
The Firefighters

The Firefighters

Young auxiliary fire-fighters are suspected of arson.

Nataly Fish

9/11: The Firefighters' Story

9/11: The Firefighters' Story

British Filmmaker Paul Beriff was filming in the street below the South Tower when it collapsed on him and two other members of the New York Fire Department. All three of them escaped death by seconds. Berriff had approached Battalion Chief Mike Puzziferri a few months earlier about making a film. And on the morning of September 11th, he'd been at ..

Nataly Fish

New York Firefighters: The Brotherhood of September 11

New York Firefighters: The Brotherhood of September 11

This poignant documentary, narrated by award-winning actress Stockard Channing, profiles the firemen of Rescue 3, who used strength and solidarity to prevail against unbearable pain and loss during the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001.

Nataly Fish

Paris : les pompiers, I. Passage des pompes

Paris : les pompiers, I. Passage des pompes

La vue représente une rue de Paris le long de laquelle descendent les pompes traînées par des chevaux ; la foule suit en masse. Ces cinq vues [cf. n° 1016 à 1020] ont été prises à Paris.

Nataly Fish

Firefighters 2: Heroic Mission

Firefighters 2: Heroic Mission

Following a twinning between the national fire brigade and the special forces of the Canadian firefighters, Captain Carter arrives in Rome.

Nataly Fish



In the barracks of the "Settecamini" fire brigade in Rome, the shabby Squadra 17 tackles missions with resounding failures, waiting in vain for a chance for redemption.

Nataly Fish

The Siren

The Siren

Joon-woo is a passionate fireman who always pursues danger. Hyun believes rational judgement is the only way to save people in danger. The first day at their work place, Joon-woo jumps into the fire to save stranded people in the building in spite of an evacuation order and Hyun tries to stop him. They came to fight. Meanwhile, Ye-rin loves Joon-wo..

Nataly Fish

Super Firefighters

Super Firefighters

Nataly Fish



Nataly Fish



Perché sur sa tour de guet, un pompier scrute la ville, prêt à braver tous les dangers. Mais les rues sont calmes et paisibles, il n’y a jamais d’incendie ici. Désespéré, le pompier est prêt à renoncer à exercer son métier. Mais un jour, il rencontre une femme qui brûle d’amour pour lui...

Nataly Fish

Glorious Firefighter’s Standard

Glorious Firefighter’s Standard

Firefighter Sanji learns the secret of his birth.

Nataly Fish

In the field of firefighting sport

In the field of firefighting sport

A Polish fire brigade sport event.

Nataly Fish

Firefighting Exercise

Firefighting Exercise

This is the oldest preserved film recorded in Iceland. It shows from a firefighting exercise that took place in Reykjavík in 1906.

Nataly Fish

Fire-Fighting at Ahwaz

Fire-Fighting at Ahwaz

Abolghassem Rezai’s Fire-Fighting at Ahwaz is a pioneering example of industrial documentary filmmaking in a rapidly developing Iran.

Nataly Fish

Les pompiers de Santiago

Les pompiers de Santiago

Nataly Fish

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