
The Young Lovers

The Young Lovers

A young employee of the British State Department falls in love with the daughter of a top Russian diplomat, much to the panic of their respective countries' officials, who suspect espionage. The cast includes David Knight, Odile Versois, Theodore Bikel and David Kossoff.

Nataly Fish

The Young Lovers

The Young Lovers

A carefree college student has to face up to responsibility when his girlfriend announces she's pregnant.

Nataly Fish

Les Jeunes Amants

Les Jeunes Amants

Shauna, 70 ans, libre et indépendante, a mis sa vie amoureuse de côté. Elle est cependant troublée par la présence de Pierre, cet homme de 45 ans qu’elle avait tout juste croisé, des années plus tôt. Et contre toute attente, Pierre ne voit pas en elle “une femme d’un certain âge”, mais une femme, désirable, qu’il n’a pas peur ..

Nataly Fish

The Peony Pavilion Young Lovers' Edition

The Peony Pavilion Young Lovers' Edition

April 2024 marks the 20th anniversary of the film "Youth Edition of Peony Pavilion". It was authorized by the Hong Kong film company and presented on the big screen for the first time at the 14th Beijing International Film Festival, with the approval of Mr. Bai Xianyong. During the Southern Song Dynasty, Du Bao, the prefect of the Southern Song Dyn..

Nataly Fish

Young Lovers

Young Lovers

Nataly Fish

Eureka Seven - Le film

Eureka Seven - Le film

Avril 2009 : La terre est envahie par une forme de vie extra-terrestre connue sous le nom de Image. 2054, La guerre fait rage depuis 45 ans maintenant et le Gouvernement Central du Peuple (GCP) suggère que la fin de l'humanité n'est plus qu'une question de temps. Il décide donc de sélectionner 2000 personnes qui vivrons dans un vaisseau nommé ..

Nataly Fish

The Young Lover

The Young Lover

Jung-yub is besotted with his stepdaughter Yun-hee and their relationship goes beyond father-daughter boundaries. Yun-hee seeks to escape her father's shadow and biology teacher Eun-woo is her only ray of hope. She tries to take their relationship beyond that of student-teacher. Eun-woo is reluctant at first but soon falls for Yun-hee.

Nataly Fish

Young Lovers

Young Lovers

A new guy who falls in love with a girl he meets, loses his memory when she accidently hit him with her car; the doctor advices his father to repeat the same day over and over for his son so that he can get back his memory.

Nataly Fish

Young Lovers

Young Lovers

In the vein of "Romeo And Juliet", Hong Kong style, the small ensemble cast and little-known director Michihko do a big league job with their rendition of "Romeo And Juliet" in "The Young Lovers". Although poor boy (Derek Erh Tung-Sheng) and rich girl (Yu An-An) are from opposite ends of the spectrum, their undying love refuses to let anyone get in..

Nataly Fish

Young Lovers

Young Lovers

The story of a young couple deeply in love with each other but, because of complications and misunderstandings created by the people surrounding them, they find it very difficult to achieve happiness.

Nataly Fish

Young Lovers on Flying Wheels

Young Lovers on Flying Wheels

Forced to choose between the woman he loves and the dangerous, fast-paced life of motorcycles, what will our hero do? Will he toss the bike aside and pick the girl? Or will he leave the girl in favor of the bike? Or is there a chance for some sort of compromise?

Nataly Fish

Faire face

Faire face

Après un travail acharné, une jeune danseuse touche à la consécration. Brusquement malade et paralysée, elle est forcée de renoncer à son métier...

Nataly Fish

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