
Ça plane, les filles !

Ça plane, les filles !

Un groupe d'amis venu de l'âge dans le désert d'asphalte de la vallée de San Fernando d'une bande son flamboyant et de boire sans fin, la drogue et le sexe.

Nataly Fish

Model Lust

Model Lust

Aspiring model Ariel moves to Hollywood on a contract with one of the most prestigious modeling agencies in LA. Her glamorous life turns into a wild, dangerous adventure when she is hired to follow one of the agency's photographers.

Nataly Fish

Game Show Models

Game Show Models

Stuart Guber has decided to drop back into society, by leaving his performance artist girlfriend and accepting a job working for a top record label. Trouble soon arises when his boss concocts the idea of doing a sex themed game show (hosted by character actor legend Dick Miller). Meanwhile, Stuart begins having an affair with the sister of the labe..

Nataly Fish

Compagnon modèle G45

Compagnon modèle G45

Dans un futur proche, une romancière se rend dans une cabane pour rédiger au calme son nouveau livre. Une amie la convainc d'emmener avec elle un androïde domestique, un Compagnon. Elle choisit Geoffrey, un Compagnon de type mâle, mais en manipulant sa programmation, elle va le transformer en un individu bien différent...

Nataly Fish

Girl in the Headlines

Girl in the Headlines

Called in to investigate the murder of a model, Chief Inspector Birkett and Sergeant Saunders soon discover that the victim had been leading somewhat of an immoral life.

Nataly Fish

The Girls of Summer

The Girls of Summer

Model Ball is the serialized story of Jake McBride, "The best softball player in his league," who bets his best friend he can win the league with a team of models. Together, Jake and his model cousin Holly recruit an athletic group of pampered princesses and attempt to turn them into a well-oiled softball playing machine.

Nataly Fish

The Hollywood Strangler Meets the Skid Row Slasher

The Hollywood Strangler Meets the Skid Row Slasher

A photographer cruises Hollywood and takes pictures of young models he then strangles. Meanwhile, a woman who works in a porno bookstore in downtown L.A. takes it upon herself to kill off the local derelicts. Soon the two killers meet up with each other.

Nataly Fish

Super Ball

Super Ball

Film school grad Steve heads to Hollywood with big dreams as he shops around his amazing script. Of course, no one wants to give this neophyte the time of day until he runs meets up with a sleazy porn producer. What is idealistic little Stevie to do? Naturally, he decides to give the X- rated world a shot and begins to see his fragile soul get jade..

Nataly Fish

The Anna Nicole Smith Story

The Anna Nicole Smith Story

Born Vickie Lynn Hogan, she had a son at 18, became a stripper at 20, and married a billionaire at 26. Sheer determination turned her into Anna Nicole Smith, playmate, model and a household name.

Nataly Fish

Late-Model Wife

Late-Model Wife

When a young woman who knows nothing about housework falls in love, her grandmother and nanny make her seem like the ideal housewife in front of her boyfriend.

Nataly Fish

A Model of a Happy Life

A Model of a Happy Life

Irina Gorokhova is a true expert in her field. Thanks to her perseverance and extraordinary intelligence, at the age of thirty-two, she already holds a high position in a large company. On behalf of the management, she goes to her hometown, where she accidentally runs into Igor, her ex–fiance, with whom she broke up before leaving for Moscow. A m..

Nataly Fish

Swingin' Models

Swingin' Models

A photographer convinces a model to use sex to obtain what she desires.

Nataly Fish

Model from Hell

Model from Hell

John, a tobacco tycoon, and his assistant Dan are always looking for beautiful girls on the beach. John launches a model training company called "Creative Space" to find new girls. While John and Dan are more interested in getting laid, the staff do find their models spots in commercials. One day, an extraordinary model arrives called Anna. Suddenl..

Nataly Fish



If what you know about male models comes straight from Zoolander, Pedro Andrade's special will give you a very different picture. It's a world of photo shoots and international travel, but there are also tiny models' apartments and even tinier paychecks.

Nataly Fish

Molester Stalker Targeted Beauty Model

Molester Stalker Targeted Beauty Model

A sad love story with a hint of saspense about a master detective who seduces women with sophisticated technology, his target, a beautiful model, and the madness of the stalker who hunts her down.

Nataly Fish

Un amour de banquier

Un amour de banquier

Anthony Wayne se rend à Paris. Il va y travailler comme employé de banque. Il a 30 jours de congé pour s'orienter et se trouver une maison. Il tombe amoureux de Nicole Chantelle (elle ne le sait pas) et devient sa femme de chambre, ce qui signifie qu'il doit s'occuper de Marie gâtée, la fille de Nicole. C'est le premier à pouvoir la gérer et..

Nataly Fish

Love Feast

Love Feast

Mr. Murphy, a photographer, lures models to his house on the pretense of legitimate modelling work, and then busies himself bedding them. After a while, his bedroom has gotten pretty crowded and he's exhausted, so he snags a taxi cab driver to help out. Soon, a trio of domineering women show up and force him (willingly) to dress in women's clothes ..

Nataly Fish

Six femmes pour l'assassin

Six femmes pour l'assassin

L'atelier "Christian" est une maison de haute couture très réputée qui a pour cadre un véritable petit château dont la propriétaire, la Comtesse Como, est également la directrice de l'établissement. Elle est associée à Max Morlachi, un homme d'apparence austère qui s'occupe essentiellement de la partie administrative. La Comtesse, veuve,..

Nataly Fish

Une employée modèle

Une employée modèle

François Maurey, quadragénaire et patron de son entreprise d'informatique vient de mettre au point un nouveau logiciel qu'il a fait breveter et qu'il refuse de vendre aux américains. Alors que sa femme Caroline s'apprête à le quitter après 25 ans de mariage, François doit faire face à l'appétit de son collaborateur, Rolland, ingénieur amb..

Nataly Fish

La pin-up, un siècle de fantasmes

La pin-up, un siècle de fantasmes

Documentaire français

Nataly Fish

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