
The Helicopter

The Helicopter

The tiny toy helicopter which all the little mice didn't think was worth bother with, comes to the rescue of a mouse that has been trapped by the cat. The helicopter saves the day and becomes a mouse-hero icon.

Nataly Fish

The garbage helicopter

The garbage helicopter

Somewhere in Sweden, a gigantic dumpster breaks free from a heavy chain suspended underneath a big helicopter. The dumpster hits the ground with a formidable crash and the garbage spouts out into the surroundings. Meanwhile, an aging Roma woman wakes up in her house with an extremely strong desire to get her old wall clock back.

Nataly Fish

Espions en hélicoptère

Espions en hélicoptère

Napoléon Solo et Illya Kouriakine, agents très spéciaux de l'U.N.C.L.E., sont envoyés sur une île au large de l'Afrique du Nord où des phénomènes aussi étranges qu'inquiétants s'y produisent, motivant leur intervention : les habitants meurent sous l'action d'un mystérieux thermo-prisme qui les emporte et les dissout littéralement. Ils s..

Nataly Fish

The History of the Helicopter

The History of the Helicopter

A documentary tracing the development of the helicopter from the original Da Vinci drawings to the modern versions actually in service in 1951.

Nataly Fish

Combat in the Air - Vietnam - The Helicopter War
Chopper Down: Helicopter Deaths in the Movies

Chopper Down: Helicopter Deaths in the Movies

An examination on helicopter related deaths and accidents in film; from the Twilight Zone: Movie to Delta Force 2: The Colombian Connection with interviews from those involved.

Nataly Fish

Military Aircraft of the 20th Century: Helicopters

Military Aircraft of the 20th Century: Helicopters

Get the facts, figures, and specs on the various attack rotorcrafts deployed by the U.S. military in American wars throughout the last century.

Nataly Fish

The Helicopter

The Helicopter

A young family with a baby is visiting elderly parents living in a remote northern village. Suddenly, their child becomes sick with dysentery. There is no necessary medicine in the village, the telephone line was cut off, and the roads were washed out due to the spring flood. The young father Vanya decides to get to the regional center on his own i..

Nataly Fish

The Helicopter

The Helicopter

Footage of a helicopter at an airport. Shot from different perspectives, with much attention paid to the technology and the mechanics of the rotating blades. Several men try to fly the helicopter, but their attempts fail, and the helicopter remains on the ground the whole time. At the end, there is a small “accident”, as a part of the tailpiece..

Nataly Fish

The White Helicopter

The White Helicopter

The film is based on true events leading up to the historical 2013 resignation of Benedict XVI. After succeeding John Paul II, and serving as Pope for eight years, Joseph Ratzinger shocked the world by becoming the first Pope to voluntarily resign in over 600 years. In light of moral and ethical upheavals in the Catholic Church, and the unique chal..

Nataly Fish

Grandpa & Me and a Helicopter to Heaven

Grandpa & Me and a Helicopter to Heaven

A world all on its own of humour, warmth and love: Between a boy and his bedridden grandfather there is deep friendship. The aging man has a secret he wants to share with his grandson; together they make for the woods on a final adventure.

Nataly Fish

Fire Birds

Fire Birds

Le gouvernement américain lance une vaste lutte contre le trafic de drogue. Il propose l'aide de son armée à tous les pays voulant s'engager avec eux. Les cartels décident donc d'engager un des meilleurs pilotes pour défendre leurs intérêts. L'armée lance alors une importante vague de formation. Le combat peut commencer...

Nataly Fish

Code Blue

Code Blue

Le système « Doctor Helicopter » a été légalisé au Japon en juin 2007. Une équipe médicale est dépêchée sur place par hélicoptère pour prodiguer des soins médicaux aux patients le plus rapidement possible. Un jour, quatre jeunes médecins sont affectés à ce nouveau système médical. Ils vivent des situations traumatisantes, font f..

Nataly Fish



Why do adults not dream like children? This is a film about Michael Farih, who dreamed to become a pilot in his childhood. However, the life was different: first, he had a brilliant military career in the Soviet army, after the collapse of the Soviet Union and start to run a business, therefore a realization of the dream to be a pilot becomes illus..

Nataly Fish



A young family with a baby is visiting elderly parents living in a remote northern village. Suddenly, their child becomes sick with dysentery. There is no necessary medicine in the village, the telephone line was cut off, and the roads were washed out due to the spring flood. The young father Vanya decides to get to the regional center on his own i..

Nataly Fish

Helicopter String Quartet

Helicopter String Quartet

One morning, the late Karlheinz Stockhausen awoke from a dream that told him to take to the sky. Stockhausen envisioned four helicopters swirling in the clouds, with each of a quartet’s members tucked inside his own chopper, communicating through headsets, stringing away in sync to the rotor-blade motors. He immediately set forth to make that dre..

Nataly Fish

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