
Casuistry: The Art of Killing a Cat

Casuistry: The Art of Killing a Cat

This documentary scratches its way beneath the surface of an infamous Toronto animal cruelty case, deftly exploring the opaque logic surrounding this macabre act.

Nataly Fish

Curiosity kills the cat

Curiosity kills the cat

Dans un immeuble moderne de la ville de Chongqing, les habitants s’observent les uns les autres. Momo, jeune photographe très curieuse, ZhenG zhong un mari volage et sa femme qui fait face à des événements inquiétants, Sharon la maitresse du mari, qui tient un salon de manicure, et enfin Fendou, l'agent de sécurité de l'immeuble...

Nataly Fish

The Catamount Killing

The Catamount Killing

A banker troubled by both business and personal problems is transferred to a small town. There he meets and seduces an older woman. Together, they decide to pull off a payroll holdup together.

Nataly Fish

Kissan kuolema

Kissan kuolema

In the closed community of a reform school for teenagers, the principal's daughter is found sexually molested. The schoolgirls seem to know more than they are willing to tell.

Nataly Fish

My Neighbour Killed My Cat

My Neighbour Killed My Cat

A personal portrait of director's hometown through his memories and subconsciously made postcards.

Nataly Fish

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