
The Sky Pilot

The Sky Pilot

Arthur Moore, a missionary preacher, attempts to fit into the cowboy community so he can set up a church in the local saloon. Gwen, daughter of the "Old Timer," is injured in a stampede and loses her ability to walk. Though rejected by the townsfolk, the preacher's wisdom and love are needed if the young girl is to be healed. Shot in 'Vidor Village..

Nataly Fish

The Soul Herder

The Soul Herder

Harry is thrown out of town and on his way across the desert meets a minister and his family; when the man is killed in an Indian raid, Harry takes care of his little daughter, later puts on the minister's frock and reforms a town.

Nataly Fish

Pilot X

Pilot X

Aircraft are being shot down by a large black plane with a big "X" painted on the wing. The chief suspects are invited for the weekend to an old dark mansion.

Nataly Fish

Vainqueur du ciel

Vainqueur du ciel

Vainqueur du ciel raconte la vraie histoire de Douglas Bader, soldat de l’armée de l’air britannique qui parvint à surmonter la perte de ses deux jambes, lors d'un accident de vol en 1931, pour devenir un pilote de guerre victorieux durant la Seconde Guerre mondiale…

Nataly Fish

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