
The Master Builder

The Master Builder

Through talent and hard work, Halvard Solness has achieved no small measure of fame and fortune. But the unexpected return of Hilde Wangel to his life threatens to shake the foundations of his success. ATC On Stage|On Screen presents one of Ibsen’s most fascinating and enigmatic works in a new hybrid of theatre and film. In this high quality stu..

Nataly Fish

The Master Builder

The Master Builder

Ibsen's play is the story of Halvard Solness, Master Builder of a town in Norway. Solness is a successful architect but he's afraid of the being surpassed by those younger than himself. The arrival of a young woman called Hilda stirs up memories and feelings with stories of a promise he made her many years ago.

Nataly Fish

The Master Builder

The Master Builder

Halvard Solness is a middle-aged architect whose ruthlessness in his business makes him a hardened individual. Affected by his ambitions are his wife and his colleagues, until a young woman shows up asking for a promised kingdom.

Nataly Fish

The Master Builder

The Master Builder

Famed playwright Henrik Ibsen tells the tale of a master builder in the twilight of his career who reaches for love in response to his work's demise.

Nataly Fish

The Master Builder Manole

The Master Builder Manole

"Meșterul Manole" is a Romanian film that premiered on September 29, 1993, inspired by Lucian Blaga's eponymous dramatic work written in 1927. The story follows the life of the legendary master Manole and his team of builders who are hired to construct a monastery in a remote and inaccessible area. As the construction progresses, Manole faces vari..

Nataly Fish

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