


En Australie, Dawn et Peter vivent heureux avec leurs quatre enfants à l'ombre de leur gigantesque figuier. Lorsque Peter meurt brutalement, chacun, pour continuer à vivre, réagit à sa manière. Simone, la petite fille de 8 ans, croit que son père vit à présent dans l'arbre. Un jour, elle initie Dawn à son secret... Peu à peu Dawn retrouve..

Nataly Fish

Under the Tree

Under the Tree

Atli est expulsé de chez lui par sa petite amie. Alors qu'il lutte pour obtenir le droit de revoir sa fille, il doit faire face au conflit qui déchire ses parents et leurs voisins au sujet d'un grand et bel arbre.

Nataly Fish

My Brother Is Above the Tree

My Brother Is Above the Tree

L’histoire du jeune homme introverti Alaa, qui mène une vie saine et organisée, mais l’arrivée de son jumeau, Bahaa, dont il ignorait l’existence, bouleverse sa vie.

Nataly Fish

The Tree

The Tree

An apple tree set on a rural ridge, is where we glimpse the boy mature, fall in love, go to war, return with his own son, and finally pay his last respects as a very old man who has seen too much change.

Nataly Fish



Dans un monde desertique, un vieil homme passe ses journées à recueillir des gouttes d'eau pour étancher la soif d'un arbre mort.

Nataly Fish

The Tree

The Tree

Constructed from the wood of the Tree of Knowledge, The House moves through time and space, manifesting evil. Step inside its walls in this anthology series celebrating the horror storytelling tradition, from matinee chills to otherworldly terror.

Nataly Fish

The Tree

The Tree

A directionless and emotionally scarred young man kidnaps his niece, the daughter of his sister with whom he has a difficult past.

Nataly Fish

The Tree

The Tree

We see a tree in the place where nothing can ever grow, combined with the sound that I recorded near a power plant under electricity lines, where you can never meet anyone, but you can hear voices of predators that are supposed to scare away birds.

Nataly Fish

The Tree

The Tree

Nataly Fish

The Tree

The Tree

Low and hungover, Rebecca finds herself fighting off her ex-girlfriend Vivian, who has turned up to claim the apple tree they had planted in Rebecca’s backyard.

Nataly Fish

The Tree

The Tree

The Tree provides a unique take on common critiques of our wasteful Western culture. Follow the life of a little pine tree, groomed for Christmas, from its uneventful planting to its untimely death. Wilson’s short urges greater consideration, compassion, and respect for the natural world.

Nataly Fish

The Tree

The Tree

The tree here is an ancient American Elm standing in Tompkins Square Park in New York. It’s named 'The Hare Krishna Tree' because an Indian spiritual leader founded the International Society for Krishna Consciousness nearby. Meticulously edited, frame by frame, the tree comes to life, more than 40 years after the images were shot.

Nataly Fish

The Tree

The Tree

A quietly curious animated short film about a single dead tree and the cycle of life that depends upon it.

Nataly Fish

The Tree

The Tree

Inspired by an actual friendship between the director's mother and his mother's best friend, 'The Tree' is a poignant, heart-warming story about an 88 year-old widow (Dorothy Thorp) who takes a road trip from Wamego, Kansas, back to Terre Haute, Indiana, to visit her oldest and dearest childhood friend.

Nataly Fish

The Tree

The Tree

A weary man struggles through an arid world, desperate for food, until he finds a distant apple tree.

Nataly Fish

When the Trees fall

When the Trees fall

Dans un village reculé à l’ère post-soviétique, Larysa est amoureuse de Scar, jeune délinquant au charme fou. Lorsqu’il part pour la ville, elle est contrainte d’adopter le mode de vie traditionnel qu’elle avait toujours refusé. Mais Vitka, sa cousine rebelle âgé de 5 ans, détient un secret susceptible de changer le destin de tous ..

Nataly Fish

The Tree of Life

The Tree of Life

Dans le Texas des années 50, Jack, âgé d'une dizaine d'années, grandit entre un père autoritaire et une mère aimante et généreuse, qui lui donne foi en la vie. La naissance de ses deux frères l'oblige bientôt à partager cet amour inconditionnel, puis à affronter l'individualisme forcené d'un père obsédé par la réussite de ses enfan..

Nataly Fish

The Tree

The Tree

THE TREE is a short film about an old man that has dementia who is given £150 by his carer to pay his council tax but instead finds himself drawn to an antique movie projector he spies in a charity shop, asking price £150. He buys the projector, takes it home and discovers a film left inside. He runs the film entitled THE TREE and becomes so engr..

Nataly Fish

The Wishing Tree

The Wishing Tree

Cinq enfants vivant aux abords d'une forêt joignent leurs forces pour sauver un arbre magique menacé d'abattage et trouver le chemin du bonheur.

Nataly Fish

The Song of the tree

The Song of the tree

Dans un village au cœur du Kirghizistan, le jeune Esen tombe amoureux de Begimai, la fille d’un chef local. Celui-ci devient rapidement son ennemi et multiplie les coups-bas contre le jeune homme. Dans un accès de colère, Esen commet l’irréparable et détruit un arbre vénéré pour ses pouvoirs sacrés. Chassé du village, il emporte Begim..

Nataly Fish

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