
Man on the Moon

Man on the Moon

La carrière du comique américain Andy Kaufman, mort en 1984 d'un cancer du poumon. Né à New York en 1949, il débute dans de nombreux cabarets avant de se faire remarquer à la télévision dans la célèbre émission "Saturday Night Live". Il est une des vedettes de la série "Taxi" puis provoque les réactions les plus diverses en montant des..

Nataly Fish

Le Dernier Homme sur la Lune

Le Dernier Homme sur la Lune

Quand l'astronaute d'Apollo, Gene Cernan a atterri sur la Lune en décembre 1972, il a incrit ses traces de pas et les intiales de sa fille sur la poussière lunaire. Il est aujourd'hui prêt à partager son histoire épique mais également profondément personnelle d'accomplissement, d'amour et de perte.

Nataly Fish

The Man on the Moon

The Man on the Moon

A dejected husband exiles himself to the Moon with his cat. He sends back transmissions to Earth.

Nataly Fish

De l'influence des rayons gamma sur le comportement des marguerites

De l'influence des rayons gamma sur le comportement des marguerites

Beatrice Hunsdorfer est une veuve d'une quarantaine d'années. Elle et ses filles, Ruth et Matilda, luttent pour survivre dans une maison délabrée. Beatrice rêve d'ouvrir un salon de thé élégant, mais ne dispose pas des ressources nécessaires pour atteindre son but. Ruth, qui est épileptique, est une adolescente rebelle alors que Matilda es..

Nataly Fish

First Man on the Moon

First Man on the Moon

Neil Armstrong's family and friends, many of whom have never spoken publicly before, tell the story of the first man to set foot on the moon. Drawing heavily on unbroadcast archive footage and the unique perspectives of the contributors, this is an exclusive account of Neil Armstrong's extraordinary life story. From his childhood during America's ..

Nataly Fish

Man on the Moon

Man on the Moon

Keisha communicates with her reclusive dad through books, letters and symbols. But when the letters stop coming she is forced to venture into his world. This truth-infused narrative sees the protagonist follow a trail of breadcrumbs that lead her to a number of check-points: cultural displacement, religious confusions, political paranoia, misplaced..

Nataly Fish

moon on the man

moon on the man

An inquiry into the nature of man's reality.

Nataly Fish

A Man on the Moon

A Man on the Moon

The narrator tells the story of a boy named Adam who, since childhood, has lived in a mysterious and old inn named (Mermaid). Adam falls in love with his playmate Eve from the early of his childhood, but after Eve reaches adulthood, she leaves the Mermaid inn and her lover, Adam, and turns to prostitution. In this mysterious inn, Adam meets new and..

Nataly Fish

Man on the Moon: The Epic Journey of Apollo 11

Man on the Moon: The Epic Journey of Apollo 11

Walter Cronkite anchors a CBS news report on the Apollo 11 moon landing, during which astronaut Neil Armstrong became the first human being to set food on the lunar surface.

Nataly Fish

Man on the Moon with Walter Cronkite

Man on the Moon with Walter Cronkite

Relive humankind's incredible accomplishment of walking on the moon in this program that presents highlights of Walter Cronkite and the CBS News Team's comprehensive coverage of the thrilling nine-day Apollo 11 mission. Then, Cronkite reports on the treacherous voyage of Apollo 13, as the brave crew struggles to regain control after an explosion ri..

Nataly Fish

The Man Who Walked on the Moon

The Man Who Walked on the Moon

An astronaut moves to a riverside town in England to enjoy his retirement. His old fame stirs a little scene in the local café but when a moon conspiracy theorist visits the local town, the astronaut's career is thrown into a question.

Nataly Fish

L'homme de la lune

L'homme de la lune

Leyden, Hollande, XIX° siècle. Un jeune étudiant en médecine surprend les activités étranges d’un homme descendu du ciel par une échelle de corde. Il le suit jusqu’à la lune. Comme par un concours de circonstance, une famille a pu survivre depuis des temps immémoriaux coupés du monde à l'intérieur de la lune, qui comme chacun le sai..

Nataly Fish

Jean de la Lune

Jean de la Lune

Jean de la Lune s’ennuie tout seul sur la Lune. Il décide de visiter la Terre. Un jour, il s’accroche à la queue d’une comète et atterrit chez nous. Le Président du Monde, persuadé qu’il s’agit d’un envahisseur, le pourchasse. Pour lui échapper, Jean de la Lune va devoir compter sur les enfants et ses amis…

Nataly Fish

Moon Man

Moon Man

Working as a maintenance crew member on the moon, Duguyue is left behind after the evacuation mission forgets about him. A meteorite then destroys planet Earth, leaving him as the only man left alive in existence.

Nataly Fish

The Man Who Bought The Moon

The Man Who Bought The Moon

A Sardinian fisherman has promised the moon to the woman he loves. And Sardinian men always keep their promises.

Nataly Fish

Man in the Moon

Man in the Moon

A lonely moon inhabitant longs for a visit. When the first lunar mission comes in 1969, he thinks that his dream has come true.

Nataly Fish

The Man with the Glass Eye

The Man with the Glass Eye

A man is found dead in a London hotel. The knife is still firmly stuck in the victim's chest, and Inspector Perkins strangely finds a glass eye in his jacket pocket. Kurt after that a second, mysterious murder happens: A city-famous dancer of the Las Vegas Girls, who perform at the London Odeon Theater, is poisoned. Is there a connection between th..

Nataly Fish

Man from the Moon

Man from the Moon

Triumph and collapse of hope - the whole life of the Russian scientist Nikolai Miklouho-Maclay passes in an instant, at the last moment of earthly existence... Two worlds: the world of civilization and the world of nature exist simultaneously, next to one planet, but it seems that the distance between them is like from Earth to the moon. The film u..

Nataly Fish

Flowers for the Man in the Moon

Flowers for the Man in the Moon

Adam, Evchen, and Manni are looking at the moon through their home-made telescope. Evchen isn't interested, and dismisses the moon as a lump of cheese. Manni, who is a big fan of technology, sees satellites and a car driving over the moon's surface. But Adam hears the moon speak, and hears it ask for flowers to cover its surface. From then on, Adam..

Nataly Fish

Apollo 11: Men on the Moon

Apollo 11: Men on the Moon

The most complete record ever available of this historic mission. This documentary chronicles America's "one giant leap for mankind" from launch to landing with comprehensive footage from the film and videotape records of Apollo 11, the landmark event of man's achievement in the 20th Century. Features all TV transmissions, all 16mm on-board film, m..

Nataly Fish

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