
L'Homme au complet blanc

L'Homme au complet blanc

Jeune chimiste diplômé de Cambridge, Sidney Stratton survit en travaillant comme manutentionnaire dans le textile. Il n'a pas enterré son ambition et élabore dans le plus grand secret un tissu révolutionnaire. Un jour enfin, l'industriel Alan Birnley l'embauche pour exploiter ses véritables capacités... Les ennuis commencent.

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Revisiting The Man in the White Suit

Revisiting The Man in the White Suit

Director Stephen Frears, film historian Ian Christie, and author and British film historian Richard Dacre discuss the unique qualities of The Man in the White Suit as well as the legacy of its director, Alexander Mackendrick.

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The White Suit

The White Suit

A sergeant officer lives a life of a loner, reads literary classics and dreams about acting. On his journey by train, he madly falls in love with a prostitute, but her pimp - another passenger on a train - is not willing to let her go, which makes their destiny tragic.

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Miracle of the White Suit

Miracle of the White Suit

Seven year old Marcos' only illusion is to have his First Communion in a white suit.

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Tweedledum's White Suit

Tweedledum's White Suit

In this play on the symmetry of black and white, Robinet leaves home in his bright new suit for a stroll through a blackening industrial landscape. (MoMA)

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A White Warrior in a Black Suit

A White Warrior in a Black Suit

Portrait of Ivan Kramberger, Slovenian presidential candidate, who was assasinated in 1992.

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Blanche Neige, la suite

Blanche Neige, la suite

Résumons-nous. Blanche-Neige a été ressuscitée d'un smack par le Prince Charmant. Sur ce, ils se marièrent, furent heureux et eurent beaucoup d'enfants. Fin de l'histoire. Ce qui est, admettons-le, un peu hâtif. Reprenons. Ils se marient. Et puis après ? Après, une pseudo Bonne Fée plus très fraîche rapplique dare-dare dans le paysage...

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The Sticky White Skin

The Sticky White Skin

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