
The Gates of Hell

The Gates of Hell

Cinq vidéastes amateurs décident de mettre en scène et de diffuser sur internet un film interactif, explorant la nature du mal. Très vite, ils se retrouvent victimes de leur sujet d’étude, en réveillant les forces démoniaques enfouies depuis des générations dans les entrailles du Manoir Von Diebitsch…

Nataly Fish

Wishmaster 3 : Au-delà des portes de l'enfer

Wishmaster 3 : Au-delà des portes de l'enfer

Diana Collins, une jeune étudiante réveille malencontrueusement un démon millénaire. Le Djinn prend alors l'apparence du professeur Joel Barash, et tue sauvagement. Son but est de pousser Diana à prononcer 3 voeux afin de plonger le monde dans les ténèbres.

Nataly Fish

Beyond the Gates of Hell

Beyond the Gates of Hell

A newly married couple purchase a mansion in the countryside to open a bed and breakfast. However, it is soon revealed that some brutal murders took place previously on the property and someone or something might be lurking in the basement.

Nataly Fish

Rodin: The Gates of Hell

Rodin: The Gates of Hell

Auguste Rodin's masterpiece The Gates of Hell is an epic achievement: a massive portal to Hades inspired by Dante's Inferno, its towering doors covered with nearly 200 individual figures. Commissioned in 1880, the project was to be the main entrance to the museum of decorative arts in Paris, a museum that was never built. A century later, legendary..

Nataly Fish

Unnatural II: The Gates of Hell

Unnatural II: The Gates of Hell

A gunslinger and his grandchildren defend a small town from the Devil and his henchmen who are determined to enslave mankind.

Nataly Fish

An Excursion to Transfiguration or An Odyssey to the Gates of Pure Hell
The Gates of Hell

The Gates of Hell

Two thousand and nine hundred years ago, Buddha is deeply touched by Mongryeon's love for his parents. Lady Cheongche falls to hell because she betrayed her husband. Buddha saves her and helps her go to heaven.

Nataly Fish

Divino inferno: Et Rodin créa la Porte de l'Enfer

Divino inferno: Et Rodin créa la Porte de l'Enfer

En 1879, le ministre des Beaux-Arts Edmond Turquet commande à Auguste Rodin une colossale sculpture pour le futur musée des Arts décoratifs. Se référant à la porte de bronze exécutée au XVe siècle par Lorenzo Ghiberti pour le baptistère de Florence et considérée par Michel-Ange comme "la porte du paradis", Rodin va passer plus de trois ..

Nataly Fish

La Porte de l'enfer

La Porte de l'enfer

Au XIIe siècle, alors que les guerres civiles font rage, le samouraï Moritō est chargé par l'empereur de traverser le territoire afin de distraire l'attention des rebelles. Il doit par la même occasion escorter la jolie servante Kesa. Sa mission accomplie, Moritō demande une récompense impossible: la main d'une femme mariée…

Nataly Fish

The Hell's Gate

The Hell's Gate

Le scientifique Maurizio Fessner vient de battre le record de survie en profondeur en ayant passé plus de 70 jours dans une grotte située à une soixantaine de mètres de la surface. Alors que ses collègues s'apprêtent à le faire remonter pour fêter ça, Maurizio semble être soudainement pris de folie, affirmant être menacé par une entit�..

Nataly Fish

Gates of Hell, Zurich

Gates of Hell, Zurich

A Kafkaesque journey through a drug addict's attempts to join the Eurovision song contest.

Nataly Fish

The Gate of the Hell

The Gate of the Hell

A group of youngsters camp out and get caught in a storm. They take refuge in an old house, and down in the cellar of the mansion is the vampire.

Nataly Fish

Hell Gate

Hell Gate

Dong-hwi, who suddenly died of suffocation and went to the underworld. The judge says, 'You killed a man, you must go to hell.' Dong-hui goes from place to place to claim his innocence, but there are too many documents needed to prove it.

Nataly Fish

Gates of Hell

Gates of Hell

A honeymooning couple from Hong Kong visit San Francisco. The wife is kidnapped, drugged and forced into prostitution. The husband searches all over the Bay Area for her.

Nataly Fish

Twelve Gates of Hell

Twelve Gates of Hell

A famous action movie star suddenly dies and goes to hell. Realizing that this is a plot against him by demons and that he was sent there unjustly, he battles his way through the 12 gates of hell to be reincarnated. He is accompanied and aided by an odd collection of spirits including a moon girl who falls in love with him.

Nataly Fish

Lady in Black Cracks the Gate of Hell

Lady in Black Cracks the Gate of Hell

Ghost-faced To is murdered in a mortuary after paying a visit to Muk Lan-fa. A set of teeth is found missing from another dead body. Lan-fa’s sister Sau-chen follows the leads on a business card To left behind to a dental clinic which suddenly bursts into flame. The news of her sister’s abduction by the infamous Japanese criminal Katsu Saburo s..

Nataly Fish



Trois jeunes gens tentent de conjurer la malédiction attachée à la mort d'un prêtre, qui, selon une prophétie, précède l'ouverture des portes de l'Enfer.

Nataly Fish

The St. Francisville Experiment

The St. Francisville Experiment

Four non-actors, with no script, lock themselves in a haunted Louisiana plantation home overnight to film what takes places. The Lalaurie plantation, site of grisly murders, comes alive before their camera lens and they experience a night more terrifying and incredible than they imagined.

Nataly Fish

Through the Fire

Through the Fire

A woman enlists the help of a cop to find her sister who has been kidnapped by satanists hoping to bring about the end of the world.

Nataly Fish

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