
The Island In Me

The Island In Me

The film follows two women who grew up in the remote atoll of Pukapuka in the Cook Islands and return home after decades away to find the atoll, and themselves, forever changed. Amelia Hokulea Borofsky, the daughter of anthropologist Robert Borofsky who lived in Pukapuka in the mid 1970’s and Johnny Frisbie, a Cook Island legend in her own right...

Nataly Fish

The Distorted Island: Heavy Metal and Community in Puerto Rico

The Distorted Island: Heavy Metal and Community in Puerto Rico

This documentary explores the development and survival of a small, yet highly active, metal scene in the Caribbean island of Puerto Rico. Heavy metal music seems completely out of place in this setting when examined in the context of the island’s culture and history. Still, a local metal scene has existed during the past 30 years despite the chal..

Nataly Fish

Wait For Me, Islands!

Wait For Me, Islands!

Nataly Fish

Tales of Terror: G Men Isolated Island

Tales of Terror: G Men Isolated Island

The latest installment of the popular psychic documentary 'Tales of Terror: G Men' returns. In this film, they infiltrate an isolated island with a volcano in the middle of the ocean.

Nataly Fish

Island of Fire

Island of Fire

Alors qu'il revient d'une mission à l'étranger, l'inspecteur Huang Wei est chaleuresement acceuilli par ses collègues losque se produit un terrible évènement : le chef de la police est assassiné sous leurs yeux. Huang poursuit le meurtrier et le voit s'enfuir à bord d'une jeep... mais quelques mètres plus loin, la voiture explose ! Huang ne..

Nataly Fish

Edgar de la Cambriole: In Memory of the Walther P38

Edgar de la Cambriole: In Memory of the Walther P38

Lupin enquête sur une fausse carte de visite à son nom au cours d'une fête huppée. Un groupe d'assassins, la Tarentule, s'invite à la fête et assassine l'hôte. Zenigata, qui enquête aussi sur la carte, poursuit Lupin mais est blessé par un Walther P38 argenté. Lupin, apercevant l'arme familière, est déterminé à venger non seulement Ze..

Nataly Fish

Dino Mecard the Movie : The Tinysaur Island

Dino Mecard the Movie : The Tinysaur Island

Long before, dinosaurs on Earth disappeared due to asteroid collision. Dinosaurs came to life as small Tinysaurs on an island unknown. While some Tinysaurs like energetic Tricera, naughty Tyranno, sleepyhead Stego are having a great time, playing soccer with acorns, suspicious villains appear and start to threaten the peaceful island of Tinysaur…..

Nataly Fish

The Islands' Message

The Islands' Message

The journey of an intellectual Creole. Before returning from Lisbon to Luanda, he stops in the Cape Verde islands in search of his ethnic and cultural roots.

Nataly Fish

Treasure Island Memorial

Treasure Island Memorial

A short story during Jim's adventure at sea. He encounters a man at a bar who told a tail about a one-legged man. Thinking it's Silver who the man is referring too, Jim later asked him for details. The man told Jim that, near the coast Maratoran, Silver left the ship they were on went to the island on a small boat. Jim, who couldn't go at the time,..

Nataly Fish

Island Memories

Island Memories

In 1755, ten thousand French Canadian settlers were thrown off their land, loaded on ships, and exiled. Island Memories explores the past in a small Acadian community in Nova Scotia where the last survivor of this great deportation is reputedly buried. A lively film full of adventure, people, and history.

Nataly Fish

The Mexican Galapagos Island

The Mexican Galapagos Island

In the middle of the Chihuahuan Desert, there is an archipelago of lagoons that host the oldest organisms living in our planet. Due to the biological diversity that exists in these waters, scientists compare them with the Galapagos Islands. This place is currently under threat.

Nataly Fish

Memories of Whale Island

Memories of Whale Island

Manami's mother died when she was a child. She moves to Okinawa, where her ailing aunt lives and she feels connected with her mother. Manami has always lacked self-confidence, but she becomes more positive after meeting Koa, a Vietnamese researcher following his dreams. But then Koa returns to Vietnam.

Nataly Fish

The Melody of Thousand Islands

The Melody of Thousand Islands

The first Croatian sound feature film. Viennese painter, bound to an oath that will endure whole month without a woman, goes to Adriatic coast to paint, but in Trogir he sees beauty Mira and falls in love with her.

Nataly Fish

Meeting You in Hainan Island

Meeting You in Hainan Island

Qiu Qichen and his friends arrive to Hongshan Village in Hainan. The village is where Li nationality lives, and friends fall in love at first sight with Aya, a Li girl. The three friends try to win Aya's favour, causing a ruckus after another.

Nataly Fish

Les hommes et les oiseaux sur l'île cousin

Les hommes et les oiseaux sur l'île cousin

Right on the middle of the Indian Ocean, in the Seychelles archipelago, there still exists an island where the beaches are not inhabited by men but by birds : Cousin island. More than 250 000 birds live there, among giant tortoises and strange lizards.

Nataly Fish

Cook Islands Maori Medicine

Cook Islands Maori Medicine

Nooroa Baker goes out to collect a few ingredients to create a traditional Māori medicine that holds great Mana within and is at risk of being forgotten forever.

Nataly Fish

Le Continent des hommes-poissons

Le Continent des hommes-poissons

En 1891, après un naufrage dans la mer des Antilles, Claude le Ross, médecin de bord, arrive sur une ile dirigée par un despote, Edmond Rackham. Claude est charge de maintenir en vie un biologiste prisonnier, afin que Rackham puisse poursuivre sa chasse au trésor.

Nataly Fish

Meurtres au paradis

Meurtres au paradis

En voyage en Floride avec son mari, une femme trouve une chaînette de cheville cassée, ignorant qu'elle appartient à une jeune femme portée disparue.

Nataly Fish

The Island of Secrets

The Island of Secrets

It was supposed to be just an ordinary holiday on sunny Kos, but Toni has to rescue a beautiful local girl, a talented free-diver, from the clutches of kidnappers. When it appears that nobody else can be trusted, Toni must reluctantly rely on his step-brothers' assistance.

Nataly Fish

Les Révoltés de l'an 2000

Les Révoltés de l'an 2000

Un couple de touristes anglais arrive sur l'île d'Almanzora, au large de la côte méditerranéenne espagnole, où ils découvrent que dans un petit village de pêcheurs, il n'y a pas d'adultes, seulement des enfants qui les regardent fixement et sourient mystérieusement.

Nataly Fish

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