
The Follies of M

The Follies of M

The Follies of M tells the story of the Provincial Parish of M, famed for it's quantity and variety of architectural follies and introduces the misshapen residents who indulged in suck reckless construction projects.

Nataly Fish

Fox Movietone Follies of 1929

Fox Movietone Follies of 1929

Lila Beaumont is an understudy in a Broadway musical. Her boyfriend, George Shelby, arrives in New York hoping to take Lila back home with him to marry.

Nataly Fish

Return of the Jeni

Return of the Jeni

The 2011 graduating class of Marquette University High School struggles against the tyrannical rule of it's teachers and faculty. They fight back using Green Day and Twisted Sister song parodies and eventually lightsabers and laser guns.

Nataly Fish

Les Aventures du Jeune Indiana Jones : Hollywood folies

Les Aventures du Jeune Indiana Jones : Hollywood folies

Indy prend un emploi d'assistant d'un directeur de studio hollywoodien dans le but de gagner ses frais de scolarité. Son travail consiste à amener le réalisateur flamboyant et difficile Erich Von Stroheim à terminer sa dernière épopée à temps et avec le budget, ou bien.

Nataly Fish

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