
The Student Prince

The Student Prince

A prince has a romance with a barmaid before he must give up personal happiness for duty.

Nataly Fish

The Student Prince

The Student Prince

The Queen's youngest son is off to university, mainly because "I'm hopeless at anything else". Barry, his new bodyguard, has no time for the royal family and left school at fifteen. He certainly didn't volunteer for this job, and is damned if he's going to enjoy it. Yet he can't help liking the hopelessly unworldly young prince, at least, until the..

Nataly Fish

Le Prince étudiant

Le Prince étudiant

Karl Heinrich, neveu et successeur du roi d'un petit pays, se rend à Heidelberg pour ses études et y tombe amoureux. Mais le roi meurt et il est rappelé au trône.

Nataly Fish

Student Prince

Student Prince

Hong Kong movie

Nataly Fish

The Fidelity to A Student's Principle

The Fidelity to A Student's Principle

The concubine devises a plan to take possession of the property of the house. She tries to poison her husband and imprison her son, but the truth is revealed by the army captain who entered the house.

Nataly Fish

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