
The Trial

The Trial

Joseph K. awakes one morning, to find two strange men in his room, telling him he has been arrested. Joseph is not told what he is charged with, and despite being "arrested," is allowed to remain free and go to work. But despite the strange nature of his arrest, Joseph soon learns that his trial, however odd, is very real, and tries desperately to ..

Nataly Fish

The Trial

The Trial

After the horrific death of his wife and two sons, suicide seems to be the only escape for small town attorney Kent "Mac" McClain... until he's assigned a capital punishment case that begins to transform his life and those around him forever.

Nataly Fish

Le Labyrinthe : La Terre brûlée

Le Labyrinthe : La Terre brûlée

Thomas et les autres Blocards vont devoir faire face à leur plus grand défi, rechercher des indices à propos de la mystérieuse et puissante organisation connue sous le nom de WICKED. Or le monde qu’ils découvrent à l’extérieur du Labyrinthe a été ravagé par l’Apocalypse. Leur périple les amène à la Terre Brûlée, un paysage de d..

Nataly Fish

The Trial

The Trial

Full coverage of The Trial of Tim Heidecker in which Tim Heidecker stood accused of 20 counts of 2nd degree felony murder against The Electric Sun 20.

Nataly Fish

The Trial

The Trial

A mentally-challenged guy was put into trial after allegedly raping his teacher. And as Amanda, Julian, and Ronald try to mount a convincing defense, they discover soon that they're all connected in more ways than just the case.

Nataly Fish

Les Sept de Chicago

Les Sept de Chicago

Quand la manifestation pacifique a dégénéré en affrontement violent avec la police, elle a donné lieu à l'un des procès les plus retentissants de l'histoire du pays.

Nataly Fish

The Trial

The Trial

The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) is under more fire than ever in its continued attempts to save money. For 55-year-old Sean, every call means another hoop to jump through to prove his disability.

Nataly Fish

The Trial

The Trial

A single mother tries to escape her captor, a sinister doctor, as she drifts in and out of reality.

Nataly Fish

The Trial

The Trial

Joseph K. stands before the judgement of the law and demands to know: "Of what crime have I been accused?"

Nataly Fish

The Trial

The Trial

The murderer is caught! How will his trial pan out?

Nataly Fish

The Trial

The Trial

In this comic and gripping reimagining of Franz Kafka’s The Trial, from Proper Job Theatre and Chris O’Connor, we explore the world of big data, public shaming and the nature of guilt. This satirical, absurdist take on today’s world will have you laughing and terrified in equal measure, and ultimately the very idea of justice is put on trial,..

Nataly Fish

The Trial

The Trial

Alka Pradhan, James Connell and Sterling Thomas are lawyers for Ammar al-Baluchi, one of the five men facing the death penalty for plotting the 9/11 terrorist attacks. THE TRIAL provides a window to reflect on the impact of a rarely seen part of the war on terror: a lack of accountability for the legacy of torture and the build-up to the largest cr..

Nataly Fish

The Trial

The Trial

Part of paraconsistent sequence series. “A paraconsistent logic allows inconsistency without absurdity.” The works in this subcollection contain contradictions of time and place, reorganizations of past, present and future.

Nataly Fish

The Last Trial

The Last Trial

Un drame de la vie réelle se déroule sur la scène censée être le théâtre de la soirée d'ouverture d'une comédie musicale ... Les gens, qui se dirigeaient vers une célébration joyeuse et lumineuse, sont en face de la mort. Ils deviennent des otages, ils passent une terrible épreuve en préservant leur dignité humaine et leur courage. Le..

Nataly Fish

Le Procès de l'incroyable Hulk

Le Procès de l'incroyable Hulk

David débarque dans une ville contrôlée par l’homme d’affaires véreux Wilson Fisk, alias Le Caïd. Dans un métro, David est témoin d’une tentative de viol et il devient Hulk. Redevenu normal, il est mis en prison et accusé de la tentative de viol. Il sera aidé par l’avocat Matt Murdock alias Daredevil. Durant le procès, David se tr..

Nataly Fish

The Trial : The state of Russia vs Oleg Sentsov

The Trial : The state of Russia vs Oleg Sentsov

Août 2015, une salle du tribunal de Rostov-Don. Un homme regarde à travers les barreaux de sa cage, ses yeux révèlent que ses nerfs sont sur le point de lâcher. Aujourd'hui il va connaître la sentence à laquelle il doit se soumettre : 20 ans de prison en Sibérie pour terrorisme.

Nataly Fish

The Trial

The Trial

An experimental short featuring people and nails.

Nataly Fish

Le Diable pour alibi

Le Diable pour alibi

À l'aide de reconstitutions et de vidéos amateurs, ce documentaire dramatique étudie le cas de possession présumée d'un jeune garçon… et le meurtre brutal qui en a découlé.

Nataly Fish

American Traitor: The Trial of Axis Sally

American Traitor: The Trial of Axis Sally

L'histoire vraie de Mildred Gillars alias "Axis Sally", une actrice américaine qui s'est installée dans les années trente en Allemagne nazie. Elle anime une émission de radio à destination des troupes anglo-saxonnes afin de saper leur moral et de diffuser un discours antisémite et hostile au président en place, Franklin D. Roosevelt.

Nataly Fish

The Kane Files: Life of Trial

The Kane Files: Life of Trial

Scott Kane (Drew Fuller), a man with a checkered past is trying to live a clean life. When his son Owen falls ill, Kane finds his only option is to turn to Daniel Morgan (William Atherton), the local kingpin of the criminal underworld. Morgan offers to help Kane's family, but double-crosses him. When Morgan tries killing Kane by employing a dirty c..

Nataly Fish

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