
The Parasite

The Parasite

Arthur Randall becomes prosperous after divorcing his wife, Laura, and she now attempts unsuccessfully to win him back. Randall's son becomes ill, and he engages Joan Laird and her mother to care for the boy. Society misunderstands, and Joan is branded as a parasite. Laura kidnaps the boy, Bertie, and Joan gives chase. Laura's car goes over a cliff..

Nataly Fish

The Parasite

The Parasite

A young couple is terrorized by a seductive psychic woman. A David Lynch Master's in Film thesis, based on the novelette by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.

Nataly Fish

The Parasite

The Parasite

A skeptical professor falls under the spell of a powerful hypnotist.

Nataly Fish

The Parasite

The Parasite

A Parasite in a plastic world escapes from its containment field into a futuristic Legoland

Nataly Fish

The Lake Parasite

The Lake Parasite

Toxic waste runoff from a luxury resort creates a lake monster which wreaks havoc on the exclusive resort town.

Nataly Fish

Parasite Memories: The Making of 'Shivers'

Parasite Memories: The Making of 'Shivers'

"Parasite Memories" is a brand new retrospective piece on the film produced by High Rising Productions with lively contribution from effects artist Joe Blasco, actresses Lynn Lowry and Barbara Steele, actor Allan Kolman, and Canadian critic Kier La-Janisse.

Nataly Fish

The Worker & Parasite Show: Chapter 2

The Worker & Parasite Show: Chapter 2

A hypothetical continuation; an animation based off of a gag from The Simpsons.

Nataly Fish

Parasites Of Profit: The Pandemic of Private Renting

Parasites Of Profit: The Pandemic of Private Renting

Short documentary made under lockdown that looks at the crisis for renters during the pandemic.

Nataly Fish

Parasite Doctor Suzune - Genesis

Parasite Doctor Suzune - Genesis

Douloureuse réminiscence : alors qu'elle n'était encore qu'une petite fille, Suzune Arizono a fui le domicile familial pendant que son père docteur, blessé, était tenu en joue par un inconnu, pour ne jamais le revoir. Aujourd'hui vétérinaire vêtue d'un cuir révélateur, Suzune traque, à l'aide d'une grenouille au flair très particulier q..

Nataly Fish

Parasite Doctor Suzune - Evolution

Parasite Doctor Suzune - Evolution

Après avoir découvert les responsables de la propagation des parasites dans "Parasite Doctor Suzune - Genesis", Suzune, le Docteur Honma et Takaya Kito vont maintenant se heurter à ces immondes crapules. Enfermés dans un local industriel, ils vont lutter pour leur survie et essayer de contrecarrer leurs plans innommables. L'avenir de l'humanit..

Nataly Fish



Toute la famille de Ki-taek est au chômage. Elle s’intéresse particulièrement au train de vie de la richissime famille Park. Mais un incident se produit et les deux familles se retrouvent mêlées, sans le savoir, à une bien étrange histoire…

Nataly Fish

The Parasite

The Parasite

Two linear characters typical of Émile Cohl are situated in the same frame, in different coloured rectangles making up their respective settings. One is good, the other is bad and lives off the first.

Nataly Fish

The Parasite

The Parasite

After a long absence from St. Petersburg, a young landowner Yeletskaya comes to her estate with her husband.

Nataly Fish

The Midnight Parasites

The Midnight Parasites

A night when parasites of various green forms devour humans. A cruel food chain that never ceases, and an eternal repetition of life and death. A grotesque and strange parable drawn by Yoji Kuri. Isao Tomita's synthesizer music echoes quietly and eerily.

Nataly Fish

Horror!! Three Sisters in the Parasite House

Horror!! Three Sisters in the Parasite House

Yoriko wanders in a forest and ends up in a mansion where a man who studies parasites and his three daughters live. Yoriko learns from the girls' mother that she looks exactly like her, and she is asked to work as a housekeeper and begins living at the mansion, but...

Nataly Fish

The Elderly Parasite or Who Is Marko Brecelj?

The Elderly Parasite or Who Is Marko Brecelj?

How do you describe Marko Brecelj? The author of the documentary, Janez Burger, got away by saying: “Marko Brecelj is poetry. Poetry that is life. And poetry cannot be put in words other that verse.” Marko Brecelj is a point of convergence for the self-centred world of pop culture.

Nataly Fish

The Faculty

The Faculty

Herrington High est une école comme les autres. Ses murs sont devenus peu à peu crasseux, ses manuels scolaires périmés, ses professeurs paraissent usés bien avant la retraite, ses élèves, cerveaux et crétins, sérieux ou cancres notoires, affrontent des parents qui ne les comprennent plus et des professeurs qui ne les ont jamais compris. M..

Nataly Fish

Parasite in Love

Parasite in Love

A man named Kengo Kosaka is germaphobe, Due to his disorder, he is also a lonely young man. Meanwhile, high school student Hijiri Sanagi has Ommatophobia. Both Kengo Kosaka and Hijiri Sanagi do not expect to find love with another person.

Nataly Fish

Sexual Parasite : Killer Pussy

Sexual Parasite : Killer Pussy

Une équipe d’explorateurs se retrouve sur les berges de la rivière Amazone et découvre un spécimen de poisson-reptile à priori inconnu.

Nataly Fish



2022, des pannes de système mystérieuses obligent l'équipage d'un vaisseau spatial à échouer sur la face non éclairée de la Lune, en tombant rapidement en panne de carburant et d'oxygène. Ils sont surpris de découvrir une navette spatiale de la NASA flottant dans l'espace, et montent à son bord dans l'espoir de récupérer quelques provis..

Nataly Fish

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