
The Flood

The Flood

Lorsqu'un violent ouragan frappe la Louisiane, un groupe de prisonniers et les agents de sécurité supervisant leur transfert doivent chercher refuge dans une prison locale. Alors que les eaux de crue montent et qu'un jailbreak audacieux se prépare, le groupe piégé est sur le point de découvrir une menace encore plus grande : une meute implaca..

Nataly Fish

The Flood

The Flood

Un agent d'immigration endurci décide du sort d'un demandeur d'asile dangereux...

Nataly Fish

The Flood

The Flood

Lorsque Jarah perd son mari, son enfant, sa terre et son innocence, elle se lance dans un voyage brutal de représailles et de vengeance qui se transforme en rédemption et réconciliation.

Nataly Fish

Survie au fil de l’eau

Survie au fil de l’eau

Un miracle réside au cœur du plus grand désert du sud de l’Afrique : le Delta de l’Okavango au Botswana, l’un des habitats naturels les plus variés sur Terre. Chaque année, il se transforme du tout au tout quand le désert se change en paradis aquatique. Pour beaucoup, l’eau des crues représente un lien vital, pour d’autres, c’est..

Nataly Fish

The Flood

The Flood

Stravinsky and Balanchine's take on the apocalyptic Biblical tale. An opera composed for video.

Nataly Fish

The Flood

The Flood

A quirky tale about a man ignoring his problems as he slowly and literally drowns in them. This is a unique animation exploring the themes of procrastination, loneliness, stubbornness and lethargy.

Nataly Fish

The Flood

The Flood

Eight youngsters are cut off by the East Anglian floods in a farmhouse with no grown-ups to help them. The story tells how they deal with the situation until they are rescued.

Nataly Fish

The Flood

The Flood

The decision to move to Holland doesn't sound like a wise idea. Why move to a country that could be flooded at any moment? For the last 25 years, the political climate has shifted. The public debate on migration has become harsher, more heated, and polarized. What would have been considered right-wing xenophobia back then, is now considered mainst..

Nataly Fish

The Flood

The Flood

A figure crosses, runs and flees through the cinematic space, there is no way out. The imminent catastrophe looms. With images by Dovjento and music by Stravinsky. Part of paraconsistent sequence series and the hauntology series.

Nataly Fish

The Flood

The Flood

A short film by Patrick Sheard.

Nataly Fish

The Flood

The Flood

The Flood touches upon the cryptocurrency mining that is inseparable from the environmental damage exerted by the intense use of electricity needed to carry out the process. The film is based on footage shot in various cryptocurrency mines in Estonia combined with footage from Estonian oil shale mines. Virtual currency, such as Bitcoins, offer an a..

Nataly Fish

The Flood

The Flood

The failure of a dam resolves complications in a sordid love-triangle.

Nataly Fish

The Flood

The Flood

Geologist Dr. Andrew Snelling presents several lines of evidence that both confirm the biblical account of the global Flood, and cannot be explained by evolutionary models. From deep sea fossils high atop the Himalayas to the movement of the continents during the Flood, the big picture comes into sharp focus when you look through the lens of the Bi..

Nataly Fish

Avant le déluge

Avant le déluge

Le film décrit de manière informative et captivante la façon dont la société peut empêcher la disparition des espèces en voie d’extinction, d’écosystèmes et de communautés autochtones à travers le monde. Le public découvrira des preuves visuelles de l’aggravation de la crise environnementale, qui inflige des dégâts irréversible..

Nataly Fish

Flooded Tombs of the Nile

Flooded Tombs of the Nile

Outside the Sudanese capital Khartoum, the remains of an ancient city stand in the desert. Are you ready to dive beneath the pyramids of Sudan's black pharaohs?

Nataly Fish

Theoretical: The Portal, The Flood and The Job

Theoretical: The Portal, The Flood and The Job

A man is documenting his local neighbourhood on his way to work after a flood recently hit.

Nataly Fish

Evidences: The Record and the Flood

Evidences: The Record and the Flood

This video reveals the scientific evidence supporting the story of Noah. Almost two years in the making, Evidences takes you to the Grand Canyon, the Alps, New Zealand, even to the bottom of the ocean, to see geological features that are best explained by a global flood. Beautiful location photography shows you the marks of an ancient catastrophe, ..

Nataly Fish

The Johnstown Flood

The Johnstown Flood

A dramatic recreation of the Johnstown Flood of 1889.

Nataly Fish

Killer Flood: The Day the Dam Broke

Killer Flood: The Day the Dam Broke

When the dam in the town of Rutland starts to show signs of wear. David Powell, the architect who originally worked on the dam but was removed and who left town after he was black balled by Walker, the man who only cares about making a profit; returns. He insists that the dam be drained and inspected but Walker claims it would take too long and wou..

Nataly Fish

The Johnstown Flood

The Johnstown Flood

On a stormy day in May of 1889, the South Fork Dam impounding Conemaugh Lake exploded, unleashing a 40-foot wall of water. The bustling industrial city of Johnstown, PA, in the valley below was reduced to a wasteland, killing more than 2,200. This heavily dramatized documentary reviews the factors that led to the dam's collapse, while dramatic reen..

Nataly Fish

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