
The Consequence

The Consequence

Story about a struggling farmer from Haiti struggle to fit in the US lifestyle culture as he constantly runs to into trouble.

Nataly Fish

The Consequence

The Consequence

A short film by CHRZU (Christer Lindström).

Nataly Fish

The Crossing: Consequences of the Truth

The Crossing: Consequences of the Truth

In 2022 as Russia launched a full-scale invasion against Ukraine, Gheorghe Ignat, a Romanian wrestling champion, found himself a neighbour to one of the greatest humanitarian crises since World War II. As the war continues, Ukrainian children have started disappearing from orphanages around the country.

Nataly Fish

The Age of Consequences

The Age of Consequences

'The Hurt Locker' meets 'An Inconvenient Truth', THE AGE OF CONSEQUENCES investigates the impacts of irreversible climate change, resource scarcity, mass migration, and pandemic conflict through the lens of US national security and global instability.

Nataly Fish

Les Conséquences de l'amour

Les Conséquences de l'amour

Lugano, Suisse. Titta Di Girolamo est un homme discret et renfrogné qui vit depuis près de dix ans dans une modeste chambre d'hôtel, prisonnier d'une routine atroce, apparemment sans but. Son passé est un mystère, personne ne sait ce qu'il fait dans la vie, il répond évasivement aux questions indiscrètes. Quels secrets cache cet homme énig..

Nataly Fish

The Consequences

The Consequences

Since Fabiola saw her husband die in a diving accident, nothing has been the same again. Tired of not getting better, she decides to self-prescribe an unconventional therapy: together with her dad and her teenage daughter, she travels to a house her family owns in a small volcanic island. During this time of coexistence, each of them tries to prot..

Nataly Fish

The Windy City / Consequences: Double Feature

The Windy City / Consequences: Double Feature

Dramatic reunions rule in this intense double feature. In Windy City, James Black, Victor Mack and Anthony Griffin play old friends who revisit former haunts during a gathering of their high school class. Soon, the lies they buried long ago resurface, threatening the present. In Consequences, friends reunite to discover that although they're now ve..

Nataly Fish

Paranormal Consequences: The Bottom of the Stairs

Paranormal Consequences: The Bottom of the Stairs

After a haunting first night, a team of paranormal investigators return to a terrifying asylum to film for their followers. Little do they know the shadows hold a secret and it's coming for them. Their footage had been lost... until now.

Nataly Fish

Years Later: The Unbelievable Truth and Its Consequences

Years Later: The Unbelievable Truth and Its Consequences

A series of impromptu interviews with Hal Hartley, Adrienne Shelly, and some of Hartley's other most frequent collaborators on his style, career, and process.

Nataly Fish

The Truth or Consequences of Delmas Howe

The Truth or Consequences of Delmas Howe

Delmas Howe is an artist who was born in the colorfully named town of Truth or Consequences, NM, once a wide-open sin city favored by cowboys on the trail and now home to a community of stubborn individualists. While Howe first made his name with classical depictions of life in the American West, after he came out as a gay man, he began a series of..

Nataly Fish

The Sky Oscillates Between Eternity and Its Immediate Consequences

The Sky Oscillates Between Eternity and Its Immediate Consequences

Two protagonists in a future smart city show how the city runs on controlling time by exploiting and selecting life cycles of organisms, including humans, and environments as a whole.

Nataly Fish

Extreme Consequences: The Reality of Prison Life

Extreme Consequences: The Reality of Prison Life

A compelling look at the choices that lead to incarceration and the reality of being locked up in Pelican Bay State Prison.

Nataly Fish

The Long Term Consequences of Smoking

The Long Term Consequences of Smoking

Josh loses heat in his house and with his girlfriend.

Nataly Fish

Les résultats du féminisme

Les résultats du féminisme

L’employé d’une boutique de chapeaux doit livrer une commande, et en chemin, subit les assauts de plusieurs femmes. Dans ce monde à l'envers, l'émancipation féminine a rebattu les rôles stéréotypés masculin/féminin. Très efféminés, ces messieurs s'occupent du ménage et des enfants, tandis que, dominatrices, les dames fréquentent l..

Nataly Fish

La conséquence

La conséquence

En prison, Martin Kurath, acteur quadragénaire homosexuel, rencontre Thomas Manzoni, 17 ans, le fils d’un surveillant lors de la création d’une pièce de théâtre. Ils tombent amoureux et emménagent ensemble après la libération de Martin. Afin de mettre un terme à leur relation, le père de Thomas obtient du tribunal l’internement de s..

Nataly Fish

The Consequence

The Consequence

Nataly Fish

SPL II - Un temps pour les conséquences

SPL II - Un temps pour les conséquences

Après avoir arrêté le gangster Hong dans une opération d'infiltration, Kit, un flic dur à cuire, est capturé par les hommes de Hong et se réveille en prison en Thaïlande, condamné à l'emprisonnement à vie. En garde à vue, Hong propose un accord avec Wah, le supérieur de Kit, pour échanger sa liberté contre celle du policier. Chai, un..

Nataly Fish



Andrej, un jeune délinquant, est placé dans un centre de détention pour mineurs. Il y fait la rencontre de Zelko, un chef de gang pour qui il voue une véritable fascination. Conscient de l’emprise qu'il exerce sur Andrej, Zelko le pousse à commettre des délits de plus en plus graves qui pourraient avoir des conséquences irréversibles...

Nataly Fish



Des secrets remontent à la surface quand une rencontre torride et un crime imprévu viennent compliquer la vie de deux amis pris dans un triangle amoureux.

Nataly Fish

Consequences Of Any Kind

Consequences Of Any Kind

Lena and Rita are friends but they act like it’s something more. What do they want from each other and what do they really feel? The lack of clarity between them will have its consequences.

Nataly Fish

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