
The Intrusion

The Intrusion

When a burglar breaks into a man's house, things take an awry and supernatural turn! Throughout the film, audiences will be left helpless as they can only look through the fixed views of security cameras setup around the house.

Nataly Fish

Pardon The Intrusion

Pardon The Intrusion

The story of a housebound woman who forms an important relationship with a troubled teenage runaway.

Nataly Fish

A Misfortunate Intrusion of the Sinister Kind

A Misfortunate Intrusion of the Sinister Kind

An apathetic thief sets his eyes on the unhappy home of an affluent lawyer.

Nataly Fish

The Intrusion of Letters

The Intrusion of Letters

Shuttling through different transportations, several Chinese students wander around different places in Boston, from crowded downtown to calm outskirts. We can see them on the way to somewhere, look like an encounter, a gathering, or a separation will happen to them, then they disappear in the frame. Life seems to be going back to normal, but certa..

Nataly Fish

The Intrusion

The Intrusion

The name of Brazil’s biggest airport, Guarulhos, references the fact that it was built on indigenous territory. In a blend of realistic and stylised scenes, the film follows a member of the ground staff as she seeks her roots beneath the runway.

Nataly Fish

The Intrusion

The Intrusion

A couple tries to dig a freshly buried corpse for its ear. They believe it would bring wealth.

Nataly Fish



Spencer Armacost, astronaute à la NASA et Jillian, sa femme, sont passionnément amoureux l'un de l'autre et la distance qui les sépare au cours des voyages de Spencer semble encore les rapprocher. Or un jour au cours d'une mission spatiale de routine, une explosion survient et le contact entre la navette spatiale et la Terre est rompu pendant de..

Nataly Fish



Francis Watts, "Franny", est riche, beau et célibataire. Alors où est le problème ? Le problème, c'est qu'il a 60 ans et qu'il n'a pas accompli grand-chose. Dans un effort désespéré pour recommencer une nouvelle vie, ce philanthrope drogué aux pilules va s'immiscer dans la vie d'un jeune couple.

Nataly Fish

Broadcast Signal Intrusion

Broadcast Signal Intrusion

À la fin des années 90, un archiviste vidéo déterre une série d'émissions de pirates sinistres et devient obsédé par la découverte de la sombre conspiration derrière elles.

Nataly Fish

Intervention malencontreuse

Intervention malencontreuse

A fighting couple gets interrupted by the landlady.

Nataly Fish

The invader

The invader

Lorsque la capsule spatiale Viking revient soudainement sur Terre après un long périple sur Mars. Mais elle ramène avec elle un extra-terrestre doué d'une certaine intelligence...

Nataly Fish



Based on The Max Headroom Incident, Intrusion follows four friends as they attempt to hijack television.

Nataly Fish



Nataly Fish



Experimental short film.

Nataly Fish



In what seemed to be another normal day at work, Simão receives a strange phone call.

Nataly Fish



How an intruder turns to violence when meeting curiosity.

Nataly Fish

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