
Les vampires du désert

Les vampires du désert

Sean, un monteur de bandes-annonces d’une boîte de production spécialisée dans l’horreur comico-gore, se rend en Floride pour assister au mariage de sa soeur. Il est au volant d’une voiture de luxe qu’il doit, chemin faisant, rapporter à sa propriétaire.En plein désert de l’Arizona, il prend à bord Nick, un auto-stoppeur sympathiqu..

Nataly Fish

The Prophecy 5: Forsaken

The Prophecy 5: Forsaken

Allison est désormais la protectrice du manuscrit. Une fois encore, une bande d'anges renégats arrive sur Terre pour détruire l'humanité et reprendre le manuscrit....

Nataly Fish

The Forsaken

The Forsaken

A band of criminals is hired to kidnap a wealthy businessman’s daughter, but the plan goes horribly wrong and the whole group winds up confined to an abandoned house for what promises to be a long and dreadful night.

Nataly Fish

The Forsaken

The Forsaken

A young boy seeks the help of an ancient fairytale creature to save his dying mother.

Nataly Fish

The Forsaken

The Forsaken

Struggling from a plane accident, Andrew battles with his inner demons that will test him.

Nataly Fish

The Forsaken Promise

The Forsaken Promise

This documentary traces the story of Britain's failure to implement the Balfour Declaration, in which it promised to establish a homeland for the Jewish people in Palestine shortly after World War I. Told from the perspective of participants in the events, the film chronicles the political and military circumstances that led to the collapse of the ..

Nataly Fish

Leah the Forsaken

Leah the Forsaken

Nataly Fish

The Forsaken

The Forsaken

A reverse chronology film about a serial killing taxi driver in Mumbai

Nataly Fish



A man awakes in the desert. As he walks towards the nearest town, he realises mankind has disappeared. Forsaken by the flood, he utters the remains of a ravaged memory like an amnesic chronicler adrift. When the memory of an old love re-enters his mind, the past begins to resurface.

Nataly Fish

Procession of our Patron, the Virgin of the Forsaken

Procession of our Patron, the Virgin of the Forsaken

Spanish lost film directed by Ángel García Cardona.

Nataly Fish

La Terre abandonnée

La Terre abandonnée

Sur une terre entre guerre et paix, dans une atmosphère étrange et incertaine, des corps s'attirent, la culpabilité ronge les assassins, des soldats s'abrutissent en manoeuvres ineptes, les légendes ressurgissent. Seule l'enfance est innocence en cette terre abandonnée des Dieux...

Nataly Fish

Guzoo: The Thing Forsaken by God - Part I

Guzoo: The Thing Forsaken by God - Part I

Upon visiting a secluded summer home, four high school girls are soon targeted by a horrific creature in the basement with a knowing housekeeper trying to keep the unspeakable heap secret and at bay using a flute.

Nataly Fish

Captivity Le Prisonnier de Mars

Captivity Le Prisonnier de Mars

Lors d’une mission scientifique sur Mars, le vaisseau du cosmonaute Chapaev doit atterrir d’urgence sur la planète rouge suite à une série d’incidents techniques. Il est dès lors livré à lui-même. Seul dans l’espace, il va alors rencontrer quelque chose d’inexplicable qui va changer sa vie à jamais, et devenir une légende vivante..

Nataly Fish

Eli, eli, lema sabachthani ?

Eli, eli, lema sabachthani ?

" Mon Dieu, Mon Dieu, pourquoi m'as-Tu abandonné ?" Le jour où ce mot a été crié dans une détresse profonde, le Christ est mort sur la croix. En 2015, un virus s'est propagé dans plusieurs villes à travers le monde. Un virus qui pousse au suicide. Les gens, une fois contaminés, développent la maladie et meurent. Il n'y a aucun remède p..

Nataly Fish

Forest of the Damned

Forest of the Damned

A group of friends go on a roadtrip and come to a stop in a forest where legend has it a group of naked bisexual female monsters lurk. Will they awaken them? And if so will they survive?

Nataly Fish

Forsaken Son

Forsaken Son

Kylie Morgan is a private eye on the hunt for a heartless killer. With nothing but sheer will she soon finds help in a detective, Anthony Woods.

Nataly Fish

Diary of Forsaken Love

Diary of Forsaken Love

Follows the life of Tsuru, the poor daughter of farmers in Shinshu, Japan.

Nataly Fish

Why Hast Thou Forsaken Me

Why Hast Thou Forsaken Me

Muhammad, a rejected boy from the fringe of society, floats through the streets of a filthy city, exposed and desolated, until he meets Gurevich; a lone rover who rides his motorcycle into the bowels of the city, through the shadows of the back alleys, sharpening the knives of butcher shops and gourmet restaurants. Stubborn and tenacious, the boy f..

Nataly Fish

Forsaken Cop

Forsaken Cop

Heroic Bloodshed movie from 1990.

Nataly Fish

Forsaken Daughter

Forsaken Daughter

The Lok's family disperses when Japanese occupied China. Mrs. Lok's company prospers in Hong Kong. Her son Tin-yam looks after her business. She misses her daughter. Another daughter Chui-yin dates Kuk-tat. Mrs. Lok hopes that Tin-yam will find a good partner. Wan Yuk-yin works in Mrs. Lok's company and meets Tin-yam. They fall in love. Mrs. Lok as..

Nataly Fish

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