film clips that open up an illuminating dialogue between his work and cinema

Nataly Fish

The Night Operator at Buxton

The Night Operator at Buxton

Bob's daughter is sick, so Helen volunteers to take his place on the night run, unaware that the Blackhall gang intends to rob the train which carries a valuable gold shipment. Learning of Helen's peril, Bob and Tracy pursue the train by automobile, arriving just as the hijackers are about to explode a charge of dynamite under the rails.

Nataly Fish

The Operator at Black Rock

The Operator at Black Rock

The holdup of the Fast Mail; the runaway train, and the leap on horseback from a fifty-foot cliff are just some of the action

Nataly Fish

Ordinary Folks: An Anecdotal History of The Co-operators

Ordinary Folks: An Anecdotal History of The Co-operators

A history of the Co-operators insurance company in Canada.

Nataly Fish

The Werewolf Game: Death Game's Operator

The Werewolf Game: Death Game's Operator

People are gathered by recruitment or being kidnapped.These people take part in the Werewolf Game. The participants must risk their lives in the game, while wealthy people wager on the winners and losers of the game. Masamune (Yuuki Ogoe) works as an operator of the game. He finds out that female high school student Yuzuki Natsume is one of the par..

Nataly Fish

Une affaire de cœur : La tragédie d'une employée des P.T.T.

Une affaire de cœur : La tragédie d'une employée des P.T.T.

Izabela, jeune standardiste, rencontre Ahmed, inspecteur des services d’hygiène. Leur histoire d’amour passionnelle et charnelle semble les combler tous deux. Mais alors qu'Ahmed doit s'absenter pour raisons professionnelles, Izabela est courtisée assidument par un collègue. A son retour, Ahmed trouve Izabela différente.

Nataly Fish

Le Grand Escogriffe

Le Grand Escogriffe

Un vieil escroc sur le retour, Émile Morland, convainc son ancien complice Aristide de l'aider à enlever le jeune fils de Rifai, un armateur millionnaire. Morland engage Amandine, une jeune comédienne et loue à un certain Tony un charmant bambin nommé Alberto. L'objectif est d'échanger le fils de Rifai contre Alberto et de demander ensuite un..

Nataly Fish

The operator

The operator

Two different couples on blind dates get mixed up when they pick the same location to meet.

Nataly Fish

Operation Hope - The Children Lost in the Amazon

Operation Hope - The Children Lost in the Amazon

The incredible true story of four children, who survive a plane crash deep in the dangerous Colombian Amazon. They are lost and alone for 40 days while the military and indigenous guard race against time to find them.

Nataly Fish

Operation Napoleon

Operation Napoleon

Kristin, une jeune avocate se retrouve accusée d'un meurtre qu'elle n'a pas commis. Embraquée dans une vaste conspiration internationale, sa seule chance de survie réside dans la découverte du secret que contient un ancien avion allemand de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, récemment découvert sur le plus grand glacier d'Islande.

Nataly Fish

Operation Red Sea

Operation Red Sea

Lorsqu’un complot terroriste visant à obtenir des matières nucléaires est dissimulé sous le couvert d’un coup d’Etat, seule une équipe d’élite de la marine chinoise possède les compétences et la précision meurtrière nécessaires pour assumer une opération de sauvetage des otages à très hauts risques.

Nataly Fish

The Co-operators

The Co-operators

Situated in the midst of the ideology of the Green Revolution, Les Coopérants presents seven young people who go out of their daily lives.

Nataly Fish

Motel the Operator

Motel the Operator

Motel, a poor laborer, loving husband and new father, leads cloakmakers in a strike for better working conditions. When he is severely injured by strikebreakers, his wife, Esther, and infant son are left destitute. Desperate to save her starving child, Esther gives him up for adoption to a wealthy couple, and then commits suicide. The richly-render..

Nataly Fish

Opération « Y » et d'autres aventures Shurik

Opération « Y » et d'autres aventures Shurik

Le film se compose de trois parties indépendantes: « Workmate », « déjà vu » et « opération Y ». L'intrigue suit les aventures de Shurik (orthographe alternative - Shourick), l'étudiant soviétique naïf et ringard qui obtient souvent dans des situations grotesques, mais trouve toujours un moyen de sortir très soigneusement. « Opérati..

Nataly Fish

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