
The Covenant

The Covenant

Lors de sa dernière mission en Afghanistan, le sergent John Kinley fait équipe avec l'interprète Ahmed pour arpenter la région. Lorsque leur unité tombe dans une embuscade au cours d'une patrouille, Kinley et Ahmed sont les seuls survivants. Alors que des combattants ennemis les poursuivent, Ahmed risque sa vie pour transporter Kinley, blessé..

Nataly Fish

Le Pacte du Sang

Le Pacte du Sang

Alors que la fête étudiante du lycée Spenser bat son plein, Caleb et ses trois amis ont d'autres loisirs. Descendants des familles qui fondèrent la ville à l'époque des sorcières de Salem, ils expérimentent les pouvoirs magiques dont ils ont hérité en secret. Lorsque, au petit matin, on découvre le corps d'un étudiant ayant succombé à..

Nataly Fish

The Covenant

The Covenant

After the tragic deaths of her husband and daughter, Sarah Doyle moves back to her childhood home with her estranged brother, Richard. It's not long before Sarah begins to experience supernatural phenomena of a violent and hostile nature.

Nataly Fish

The Covenant

The Covenant

Experience the pain of Egyptian slavery through the eyes of Moses' mother as she sets down her baby in to the Nile, the loyalty of Ruth as she pledges herself to Naomi and her God, and the turmoil of the Jews in Babylonian exile. Face the challenge with Esther as she risks her life to plead for her people, and see the suffering of the Jews in Jerus..

Nataly Fish

The Covenant

The Covenant

One year after WWII concentration-camp survivor Abba Kovner is set to poison a German water-filtration plant in revenge for the crimes of the Nazis, but as the moment of truth nears, an unexpected encounter threatens to jeopardize the mission.

Nataly Fish

The Covenant

The Covenant

Dance film of work by choreographer Elizabeth Harris with original score by Pauline Oliveros. The score is for prepared piano and was performed live during the filming. Harris was a frequent collaborator with Oliveros at the Tape Music Center in San Francisco.

Nataly Fish



« L'Alliance » est un film biblique de 90 minutes qui plonge au cœur de l'Ancien Testament. Les histoires sont racontées à travers les yeux d'Ezra et mettent en lumière les récits d'Adam et Ève, d'Abraham, d'Isaac, de Joseph, de Moïse et d'autres encore, dans un voyage visuel sans précédent. Utilisant la Torah comme script non édité, ..

Nataly Fish

Alien : Covenant - Prologue : La Traversée

Alien : Covenant - Prologue : La Traversée

Aboard a hijacked Engineer vessel, Dr. Shaw repairs David as they make their way to the home-world of the Engineers, whom Shaw believes are humanity’s creators. 'The Crossing' is an official prologue short to 'Alien: Covenant', revealing what happened to crew members Dr. Elizabeth Shaw and the synthetic David after the events of 'Prometheus'.

Nataly Fish

Le pacte Holcroft

Le pacte Holcroft

Noël Holcroft hérite d'un homme bien mystérieux : Son père, un général allemand, principal confident et trésorier d'Hitler. Il laisse une véritable fortune à la disposition de Noël. Ce dernier va parcourir le monde pour la retrouver, et affronter les "amis" de son père.

Nataly Fish

The Search for the Ark of the Covenant

The Search for the Ark of the Covenant

The fate of the lost Ark of the Covenant is perhaps the greatest historical mystery of all time. With footage from Israel, Egypt, Ethiopia, and England, including an exclusive interview with Graham Hancock, best-selling author of The Sign and the Seal, this DVD reveals startling new information as to the exact location of the ark and photographic e..

Nataly Fish

Confessions : L'État de grâce

Confessions : L'État de grâce

Ce troisième et dernier film de la trilogie revisite les anciens missionnaires mormons Chris et RJ, six ans après qu'ils sont tombés amoureux et ont été disciplinés pour cela, alors qu'ils formulent un plan pour être enfin ensemble.

Nataly Fish

Alien: Covenant - Prologue: The Secrets of David’s Lab
Keepers of the Covenant: Making 'Exodus: Gods and Kings'

Keepers of the Covenant: Making 'Exodus: Gods and Kings'

An in-depth documentary on the making of Ridley Scott's "Exodus: Gods and Kings," featuring interviews with the cast and crew. Featured in the Deluxe Edition Blu-ray set.

Nataly Fish

Alien: Covenant - Prologue: The Audi Lunar Quattro

Alien: Covenant - Prologue: The Audi Lunar Quattro

In the Covenant's Terraforming Bay, the ship's Audi lunar rover detects an unidentified lifeform reading and goes in search of the culprit.

Nataly Fish

The Blood Covenant

The Blood Covenant

Eddy, Jite et Osiano, la vingtaine, sont des jeunes hommes qui en ont assez d'avoir une vie difficile. Ils décident de poursuivre leurs rêves d'une vie riche à Lagos, sans se soucier des conséquences possibles.

Nataly Fish

Jerusalem: The Covenant City

Jerusalem: The Covenant City

In this superbly produced, two-part documentary, you'll trace the holy city's prophetic history and explore what the Bible professes regarding Jerusalem's fate.

Nataly Fish

The Ark Of The Covenant and The Lamb Of God

The Ark Of The Covenant and The Lamb Of God

Discoveries include the Sodom and Gomorrah, The Red Sea Crossing sight, Mount Sinai, evidence of Joseph in Egypt and many others.

Nataly Fish

Broken Covenant The Movie

Broken Covenant The Movie

In the attempt to rise above personal and spiritual pain, a divorced father must first deal with his past hurts and insecurities. Until this becomes reality, he struggles with being able to truly love again or trust in a higher power.

Nataly Fish

Night of the Covenant

Night of the Covenant

Nataly Fish

Biblical Mysteries: Ark of the Covenant

Biblical Mysteries: Ark of the Covenant

What ever happened to the Ark of the Covenant? Follow Biblical scholar Mike Sanders on a journey through the Middle East region to trace this lost Jewish treasure.

Nataly Fish

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