
The Man Next Door

The Man Next Door

Residents of a small town struggle when a paroled rapist moves into the area.

Nataly Fish

The Man Next Door

The Man Next Door

The story to this comedy-drama is based on the book by Emerson Hough, who was experiencing a surge of popularity because his book The Covered Wagon had recently been made into a hit film. Ranchman Colonel Wright sends his daughter Bonnie to an Eastern college to receive an education. She decides to stay in the city and sends for her father, who arr..

Nataly Fish

The Man Next Door

The Man Next Door

A community is shocked to learn that their new neighbor is a convicted sex offender who has been paroled.

Nataly Fish

L'Homme d'à côté

L'Homme d'à côté

Leonardo fait partie des designers en vogue de son pays. Signe évident de sa réussite, il vit avec son épouse Ana et sa fille Lola dans la maison Curutchet, seule maison construite par Le Corbusier en Argentine. Un matin, il est réveillé par un bruit obsédant : comme si on perçait un mur…

Nataly Fish

The Man Next Door

The Man Next Door

Sang-su (Yoon Je-moon) is an ordinary real estate agent with a wife and son. He also has a pretty younger girlfriend, but still brags to friends about his latest one-night stands with other women. Money and sex mean everything to him, but just as he fulfills his dream of driving a Mercedes-Benz, things go awry.

Nataly Fish

The Man Next Door

The Man Next Door

Satire on those who interrupt other peoples' peace and quiet.

Nataly Fish

Next Door Man

Next Door Man

Alkis, a young gay man, is upset when Tonia, his ex-girlfriend, moves in next door to him with her new husband. Her marriage is not going well and she makes a play for Alkis. He rebuffs her but is worried that her next target will be Babis, his boyfriend.

Nataly Fish

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