
The Reeds

The Reeds

A weekend boating party turns into a nightmare for a group of young Londoners when they stumble upon a terrifying secret hidden in the reeds.

Nataly Fish

In The Reeds

In The Reeds

A man takes a walk into the marsh to see what he might find.

Nataly Fish

Entre les roseaux

Entre les roseaux

De retour en Finlande pour les vacances d’été, Leevi aide son père à restaurer le chalet familial au bord d’un lac. Tareq, un réfugié syrien demandeur d’asile, les aide sur ce chantier. Alors que Leevi trouve refuge dans la littérature de Rimbaud, Tareq tente de se construire une identité dans un monde fait d’inégalités. Loin du r..

Nataly Fish

Le vent dans les roseaux

Le vent dans les roseaux

Eliette, une petite fille de huit ans, vit dans un pays où le roi a interdit la musique. Un troubadour venu d’Orient s’y fait confisquer ses instruments. Mais il est peu enclin à la servitude et rencontre Eliette qui a sculpté en cachette une flûte dans un roseau sauvage. Eliette et le troubadour se lient d’amitié. Ensemble ils vont mene..

Nataly Fish

The Reeds

The Reeds

Set in a village in Anatolia at the foothills of the mountains, portraying the story of the resistance of a young man, Ali, against the domination of landlords and local gangs, striving to win back his wife’s love and affection.

Nataly Fish

Les Roseaux sauvages

Les Roseaux sauvages

1962. La guerre d'Algérie touche à sa fin. Dans le Sud-Ouest de la France, le frère de Serge, soldat, fils de paysans italiens, épouse la première venue pour obtenir une semaine de permission. Le jeune marié songe à déserter et compte sur madame Alvarez, la mère de Maïté, professeur et militante communiste, pour l'aider. Mais il repart e..

Nataly Fish

Zaman - The Man from the Reeds

Zaman - The Man from the Reeds

Zaman is a sweet and sad story about love and devotion, hope and fear. Zaman (Sami Kaftan), and his wife, Najma (Shatha Salim), have built their happy life together in their house of reeds and, though childless, adopted a boy, Yacine (Hussein Imad), orphaned by the 1991 Gulf War. They have lived a quiet, contented existence until Najma falls ill. T..

Nataly Fish

Buddies - In the wind of reeds

Buddies - In the wind of reeds

The film recounts the adventures of three lovable animals, a Viszla, a Dachshund and a northern goshawk. The animals are accidentally taken to the shores of Lake Kis-Balaton, where many surprises and adventures await them. Created in 1958, it is a classic of Hungarian nature film, generations have grown up with it, and today's children still enjoy ..

Nataly Fish

I Was Born in the Reeds...

I Was Born in the Reeds...

Nataly Fish

Bloodsucking Freaks

Bloodsucking Freaks

Maître Sardu a des activités peu orthodoxes. Il anime un petit théâtre marginal où, le soir, se tiennent des spectacles mettant en scène des violences et des tortures. Le public est convaincu que tout cela est truqué. Mais il n'en est rien. Sardu et son âme damnée, le nain Ralphus, enlèvent des jeunes femmes et leur font, en fait, subir d..

Nataly Fish



Hayriye is afraid of the future. Every day, while waiting for his beloved Ali to return from fishing on the long wooden pier, she disappears one day; it is Ali' turn to wait.

Nataly Fish

Reeds and mud

Reeds and mud

Tonet lives an intense love story with Neleta, whom he has known since childhood, but the young man will be forced to leave the Albufera of Valencia and serve in the war in Cuba. During his absence, Neleta marries the rich innkeeper Canyamel. Upon the return of the war, Tonet and Neleta cannot avoid their adulterous relationship, provoking the talk..

Nataly Fish

Reed: Insurgent Mexico

Reed: Insurgent Mexico

A dramatization of John Reed's newspaper accounts of the Mexican Revolution. Considered the first real film in Mexican cinema to be made on the Mexican Revolution.

Nataly Fish

La Rayonne

La Rayonne

A short documentary on the production of rayon, shot in Torviscosa (Italy). It portrays the production of this new synthetic fabric in the small town of Torviscosa, entirely built following strict fascist canons.

Nataly Fish

Screen Test: Lou Reed (Coke)

Screen Test: Lou Reed (Coke)

Andy directs Lou Reed drinking a Coke.

Nataly Fish



A tale of changeless and sad pictures of village’s last days of life, told through prism of a real story.

Nataly Fish

Song of the Reed

Song of the Reed

Nataly Fish

Reed Dance

Reed Dance

Held in the Kingdom of Eswatini, the titular reed dance is an annual ceremony where tens of thousands of unmarried women come to dance in extremely skimpy outfits in front of the king in the hope that he will choose one of them as his next wife.

Nataly Fish



Farocki revisits the executive trainer from his earlier "Die Schulung" (Indoctrination, 1987), this time holding a seminar with ex-GDR employees of a West German construction company.

Nataly Fish

Little Hero of the Reed Marsh

Little Hero of the Reed Marsh

During the War of Resistance Against Japan, there was a boy named Maverick in the northern countryside who, under the leadership of the Party, participated in the struggle against the enemy. Once, Uncle Ma, a traffic officer of the Eighth Route Army, sent information to the guerrillas and encountered devils and puppet soldiers on the way. Maverick ..

Nataly Fish

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