
The Exam

The Exam

THE EXAM is a taut, contemporary, psychological thriller about a man whose promotion hinges on him taking a medical exam. After a home visit with his pregnant wife and six-year-old son present, he finds out that the medical examiner has a more insidious agenda.

Nataly Fish

The Exam

The Exam

A seminary student must exorcise a demon. He has three attempts.

Nataly Fish

The Exam

The Exam

Some candidates are give a task to be completed within a time and how it tens to selfishness.

Nataly Fish

The Exam

The Exam

A college student tries against all odds to get to his math exam on time.

Nataly Fish

The Exam

The Exam

Rojin, jeune femme kurde iraquienne, s'apprête à passer l'examen d'entrée à l'université. Sa sœur Shilan, coincée dans un mariage malheureux, décide de tout faire pour l'aider à réussir et lui donner une vie plus libre. C'est ainsi que les deux sœurs se retrouvent impliquées dans un gigantesque réseau de corruption touchant toutes les ..

Nataly Fish

Hornblower: The Examination for Lieutenant

Hornblower: The Examination for Lieutenant

Le lieutenant intérimaire Hornblower tente d'étudier pour son examen de promotion, mais est distrait par les graves problèmes d'approvisionnement auxquels sont confrontés son équipage.

Nataly Fish

The Empty Chair: Final Exam

The Empty Chair: Final Exam

Dozens of students died gruesomely during the last school exams. It started with one of the students being possessed and harming the others. The devil's power threatens their lives.

Nataly Fish

The Examiner

The Examiner

Students take an examination.

Nataly Fish

The Medical Examiner Strangler

The Medical Examiner Strangler

A female medical examiner strangles victims so she can have bodies to autopsy with which to indulge her foot fetish (!!) with while a police chief investigates the series of killings.

Nataly Fish

Raising the Dead: Re-Examining Night of the Living Dead

Raising the Dead: Re-Examining Night of the Living Dead

Film critics and pop culture experts look back on the legacy of the original 1968 horror film "Night of the Living Dead."

Nataly Fish

The Demolition of Truth-Psychologists Examine 9/11

The Demolition of Truth-Psychologists Examine 9/11

Respected social scientists examine America's cognitive dissonance. Our inability to reconcile the observable facts and science of 9/11 with our governments lazy, sloppy explanations. Our governments activities since 9/11 have left many Americans very bewildered. The scientific facts of 9/11 from the government don't add up. Now we are uneasy and d..

Nataly Fish

Dernières nuits avant les exams

Dernières nuits avant les exams

Rome, juin 1989. Dernière journée de classe avant les épreuves du baccalauréat. Luca s'arme de courage et déverse sa rancoeur sur le professeur de lettres qui toute l'année l'a méprisé. Il tourne les talons persuadé qu'il n'aura plus affaire à lui. Las... l'enseignant lui apprend qu'il sera au jury du bac. Luca et ses amis commencent leur..

Nataly Fish

Left Behind or Led Astray?: Examining the Origins of the Secret Pre-Tribulation Rapture

Left Behind or Led Astray?: Examining the Origins of the Secret Pre-Tribulation Rapture

Take a fascinating journey with us as we examine the shocking origins of the secret, pre-tribulation rapture doctrine. You will be amazed as we look into admissions by pre-tribulation leaders who admit that the theory is without clear biblical and historical merit. Join us as we discover the origins of this relatively new doctrine, explore its poss..

Nataly Fish

The Columbine Cause - An Examination of the April 20 1999 Attack on Columbine High School

The Columbine Cause - An Examination of the April 20 1999 Attack on Columbine High School

Evan Long's "The Columbine Cause" is a feature-length video presentation based on public domain government records related to the official "investigation" of the Columbine High School shootings of April 20, 1999. It includes quotations from suspect interrogations and witness interviews as recorded in little before publicized police files, 911 recor..

Nataly Fish

Un petit Examen, and Not So Damned Petit Either, or, The Light Shining Over the Dark

Un petit Examen, and Not So Damned Petit Either, or, The Light Shining Over the Dark

A young boy auditions for a position in a choir academy; he is turned down. He returns home with his mother and father where the father is met with the news that his father has just died, and he must leave immediately for the funeral. Upon his arrival at his parents' home, he finds he is too late for the funeral. Later that evening, over coffee, he..

Nataly Fish

La nuit avant les exams

La nuit avant les exams

Luca et ses amis se préparent à affronter les examens de fin d'année tant redoutés. Mais les adolescents consacrent leurs dernières journées à tout autre chose qu'à étudier. Les filles, la fête ou le football semblent tellement plus importants que les révisions. Histoires d'amour et aventures rocambolesques se multiplient alors qu'approc..

Nataly Fish

Emu War: A Subtle Examination of the Sheer Caucasity of Colonialism

Emu War: A Subtle Examination of the Sheer Caucasity of Colonialism

For his entire life Reginald has wanted to follow in his father's footsteps and serve his country; after enlisting on his eighteenth birthday, Reginald is thrust in to the one war Australia has lost and must reckon with his colonial views.

Nataly Fish

The Recorder Exam

The Recorder Exam

Nine-year old Eunhee anxiously prepares for her recorder exam as she struggles to find a place within her own family.

Nataly Fish

The Exam

The Exam

Budapest, Hungary, Christmas 1957. The state, insecure after the defeated revolution of 1956 and increasingly put under the influence of a renewed Stalinist atmosphere, has decreed that all security officials must pass an exam to verify their loyalty. But to be actually effective in a shadowy world where suspicion and secrets reign, the subjects mu..

Nataly Fish

The Exam

The Exam

Togashi, an enthusiastic marathon runner and his wife are occupied with their daughter Mayumi's grade school entrance examinations, but he becomes jobless when his company folds. To regain his confidence Togashi decides to join the marathon that is taking place on the very day of his daughter's examination and the all important interview.

Nataly Fish

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