
The Sand Castle

The Sand Castle

A little boy and his sister forced to spend a day at the beach build a sand castle, to the delight and interest of others. Rich black and white photography collides with a novel fantasy sequence combining color photography, stop motion and cutout animation. Equal parts Jacques Tati, A. Lamorisse and (Hill's perrenial favorite) C. G. Jung.

Nataly Fish

The Sand Castle

The Sand Castle

A family of four is stuck in an idyllic island that hides a shocking reality.

Nataly Fish

Le Vase de sable

Le Vase de sable

Deux détectives enquêtent sur le meurtre d'un policier qui allait prendre sa retraite. Les policiers vont devoir fouiller le passé de cet homme pour découvrir une vérité inattendue et bouleversante…

Nataly Fish

The Sand Castle

The Sand Castle

Trois courts métrages pour retrouver le plaisir de l’émerveillement, d’une poésie narrative et d’une forme de surréalisme animé. Les plus jeunes auront le temps de contempler et de vagabonder dans ces œuvres fragiles racontées en images et simplement accompagnées par la musique.

Nataly Fish

Castles in the Sand

Castles in the Sand

One of the highest achievements of the new wave of Kirghiz cinema, which emerged in the mid-1960s. This story of a boy building sandcastles on the shores of the Issyk-Kul Lake becomes a documentary parable on the tensions between an artist and society.

Nataly Fish

Je suis un château de sable qui attend la mer

Je suis un château de sable qui attend la mer

Julie, a woman in her mid-twenties, comes back to her village after completing her upper studies in the big city. The occupation of a prestigious new job is the reason behind her comeback. At first, Julie is pleased to see her family and her former friends, but a sense of contempt slowly emerges. She has now come to despise everything that she once..

Nataly Fish

Castle of Sand

Castle of Sand

A bruised and battered corpse in Shibuya, Tokyo has the attention of the local cops. A veteran detective is assigned to the case. The last utterance of the victim is one clue that detective Imanishi has to work on. Yet, the case becomes more tangled quickly. Elsewhere, a prodigy named Waga Eiryo is composing an orchestral piece. Remake of The Castl..

Nataly Fish

Castle of Sand

Castle of Sand

What is the dark fate of a young up-and-coming artist who is on the verge of achieving glory? The story depicts the fate of a detective who relentlessly pursues a murder case that seemed to be heading into a labyrinth, and the young man who is the culprit. It was produced and aired on the TV Asahi network on October 1, 1991 (20:02-22:24) as the "E..

Nataly Fish

Château de sable

Château de sable

Au milieu du désert, des soldats protègent une magnifique perle, mais une créature gigantesque va tenter de s’en emparer.

Nataly Fish

Les Châteaux de sable

Les Châteaux de sable

Éléonore vient de perdre son père. Celui-ci lui a légué sa maison en Bretagne, qu'elle doit absolument vendre. Elle demande alors à Samuel, son ancien petit ami de l'y accompagner. Le couple va vivre un week-end riche en surprises et en émotions...

Nataly Fish

A Sand Castle

A Sand Castle

Two boys are on an unplanned vacation by foot. They meet a girl who has nothing but a bikini under her coat. She says her cloths were stolen while she was bathing. She joins their company. They steel cloths for her. There is a little kissing with both but nothing that could make the other jealous. During most of the movie they enjoy minor pleasures..

Nataly Fish

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