
Manuel de survie à l'apocalypse zombie

Manuel de survie à l'apocalypse zombie

Trois scouts, amis depuis toujours, s’allient avec une serveuse badass pour devenir l’équipe de héros la plus improbable qu’il soit. Quand leur paisible ville est ravagée par une invasion de zombies, ils vont devoir se battre pour survivre et mettre leurs compétences de scouts à profit pour sauver l’humanité des zombies.

Nataly Fish

H2G2 : Le Guide du Voyageur Galactique

H2G2 : Le Guide du Voyageur Galactique

Sale journée pour le Terrien Arthur Dent. Sa maison est sur le point d'être rasée par un bulldozer, il découvre que son meilleur ami, Ford Prefect, est un extraterrestre et pour couronner le tout, la Terre va être pulvérisée dans quelques minutes pour faire de la place à une voie express hyperspatiale. Arthur a une chance de survivre, mais ..

Nataly Fish

The Guide

The Guide

From a mysterious void, a guardian angel-like figure guides a man through his first love, in a journey through space-time and beyond.

Nataly Fish

The Guide

The Guide

A girl starts to follow a guy that photobombed her selfie.

Nataly Fish

The Guide

The Guide

When a distraught woodsman reluctantly agrees to guide two New Yorkers on a deer hunt in the frozen wilderness of December's northwestern Maine, his sanity begins to slip away as the wreckage that his buck hunting set in motion a year before catches up with him.

Nataly Fish

The Guide

The Guide

Clyde Cook working as a guide at a snowy mountain resort.

Nataly Fish

The Lovers' Guide: Igniting Desire

The Lovers' Guide: Igniting Desire

The Lover’s Guide 3D is the latest in the best selling series of sex education DVDs that help to educate consenting adults in the pleasures of love making. By imparting knowledge of how the body works along with how to stimulate your partners desires by being attentive to their needs, showing you specific techniques and maintaining a clear open a..

Nataly Fish

The Pervert's Guide to Ideology

The Pervert's Guide to Ideology

A journey into the labyrinthine heart of ideology, which shapes and justifies both collective and personal beliefs and practices: with an infectious zeal and voracious appetite for popular culture, Slovenian philosopher and psychoanalyst Slavoj Žižek analyzes several of the most important films in the history of cinema to explain how cinematic na..

Nataly Fish

Don't Crash: The Documentary of the Making of the Movie of the Book of the Radio Series of 'The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy'

Don't Crash: The Documentary of the Making of the Movie of the Book of the Radio Series of 'The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy'

An in-depth examination of the complete production of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (2005).

Nataly Fish

Green Book, le guide de voyage des Noirs d'Amérique

Green Book, le guide de voyage des Noirs d'Amérique

Dans les années 1930, un postier et militant noir de Harlem nommé Victor Green a publié un livre qui était à la fois un guide de voyage et un guide de survie. Ce livre, intitulé « The Negro Motorist Green Book », a aidé les Afro-Américains à traverser les Etats-Unis en toute sécurité pendant une bonne partie des années 1960.

Nataly Fish

Le Guide pervers du cinéma

Le Guide pervers du cinéma

Une introduction hilarante, utilisant comme exemples certains des meilleurs films jamais réalisés, à certaines des idées les plus passionnantes du philosophe et psychanalyste slovène Slavoj Žižek sur la subjectivité personnelle, le fantasme et la réalité, le désir et la sexualité.

Nataly Fish

The Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy

The Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy

An Earth Man and his alien friend escape an exploding Earth, and set forth on an odd adventure across the universe with a known fugitive.

Nataly Fish

The Field Guide to Evil

The Field Guide to Evil

A feature-length anthology film. They are known as myths, lore, and folktales. Created to give logic to mankind’s darkest fears, these stories laid the foundation for what we now know as the horror genre.

Nataly Fish

The Comedian's Guide to Survival

The Comedian's Guide to Survival

One man's journey around the world to discover the secret of comedy.

Nataly Fish

Bulletproof: A Lesbian's Guide to Surviving the Plot

Bulletproof: A Lesbian's Guide to Surviving the Plot

Filmmaker Regan Latimer takes an insightful, immersive, and deeply personal look at Queer representation in television, and the power of the media to shape how we see ourselves. Witty, fast-paced, and laced with pop culture references, Regan journeys across North America and beyond in her quest to understand the forces that influence the stories w..

Nataly Fish

The Holiday Dating Guide

The Holiday Dating Guide

Dating coach and aspiring book author Abigale Slater is tasked by her publisher Jack to prove that her dating advice really works. With that, she decides to make a man fall for her by Christmas Eve in 12 days. When she Michael Ryan, her single-minded mission takes an unexpected turn.

Nataly Fish

The Dog Lover's Guide to Dating

The Dog Lover's Guide to Dating

Simon believes Chloe is the girl of his dreams, but can’t seem to win over her beloved pup. He enlists dog trainer Alex and soon finds himself wondering where his real connection might be.

Nataly Fish

Petit guide pour mari volage

Petit guide pour mari volage

Paul Manning, avocat marié depuis 12 ans à une femme exquise, s'ennuie. Il demande conseil à son ami Ed Stander, spécialiste de l'adultère, qui lui conseille la stratégie idéale pour tromper sa femme sans nuire à son ménage. Après plusieurs semaines de leçons particulières épiques, Paul passe à l'action avec une jeune divorcée. Une f..

Nataly Fish

Doctor Who: The Ultimate Guide

Doctor Who: The Ultimate Guide

The Ultimate Guide was a documentary made by BBC Events Production in London which aired on BBC Three in the run-up to the 50th anniversary of the Doctor Who. It gave a broad overview of the show's history, and interviewed many people involved in its production over the years, including five of the actors who portrayed the Doctor: Peter Davison, Co..

Nataly Fish

Pink Floyd; The Great Gig in the Sky: The Album by Album Guide

Pink Floyd; The Great Gig in the Sky: The Album by Album Guide

This is the definitive review of the music of Pink Floyd album by album. These eight DVDs represent the most painstaking and detailed exploration of the work ever undertaken. Featuring extensive archive interviews with Syd Barrett, Roger Waters, Nick Mason, Richard Wright and David Gilmour alongside rare footage of Pink Floyd in performance from fi..

Nataly Fish

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