
Les Guetteurs

Les Guetteurs

Perdue dans une forêt, Mina trouve refuge dans une maison déjà occupée par trois personnes. Elle va alors découvrir les règles de ce lieu très secret : chaque nuit, les habitants doivent se laisser observer par les mystérieux occupants de cette forêt. Ils ne peuvent pas les voir, mais eux regardent tout.

Nataly Fish

The Watcher

The Watcher

Après avoir souffert d'un tragique décès, un couple achète un motel dans le désert, mais découvre qu'une série d'événements dérangeants et inexpliqués ont pris place dans l'une des chambres les plus demandées.

Nataly Fish

The Watchers

The Watchers

The small town of Little Park, South Jersey is rattled when a girl slaughters her friends after a seance one evening. Weeks later, with the suspect locked in a psych hospital, murders and abductions begin to occur.

Nataly Fish

The Watchers

The Watchers

Teenager Julie begins to experience strange visions and hearing voices.

Nataly Fish

The Watchers

The Watchers

After several strange encounters a man begins to question his own sanity in search of what he believes is the truth.

Nataly Fish

The Watchers

The Watchers

Solar flares erupt from the sun - headed for earth - and giant meteors rain down on the planet. Meanwhile, a young girl is dreaming it all before it happens. Or is she? A sci-fi thriller shot in beautiful New Zealand.

Nataly Fish

Le Trône de Fer: The Last Watch

Le Trône de Fer: The Last Watch

Un documentaire retraçant le tournage de la huitième et dernière saison de Game of Thrones.

Nataly Fish

The Watcher

The Watcher

Ex-agent du FBI à Los Angeles, Joel Campbell a passé huit ans de sa carrière à traquer des tueurs en série. L'un d'eux, Griffin, specialisé dans le meurtre des femmes seules, a tenté de le provoquer et de l'entraîner dans un jeu morbide mais Campbell a resisté et s'est fait muter à Chicago.En proie à de douloureuses migraines, il suit un..

Nataly Fish

Watch the Shadows Dance

Watch the Shadows Dance

Un jeune karateka est témoin d'un meurtre perpétré par son maître au cours d'un jeu nocturne. Il tente alors de faire éclater la vérité.

Nataly Fish

The Watchers: Revelation

The Watchers: Revelation

An inexplicable archeological find leads Dr. Peter Kenner to conclude that we are not alone, aliens have visited the Earth in the distant past and have now returned. Struggling to reconcile the evidence with his once held religious views, Peter turns to his uncle, Josh Sanders, a retired scientist and a man of strong Christian faith. Meanwhile, Sar..

Nataly Fish

Watchers 2: Signs in the Heavens and the Earth

Watchers 2: Signs in the Heavens and the Earth

Why are the nations of the world in turmoil? What is happening with the sun and the moon? Why is it that birds are dropping out of the air dead, and why have fish numbering into the millions suddenly died without explanation? Why are there sinkholes of gigantic proportions appearing all over the earth, and what are the Torah Codes saying about the ..

Nataly Fish

The Watchers: The Beginning of Sorrows

The Watchers: The Beginning of Sorrows

A woman searches for her younger sister who vanished into thin air from her bedroom and is pursued by the same supernatural force that snatched the child.

Nataly Fish

Watchers 4: On the Edge

Watchers 4: On the Edge

L.A. Marzulli continues with Dr. Leir's latest implant tests, and on to Texas where we probe into the Nephilim. The latest Torah Codes, as well as an exclusive interview with Jonathan Daniels from the Knesset, and finally -- what it is like to die and go to hell?

Nataly Fish

Watchers of the Sky

Watchers of the Sky

Five interwoven stories of remarkable courage from Nuremberg to Rwanda, from Darfur to Syria, and from apathy to action.

Nataly Fish

The Watcher's Woods

The Watcher's Woods

A documentary filmmaker and his crew break into a crime scene only to come face to face with a mysterious old man.

Nataly Fish

Dark Watchers: The Women in Black

Dark Watchers: The Women in Black

More and more UFO sightings occur every day. Across the globe people are losing time, friends and loved ones disappear, while the Men in Black are perpetually lurking in the background. In a sleepy seaside village, three women search the skies for a sighting of a UFO that is repeatedly haunting the area. Every day they venture out until one day the..

Nataly Fish

Watchers 3: Fingerprints of the Supernatural

Watchers 3: Fingerprints of the Supernatural

Watchers series continues with new topics. - The Two Suns - Moon Update - The Torah Codes - Alien Implant Update - The Unexplained - Ancient Texts - The Arab Spring - The Hopi Indian Prophecies - The Shroud of Turin

Nataly Fish

The Volcano Watchers

The Volcano Watchers

A 1987 program examining the work of Maurice and Katia Krafft, who studied and filmed volcanoes around the world before their deaths in a 1991 volcanic explosion. Scenes include a lake of molten lava in Central Africa; an eruption in Iceland; an evacuated school being devoured by Mount Etna.

Nataly Fish

The Court Watchers

The Court Watchers

The Court Watchers is a short film about the importance of court watching.

Nataly Fish

The Storm Watchers

The Storm Watchers

The play The Storm Watchers was originally written as a short piece to be part of a pageant in the late Sixites in Stromness. The work was later performed in its own right with some additions. A powerful and poetic piece, the drama presents the lives, anxieties, regrets, fears and memories of women as they they deal with the waiting and the after..

Nataly Fish

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