
Le Candidat de mon cœur

Le Candidat de mon cœur

Hannah Higgins a perdu les élections au Congrès à cause de son attitude d'intellectuelle coincée. Mais peu après sa défaite, son opposant décède et de nouvelles élections sont donc organisées. Ses conseillers lui expliquent que la personne pouvant porter jusqu'à la victoire ses idées devrait être un homme ! Hannah accepte alors de se r..

Nataly Fish

The Makeover

The Makeover

A blood splattered horror-comedy that knows relationships can be messy. Sometimes a new coat of paint is all that's needed to fix it.

Nataly Fish

The Makeover

The Makeover

A mash-up of several classic Disney films, The Makeover is about a woman who spends all of her time cleaning up for her partner until a fairy intervenes.

Nataly Fish

The Makeover

The Makeover

Rodger Keaton is a socially challenged, clinically frigid, computer nerd, desperate single white male. Patricia Bartlett is a ruthless award winning journalist who has found her man. Pitted against overwhelming odds, Hollywood makeover Guru Brad Holloway is blackmailed via the threat of crippling publicity. Brad's challenge is a "mission impossible..

Nataly Fish

The Makeover of Ashton Croyd

The Makeover of Ashton Croyd

In this musical pseudo-documentary, a photographer in Berlin follows a homeless street musician for six months. She does it with the intention of turning him into a star.

Nataly Fish

The Firm: Total Body Makeover - Sculpt-ilates

The Firm: Total Body Makeover - Sculpt-ilates

The FIRM: Total Transformation - Sculpt and Strengthen with Power Yoga

Nataly Fish

Extreme Makeover Weight Loss Edition: The Workout

Extreme Makeover Weight Loss Edition: The Workout

Get up, get moving and start losing with three easy-to-follow workouts created by transformation specialist Chris Powell from ABC's hit show, “Extreme Makeover: Weight Loss Edition." You too can shed unwanted weight using the same exercises that helped people on the show lose hundreds of pounds.

Nataly Fish

The Firm: Total Body Makeover - Cardio Party

The Firm: Total Body Makeover - Cardio Party

The FIRM: Total Transformation - Ideal Figure

Nataly Fish

The Firm: Total Body Makeover - Hardcore Fusion

The Firm: Total Body Makeover - Hardcore Fusion

The FIRM: Total Transformation - Burning and Shaping

Nataly Fish

Brand New You: Makeover Television and the American Dream

Brand New You: Makeover Television and the American Dream

What do popular television makeover programs like What Not to Wear, The Biggest Loser, Queer Eye for the Straight Guy, and The Swan tell us about how to look and feel? What do they tell us about what a good life looks like in contemporary America? This new film based on Katherine Sender's book The Makeover explores these questions against the backd..

Nataly Fish

The Firm: Total Body Makeover - Total Body Time Crush

The Firm: Total Body Makeover - Total Body Time Crush

The FIRM: Total Transformation - Dance, Have Fun and Slimming

Nataly Fish

The Kinsey Sicks: America's Next Top Bachelor Housewife Celebrity Hoarder Makeover Star Gone Wild!

The Kinsey Sicks: America's Next Top Bachelor Housewife Celebrity Hoarder Makeover Star Gone Wild!

A hilarious late-night lampoon of reality TV filmed live over two performances during the Edinburgh Fringe Festival

Nataly Fish

Project Makeover

Project Makeover

La vie de Na Jung-ju, n'est pas du tout celle qu'elle s'imaginait lorsqu'elle était jeune. Elle à aujourd'hui 30 ans, son premier amour devenu super star l'a quitté et en plus de cela, elle n'est qu'une simple assistante dans la mode. Alors qu'un jour elle rencontre Tae-hoon, un ancien camarade de lycée et aujourd'hui devenu PDG, elle se dit q..

Nataly Fish

Virgin Rope Makeover

Virgin Rope Makeover

Pink film from 1979

Nataly Fish

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