
The Enclave

The Enclave

Commissioned for the Irish representation at the 55th Venice Biennale in 2013, The Enclave is an immersive, six-screen video art installation by Irish contemporary artist Richard Mosse. Partly inspired by Joseph Conrad’s modernist literary masterpiece Heart of Darkness, the visceral and moving work was filmed in the Democratic Republic of Congo u..

Nataly Fish

Welcome to the Enclave

Welcome to the Enclave

Two Texas sisters fight to rescue their digital utopia from obscurity leaving it vulnerable to what the Internet does best.

Nataly Fish

Broken Blade 6 : Les Remparts de la tristesse

Broken Blade 6 : Les Remparts de la tristesse

Après avoir retrouvé Rygart, Bald et ses hommes ramènent le Delphine au royaume. Au même moment, Bhorcys ordonne l'attaque sur la capitale sans attendre les renforts. Narvi retourne alors protéger la capitale après avoir retrouvé les survivants de son groupe. Pendant ce temps, au palais, la reine Shee-Gyun fabrique une arme utilisant des pi�..

Nataly Fish



Après la guerre du Kosovo, un garçon serbe se lie d'amitié avec deux petits Albanais. Les conflits intercommunautaires les rattraperont, malgré eux... Salué à sa sortie en Serbie, Enclave se place à hauteur d'enfant et instille une mélancolie palpable.

Nataly Fish



Sugan Yibu lost his father when he was young. He nearly died elsewhere while working outside. His mother, who lost her husband, and he stuck together and helped each other in difficulties in his home town. There are many volunteers come to the village, teach on their own in recent years. Sugan Yibu is pleased to see the children in village take due..

Nataly Fish

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