
The Mascot

The Mascot

“The Mascot”, tells the story of an out of work mascot’s spiraling identity crisis.

Nataly Fish

The Mascot

The Mascot

A group of old high school friends are haunted and terrorized by a rival high school mascot that died as a result of their senior prank.

Nataly Fish

La Mascotte de l'Armée

La Mascotte de l'Armée

Pluto, passant devant une base militaire, bave d'envie devant le traitement réservé aux animaux mascottes des régiments, abondamment nourris. Il décide de prendre la place de l'une d'entre elles : un bouc...

Nataly Fish

The Anti-Mascot

The Anti-Mascot

The mid-’80s were a terrible time for the San Francisco Giants. In 1984, the team lost 96 games and finished in last place — but no one on the roster had as horrible an experience as Wayne Doba. That season, the 33-year-old actor was selected to play the Giants’ first mascot. Well, not really a mascot, but an anti-mascot. The “Crazy Crab”..

Nataly Fish

Imagining the Indian: The Fight Against Native American Mascoting

Imagining the Indian: The Fight Against Native American Mascoting

Examining the movement that is ending the use of Native American names, logos, and mascots in the world of sports and beyond.

Nataly Fish

Behind the Mascot

Behind the Mascot

Behind the Mascot will take you inside the stinky, sweaty, hundred and twenty-degree suit as we expose the exhilarating, strange and all-too-often dangerous underbelly of life as a mascot.

Nataly Fish

Lieutenant Daring and the Ship's Mascot

Lieutenant Daring and the Ship's Mascot

In Algiers, brigands throw the lieutenant over a cliff and sailors save him from a flooding cave.

Nataly Fish



A toy stuffed dog has just been sewn together when it hears a young child ask for an orange. The child's mother explains that they have no money, and so she cannot buy any oranges. The dog is then packed up along with a box full of other toys to be sold, but it soon winds up in the street. The dog picks up an orange from a curb side stand, and hope..

Nataly Fish

The Mascot and the Mermaids

The Mascot and the Mermaids

The Mascot and his wife are on an island. When going out to fish, Mascot ends up being enchanted by a mermaid.

Nataly Fish

The Mascot's Marriage

The Mascot's Marriage

The Mascot serenades a lady dog. Another dog that listened and liked the song, wants to imprison Mascot so that he sings in his house.

Nataly Fish

Fétiche en voyage de noces

Fétiche en voyage de noces

A dog's shipboard honeymoon voyage takes a turn for the worse when a fierce storm hits the ship.

Nataly Fish

The Mascot

The Mascot

A disgruntled fast food worker finds himself stuck inside his mascot costume.

Nataly Fish

The Mascot of the Blue Devils

The Mascot of the Blue Devils

An Italian child becomes blind due to an accident with German cavalrymen during an American bombing, but regains his sight thanks to American physicians.

Nataly Fish

The Mascot

The Mascot

On the eve of leaving the informal work sector and being hired, Samuel is haunted by his work instrument: the engineer mascot.

Nataly Fish

Le Dragon des mers : La Dernière Légende

Le Dragon des mers : La Dernière Légende

Lors de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, en Écosse, le jeune Angus MacMorrow découvre un étrange objet qu'il ramène chez lui en cachette : un œuf dont un étrange animal ne tarde pas à sortir et grandit vite. Le secret est difficile à garder, et Angus et Crusoé, nom qu'il a donné à l'animal, vont faire renaître la légende du Loch Ness....

Nataly Fish

JerryMaya's Detective Agency – The Mascot That Disappeared

JerryMaya's Detective Agency – The Mascot That Disappeared

Lasse and Maja investigate the disappearance of a Halloween mascot.

Nataly Fish

Comme des bêtes 2

Comme des bêtes 2

La suite du film d’animation «Comme des bêtes», qui permet de découvrir à nouveau la vie secrète que mènent nos animaux domestiques.

Nataly Fish

Royal Corgi

Royal Corgi

Les aventures de Rex, le chien préféré de Sa Majesté , qui perd son statut de favori et se retrouve perdu dans un chenil aux milieu de chiens abandonnés. Sa quête pour retourner à Buckingham et retrouver les faveurs de la Reine l'amènera à affronter de nombreux dangers mais aussi à rencontrer l’amour.

Nataly Fish

Mia et le lion blanc

Mia et le lion blanc

Mia a 11 ans quand elle noue une relation hors du commun avec Charlie, un lionceau blanc né dans la ferme d'élevage de félins de ses parents en Afrique du Sud. Pendant trois ans, ils vont grandir ensemble et vivre une amitié fusionnelle. Quand Mia atteint l'âge de 14 ans et que Charlie est devenu un magnifique lion adulte, elle découvre l’i..

Nataly Fish

Comme des bêtes

Comme des bêtes

La vie secrète que mènent nos animaux domestiques une fois que nous les laissons seuls à la maison pour partir au travail ou à l’école.

Nataly Fish

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