
The Lobster

The Lobster

Dans un futur proche, la société ne tolère plus les célibataires. Ceux-ci sont arrêtés et sommés de passer 45 jours maximum dans un hôtel. Là, entre différentes activités, ils doivent rencontrer un ou une élue qu'ils épouseront par la suite. S'ils n'y parviennent pas avant le délai imposé, ils seront transformés en l'animal qu'ils o..

Nataly Fish

Hornblower: The Frogs and the Lobsters

Hornblower: The Frogs and the Lobsters

François de Charette est un général royaliste qui lève une force d'exilés français pour restaurer le roi de France au pouvoir. Il est soutenu par le gouvernement britannique, qui fournit des navires de la Royal Navy pour transporter un corps expéditionnaire combiné de troupes royalistes françaises (les «grenouilles») et un contingent de..

Nataly Fish

The Fresh Lobster

The Fresh Lobster

A man has a surreal nightmare after snacking too late.

Nataly Fish

The Violin and the Lobster

The Violin and the Lobster

Nataly Fish

Lobsteroids, the Movie?

Lobsteroids, the Movie?

Doctor Walter Frobish, a scientist working on his laboratory on an island, discovers with the help of his daughter Phoebe a way to electrically stimulate lobsters, in order to grow their size. One night, a person breaks into the laboratory and injects dangerous steroids into lobsters. The electrical stimulation combined with this injection causes ..

Nataly Fish

The Lobster Circle

The Lobster Circle

A teen named Brian Gregaraki is suffering delusions of grandeur. Meanwhile, his friends Doug and Tom discover that the VCR they just bought for 5 bucks can summon objects from films into the real world.

Nataly Fish

The Lobster Kid

The Lobster Kid

A 13 years old girl who works for a gang as a street vendor. Her dream is to move to a place in the south for pursuit of a better life. One day, when she attempts to secretly get on a train, her boss notices and gets rid of her train ticket. When she feels like there's no way out, she meets a street monk, who begs for money on the street in a vow o..

Nataly Fish

Dolphinman Battles the Sex Lobsters

Dolphinman Battles the Sex Lobsters

Sgt. Kabukiman NYPD contracts a deadly new STD, The Sex Lobsters, and unknowingly spreads it around town while visiting Tromaville's best orgy spots. Only Dolphinman can find the cure and save the day!

Nataly Fish

Invasion of the Space Lobsters

Invasion of the Space Lobsters

When an advanced race of giant lobsters from outer space land on Earth, no one can figure out why they've come. A complete failure to communicate on both ends leads to panic and pandemonium. Why are they here? What do they want? In this clever throwback to the ‘50s B-movie, a small neighbourhood learns the value of clear communication.

Nataly Fish

The Art of Catching Lobsters

The Art of Catching Lobsters

In this extraordinary film shot on the rugged North Cornwall coast, director Jane Darke starts recording her husband Nick's life as a fisherman, beachcomber and playwright. Already recovering from a stroke, Nick is then unexpectedly diagnosed with cancer.

Nataly Fish

The Lobsterman

The Lobsterman

Nataly Fish

In the Grip of the Lobster Claw

In the Grip of the Lobster Claw

Lost Jack Smith film

Nataly Fish

Lobsters in Film - VHS Video Rather than Film: The Pros and Cons

Lobsters in Film - VHS Video Rather than Film: The Pros and Cons

Early T&E video, done for their thesis class. Tim talks lobsters and Eric talks the wave of the future, VHS. With tasteful bonus montage and bird chasing.

Nataly Fish

Last Night at the Lobster

Last Night at the Lobster

The Red Lobster perched in the far corner of a run-down New England mall hasn't been making its numbers and headquarters has pulled the plug. But manager Manny DeLeon still needs to navigate a tricky last shift with a near-mutinous staff. All the while, he's wondering how to handle the waitress he's still in love with, what to do about his pregnant..

Nataly Fish

Le Cri du Homard

Le Cri du Homard

D'origine russe et installée depuis peu en France avec ses parents, Natalia, six ans, attend impatiemment le retour de son frère, Boris, parti combattre en Tchétchénie. Le grand jour est arrivé, mais la fillette doit rapidement déchanter. Cet homme est-il vraiment le frère qu'elle a connu ?

Nataly Fish

Sympathy for the Lobster

Sympathy for the Lobster

The actors of Avanzi reunite after 15 years in Su Pallosu, a small village in Sardinia. They have decided to put together a show to support the cause of the local fishermen who are having great difficulty because of fish depopulation.

Nataly Fish

The Blue Lobster

The Blue Lobster

Surrealist experimental film in which a foreign secret agent called "El Gringo", investigates the presence of radioactivity in some lobsters caught in a fishing village in the Caribbean. While taking a break at the hotel, a cat steals his lobster.

Nataly Fish

Une langouste au petit-déjeuner

Une langouste au petit-déjeuner

Mario est marié à Carla mais est amoureux de Monique. Un soir, où il avait un rendez-vous avec Monique, sa femme rentre à la maison... Il demande alors à son ami Enrico de prétendre être le mari de Monique. Cependant, Carla invite le faux couple à un diner où se trouve Matilde, la réelle femme de Enrico... La soirée peut commencer !

Nataly Fish

Lobster Cop

Lobster Cop

Four police officers open up a lobster restaurant as a cover in order to catch a notorious drug dealer, only to find their secret recipe is more popular than they expect. When they get caught up in their new business venture, they find a bigger conspiracy at work.

Nataly Fish

La Trajectoire du Homard

La Trajectoire du Homard

Ce soir, au Théâtre de la Tempête, c’est la première de « La Trajectoire du homard », création collective mise en scène par Lionel Nakache. Mais une heure avant la représentation, la tension règne partout, aussi bien du côté de Lionel et de ses acteurs que du côté de l’administration et de la technique. Des situations imprévues, ..

Nataly Fish

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