
The Seeker

The Seeker

A daughter's idyllic life is turned upside-down by immense tragedy. As she grows older, her cynicism and apathy towards her new reality is challenged by a reminder from the past that sets her on a pilgrimage that will define her.

Nataly Fish

The Seeker

The Seeker

A lyrical portrait of an excommunicated Amish woodworker struggling with spirituality, poverty, and life as an outcast from his strict, insular community.

Nataly Fish

The Seeker

The Seeker

After reports of an Unidentified Flying Object crashing in the Highlands of Scotland, a quiet and lonely man has an encounter with a strange being. Waking up disorientated he finds himself consumed by an alien impulse which leads him to seek out those closest to him and turn them to his extra-terrestrial will. Look closely and observe your friends ..

Nataly Fish

The Seeker

The Seeker

It's Easyrider with a quadriplegic at the throttle when forty-five year old Evan Somers sets out on a self-reflective odyssey by modified motorcycle seeking answers to the questions of his life.

Nataly Fish

Les Portes du temps

Les Portes du temps

La légende raconte que depuis la nuit des temps, des guerriers immortels, les Grands Anciens, protègent le monde de l'emprise des Ténèbres. Le jeune Will découvre qu'il est le dernier de cette longue lignée et qu'il a une mission à accomplir : lui seul a en effet le pouvoir de voyager dans le temps pour y retrouver des Signes de Lumière.

Nataly Fish

L'Échappée Belle

L'Échappée Belle

Les années ont passé, mais l'amour qui unit Ella et John Spencer est resté intact. Un matin, déterminés à échapper à l'hospitalisation qui les guette, ils prennent la route à bord de leur vieux camping-car et mettent le cap sur Key West. Ils découvrent alors une Amérique qu'ils ne reconnaissent plus… et se remémorent des souvenirs com..

Nataly Fish

Dragon Age : Aube du demandeur

Dragon Age : Aube du demandeur

Dans la contrée d’Orlais, où les batailles se mènent à coup d’épées et de magie, Cassandra, belle et courageuse guerrière, se bat pour stopper une conspiration sanglante qui menace le royaume. Mais accusée à tort de meurtre, elle est prise en chasse tant par ses ennemis que par ses compagnons. Elle devra alors tout faire pour laver son..

Nataly Fish

Les pêcheurs de coquillages

Les pêcheurs de coquillages

Lorsque Penelope Keeling rentre de l'hôpital, ses trois enfants, Nancy, Olivia, et Noel, sont inquiets. Non seulement à l'idée que leur mère vive seule avec son assistante Ellen, mais pour le risque que cela représente pour les très précieux tableaux dont elle a hérité de son père. Consciente de l'avidité de ses enfants ainsi que de sa f..

Nataly Fish

The Legend of Muye: Tomb Seeking Master

The Legend of Muye: Tomb Seeking Master

Pendant la période de la République de Chine, les descendants reclus de Guanshan Taibao ont reçu l'ordre d'enquêter sur une affaire et de résoudre le mystère des "neuf pavillons" de l'ancien palais de Qianji cachés sous le désastre minier.

Nataly Fish

The Seekers

The Seekers

A western set in New Zealand during the 1820s following a group of British pioneers seeking a new life Down Under.

Nataly Fish

The Treasure Seekers

The Treasure Seekers

Cinq enfants à l'imagination débordante tentent par tous les moyens de rétablir la fortune familiale. Persuadés que leur demeure recèle de trésors cachés, ils partent en quête d'une richesse aussi vaste que leurs rêves fantaisistes. Faisant face à la réalité du monde des adultes, ces enfants découvriront bien vite que leur quête elle-..

Nataly Fish

Seekers of the Lost Worlds

Seekers of the Lost Worlds

After receiving a mysterious tablet from an anonymous source, two unlikely adventurers are sent on a quest for the lost continent of Atlantis.

Nataly Fish

The World of the Seekers

The World of the Seekers

While flying to the first stop on their latest tour, the four members of the Australian music group The Seekers recall in flashback the origins of the group and their rise to success.

Nataly Fish

The Pleasure Seekers

The Pleasure Seekers

A trio of gorgeous American tourists hope to find love while vacationing in Spain. Secretary Maggie Williams falls hard for a married newsman named Paul Barton while fighting off the advances of one of his employees. Singer Fran Hobson sets her sights on a handsome European doctor. And coed Susie Higgins receives an unexpected proposal from smooth-..

Nataly Fish

The Real Ghost Seekers

The Real Ghost Seekers

Danny tente de revivre les gloires du passé en essayant de faire revivre son émission de chasse aux fantômes annulée.

Nataly Fish

The Seekers

The Seekers

This follow-up to "The Bastard" and "The Rebels" continues the account of Philip Kent's life and career from his emigration to colonial Massachusetts through the American Revolutionary War and concludes the family saga with the story of his two sons and their children as they arrive in the unexplored Northwest Territory. (Episodes 5 and 6 of the Ke..

Nataly Fish

The Shell Seekers

The Shell Seekers

After a mild heart attack at 63, Penelope Keeling is not ready to be an invalid yet...despite her children's attempts to take control of her life. She's given them everything she could over the years, but now they want Penelope to sell her most prized possession. Torn between the selfish demands of her children and her desire to hold onto cherished..

Nataly Fish

The Seekers

The Seekers

A put-upon shlub is given a mysterious videotape by a mysterious woman. Upon watching the tape, the woman appears and shows him two tales of terror centered on demons and vengeance gone wrong. Then, gore.

Nataly Fish

The Seekers

The Seekers

Immigrants, their American relatives and government officials deal with the stress of living in a post 9-11 world.

Nataly Fish

The Seekers

The Seekers

The quiet life style of Ruth Heck and her brother Lem, who belong to a religious sect called the Seekers, is disrupted when a judge imprisons Lem for a crime he did not commit.

Nataly Fish

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