
Randy Orton: The Evolution of a Predator

Randy Orton: The Evolution of a Predator

Il est l'une des superstars les plus populaires de la WWE, mais il n'a jamais fait l'objet d'une sortie en DVD, jusqu'à présent. Cet ensemble de 3 disques examine en profondeur Apex Predator de la WWE d'Elimination Chamber à travers la route vers WrestleMania et le combat brutal d'Orton avec CM Punk. En cours de route, les fans découvrent la Vi..

Nataly Fish

The Evolution of a

The Evolution of a "Show Girl"

Fantastic fun film showing how girls get to be one of "Cochran's Young Ladies".

Nataly Fish

The Evolution of a Creationist

The Evolution of a Creationist

For years Dr. Martin wrestled with the conflicts between evolutionary theory and the Bible. As a scientist, he was sure he knew the answers. But then his faith, as a Christian, completely changed his life. In this video series, Dr. Martin will point out the distinct differences between evolution and creation. He will take a look at animals that br..

Nataly Fish

The Evolution of a Gen-X Music Purchaser

The Evolution of a Gen-X Music Purchaser

All the significant moments over the last twenty years in Zack's life parallel the changing landscape of music purchasing technology.

Nataly Fish

About Face: The Evolution of a Black Producer

About Face: The Evolution of a Black Producer

As the AIDS epidemic in New York escalated during the ‘80s, a young, out, black producer was fighting to get information about the crisis on screen. Thomas Allen Harris, raised by activists in the Bronx and East Africa, produced a series of public television programs focused on HIV/AIDS, bringing folks who were previously ignored by mainstream me..

Nataly Fish

A Sequence from the Evolution of Form

A Sequence from the Evolution of Form

William Latham was a figure that dominated computer art and animation in the UK through his use of 'evolutionary' algorithms. Working at this time in partnership with an IBM scientific research centre, Latham aimed at remodelling the entire creative process, 'mutating' the most startling yet controlled virtual sculptures that had so far been seen. ..

Nataly Fish

A Calculated Forecast Of Ultimate Doom / The Deliberate Evolution Of A War Zone

A Calculated Forecast Of Ultimate Doom / The Deliberate Evolution Of A War Zone

Two Shows from Survival Research Laboratories: San Francisco, CA 1994 and Graz, Austria 1992. The Doom show was SRL's biggest show ever and the War Zone event resulted in a nation-wide defense alert in Austria.

Nataly Fish

Pokémon : Mewtwo contre-attaque - Évolution

Pokémon : Mewtwo contre-attaque - Évolution

Après qu'une expérience scientifique ait conduit à la création d'un clone de Mewtwo, il entreprend de détruire le monde. Ash et ses amis décident alors de déjouer les plans diaboliques de Mewtwo...

Nataly Fish

Randy Orton: The Evolution of a Predator

Randy Orton: The Evolution of a Predator

He's one of the most dangerous competitors in the history of WWE. He's relentless and remorseless; the Apex Predator. Randy Orton can end matches in the blink of an eye with his devastating RKO, and his brutal punts have earned him the deserved "Legend Killer" moniker. Now, for the first time ever fans can trace this third-generation star's rise to..

Nataly Fish

Historic Travel US New York The Evolution Of A Metropolis

Historic Travel US New York The Evolution Of A Metropolis

Driven by circumstances-war in Europe, famines and poverty in the orient-and by the lure of opulence, immigrants from around the globe flocked to the United States in ships of all descriptions and landed, for most part, in the emerging metropolis that was renamed New York by the British and quickly dubbed Gateway to the New World by one and all. A2..

Nataly Fish

Dismantled: A Scientific Deconstruction of The Theory of Evolution

Dismantled: A Scientific Deconstruction of The Theory of Evolution

Despite claims that the theory of evolution and the fossil 'record' prove that mankind evolved from ape-like creatures over millions of years, evidence from biology, paleoanthropology and modern genetics tell a different story.

Nataly Fish



D’un souvenir fantasmé de la Seconde Guerre Mondiale au Berlin contemporain, Evolution suit trois générations d’une famille marquée par l'Histoire. La douleur d’Eva, l’enfant miraculée des camps, se transmet à sa fille Lena, puis à son petit-fils, Jonas. Jusqu’à ce que celui-ci brise, d’un geste d’amour, la mécanique du traum..

Nataly Fish

Digimon Adventure : Last Evolution Kizuna

Digimon Adventure : Last Evolution Kizuna

Plusieurs incidents inexplicables se produisent un peu partout et des enfants élus du monde entier perdent connaissance. Menoa et son assistant Imura - deux universitaires dont le domaine de recherche sont les Digimon – sollicitent Taichi et ses amis pour tenter d’élucider ces mystérieux phénomènes. Ils leur expliquent qu’Eosmon, un Digi..

Nataly Fish



Nicolas, onze ans, vit avec sa mère dans un village isolé au bord de l'océan, peuplé uniquement de femmes et de garçons de son âge. Dans un hôpital qui surplombe la mer, tous les enfants reçoivent un mystérieux traitement. Nicolas est le seul à se questionner. Au cours des étranges et inquiétantes découvertes qu'il fera, Nicolas trouve..

Nataly Fish

A Short Lecture and Demonstration on the Evolution of Ragtime as Presented by Jelly Roll Morton

A Short Lecture and Demonstration on the Evolution of Ragtime as Presented by Jelly Roll Morton

An astonishing Holy Grail-like glimpse of choreographer/dancer Anna Sokolow's famed 'A Short Lecture and Demonstration on the Evolution of Ragtime as Presented by Jelly Roll Morton' (1952), from Shirley Clarke's 'Home Movies #20'.

Nataly Fish

Eureka Seven Hi-Evolution - Film 3

Eureka Seven Hi-Evolution - Film 3

L’histoire se déroule 10 ans après la fin de la « Grande Unification » du film précédent, qui a amené les habitants du monde virtuel du Scub Coral dans le monde réel. La population du monde est maintenant divisée entre la Terre verte, les gens du monde du Scub Coral, et la Terre bleue, les gens du monde réel. Leur coexistence est lo..

Nataly Fish

Evolution of a Filipino Family

Evolution of a Filipino Family

An intimate epic made with uncompromising and austere seriousness that patiently and methodically observes the collapse and hopeful revival of a poor farming clan, meant to symbolize a nation’s history spanning 1971 to 1987.

Nataly Fish



Découvrez toute la diversité issue de l'évolution, des anciennes formes de vies qui peuplent les océans de nos jours à celles qui ont évolué pour vivre sur terre.

Nataly Fish

The Evolution of Horror Cinema Worldwide

The Evolution of Horror Cinema Worldwide

Why do people no longer see this type of stories nowadays? How can this notion be awakened? Which films should begin to feed back from the past and balance them with the current horror?

Nataly Fish

La Planète des singes : Les Origines

La Planète des singes : Les Origines

Dans un laboratoire, des scientifiques expérimentent un traitement sur des singes pour vaincre la maladie d’Alzheimer. Mais leurs essais ont des effets secondaires inattendus : ils découvrent que la substance utilisée permet d’augmenter radicalement l’activité cérébrale de leurs sujets. César, est alors le premier jeune chimpanzé fais..

Nataly Fish

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