
The Last Secret

The Last Secret

A young man has a secret crush on his teacher and rather than admit his feelings to anyone, he takes his own life. He tells his "last secret" in a suicide note to his sister, because his parents would never understand. The final tragedy occurs when we find that the teacher has a secret crush of his own.

Nataly Fish

The Last of the Secret Agents?

The Last of the Secret Agents?

Marty and Steve, American tourists in France, are given a multipurpose umbrella and pitted against an international band of art thieves. Among the stolen treasures is the Statue Of Liberty.

Nataly Fish

The Last Secrets Of 9/11

The Last Secrets Of 9/11

9/11 led to many advances in forensics science, as detailed in this documentary.

Nataly Fish

La crypte. Le dernier secret

La crypte. Le dernier secret

Le vendredi 13 octobre 1307, l'Ordre du Temple est détruit. Des milliers de ses membres ont été capturés, torturés et tués. De nos jours, Leonor, une jeune enseignante, se réfugie dans un petit village de montagne pour tenter de se remettre de la mort de son mari. "La Loba", une femme étrange, finira par lui révéler la vérité de cette h..

Nataly Fish

Hitler's Last Secrets: Hitler the Drifter

Hitler's Last Secrets: Hitler the Drifter

Drawing upon the often overlooked memoirs of his erstwhile friend Reinhardt Hanisch and revisiting the key sites on his journey, this powerful film traces Hitler’s wilderness years in Vienna and Munich. Using rare archive film and new footage of his boyhood home we follow Hitler’s descent from aspiring art student to homeless drifter living in ..

Nataly Fish

Last Secrets of the Axis

Last Secrets of the Axis

Looks at Hitler's plan for Germany's conquest of Europe and the wealth of secret associations that helped him.

Nataly Fish

Iron Boys 2:  The Last Secret

Iron Boys 2: The Last Secret

This compilation is a slice of life showing us the dramatic side of shorts and a darker side of the rainbow. These 5 films deal with death in one way or another and illustrate a real perspective of what life deals us sometimes. Includes: Blessing (2003); Our Father (2004); Quintessence (2003); The Invitation (2004); The Last Secret (2001).

Nataly Fish

Nazcas, les lignes qui parlaient au ciel

Nazcas, les lignes qui parlaient au ciel

Dans le sud du Pérou, au pied de la cordillère des Andes, les Nazcas ont bâti des cités et tracé un immense réseau de lignes géométriques et de géoglyphes. A qui s'adressaient ces figures énigmatiques uniquement visibles du ciel et quelle était leur signification ? Une équipe d'archéologues venus du monde entier utilisent les dernière..

Nataly Fish

Hitler's Last Secrets: Hitler, himmler and the occult

Hitler's Last Secrets: Hitler, himmler and the occult

The link between Hitler, the esoteric mystical movement of the nineteenth century and the Aryan mythology of the Waffen SS is finally established. See how the surviving snippets of film and documentary evidence prove that Hitler and the Nazi movement were duped by a series of charlatans into creating a framework for a pseudo-religious new world ord..

Nataly Fish

The Lies We Tell but the Secrets We Keep: The Last Lie

The Lies We Tell but the Secrets We Keep: The Last Lie

Obstacles derail Roni and Bri's attempt at a fresh start, but what is done in the dark always come to light.

Nataly Fish

Hitler's Last Secrets: Hitler and the Beer Hall Putsch

Hitler's Last Secrets: Hitler and the Beer Hall Putsch

One of the great ironies of history that Hitler’s first assignment after the Great War was to help the Bavarian army to identify extremist political parties then to infiltrate and report back. One such party infiltrated by Hitler was the tiny German Workers Party. Hitler not only infiltrated the party but he took ownership, wrote a new manifesto ..

Nataly Fish

Hitler's Last Secrets: Fatal Liaison - The Strange Affair of Adolf and Eva

Hitler's Last Secrets: Fatal Liaison - The Strange Affair of Adolf and Eva

The protracted romance between Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun began in 1929 and ended in 1945 in the bunker under the ruins of the Chancellery. Eva was Hitler’s bride for less than 40 hours before she committed suicide.

Nataly Fish

The Last Secret Love

The Last Secret Love

Yeong-kyeong is a famous musician who is seduced by Dong-min. Dong-min wanted a one night fling, but Yeong-kyeong pities him, believing hs story of being trapped in a loveless marriage. Dong-min has no intention of leaving his wife, however she finds out about his affair and leaves him. Dong-min escapes to his uncle's cabin in the mountains, but Ye..

Nataly Fish

Jusqu'à la dernière goutte : les guerres secrètes de l'eau en Europe

Jusqu'à la dernière goutte : les guerres secrètes de l'eau en Europe

Partout dans le monde, la privatisation de l'eau a échoué et nombreuses sont les villes, notamment en France et en Allemagne, qui ont préféré se réapproprier sa gestion. Pourtant, dans une Europe du Sud en crise, les opérateurs publics sont menacés de se la voir retirer. Pourquoi les élites bruxelloises incitent-elles ces pays à privatise..

Nataly Fish

My Last Secret

My Last Secret

An elderly woman decides when to reveal her decision about the inheritance after her passing.

Nataly Fish

Le Secret des Kennedy

Le Secret des Kennedy

Récit des sept jours les plus dramatiques de la vie du sénateur Ted Kennedy, impliqué dans un accident de voiture ayant causé la mort de l'ancienne directrice de campagne de Robert Kennedy, à la veille du premier pas sur la Lune.

Nataly Fish

Kamen Rider Drive: Type LUPIN ~Lupin, The Last Challenge~

Kamen Rider Drive: Type LUPIN ~Lupin, The Last Challenge~

This is a Special DVD episode of Kamen Rider Drive, and the fifth special in the Secret Mission series. This special marks the return and final appearance of Zoruku Tojo as Kamen Rider Lupin after his defeat in Kamen Rider × Kamen Rider Drive & Gaim: Movie War Full Throttle.

Nataly Fish

Les Hommes du Yamato

Les Hommes du Yamato

Le film décrit la très forte camaraderie des marins du cuirassé Yamato, le plus grand navire de guerre jamais construit durant la Seconde Guerre mondiale, qui connut un destin tragique en 1945 lorsqu'il sombra. Après un long entrainement puis ses réparations après la défaite de la bataille du golfe de Leyte, en avril 1945 l'opération Ten-Go..

Nataly Fish



Paul Mansart purge une peine de prison à vie pour avoir participé à l'attentat d'un diplomate au cours duquel trois de ses complices ont été abattus. Dix ans plus tard des meurtres sont commis dans des circonstances etrangement identiques. Les services secrets font alors appel au juge qui avait condamne Mansart et à deux psychologues spécial..

Nataly Fish

The Exam

The Exam

Togashi, an enthusiastic marathon runner and his wife are occupied with their daughter Mayumi's grade school entrance examinations, but he becomes jobless when his company folds. To regain his confidence Togashi decides to join the marathon that is taking place on the very day of his daughter's examination and the all important interview.

Nataly Fish

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