
The Dog and Catfish

The Dog and Catfish

A man is released from prison after 10 years of incarceration. He wants to regain control of his life, but his former boss, a demon named "Master", doesn't see it that way...

Nataly Fish

Alice and the Dog Catcher

Alice and the Dog Catcher

Alice presides over a secret club which proposes to rid the town of dog catchers and free the dogs!

Nataly Fish

Chien et Chat

Chien et Chat

Monica, maîtresse de la chatte star d'internet Diva, croise à l'aéroport Jack, un voleur, accompagné du chien qui vient d'avaler le butin de son dernier casse : un rubis. Les humains sont forcés par la compagnie aérienne de mettre leurs précieux animaux en soute. Alors qu'ils sont dans l'avion ils voient par le hublot leurs animaux s'échapp..

Nataly Fish

Rabbit Ears -  The Gingham Dog and the Calico Cat

Rabbit Ears - The Gingham Dog and the Calico Cat

Your family will enjoy this endearing story about two Christmas presents, a dog and a cat, who fall out of Santa's sleigh. By working together—something that doesn't always come naturally—they find their way to their new home. And, through their example of love for one another, they bring harmony to an entire household.

Nataly Fish

The Dog and the Cat

The Dog and the Cat

Winter is coming on, and a shepherd-dog goes to a cat-furrier to get a new hat made for himself. Instead he gets cheated, thus beginning the age-old feud between dogs and cats. Based on the poem by Hovhannes Tumanyan.

Nataly Fish

How The Cat And The Dog Washed The Floor

How The Cat And The Dog Washed The Floor

A cat and a dog lived together. They were very good friends, so when they saw that the floor in their house was dirty, they decided to clean up together. But an ordinary mop refused to deal with the task, so they have to wash and wipe the floor using each other. What will this novel idea lead to?

Nataly Fish

The Dog and the Cat

The Dog and the Cat

Soviet cartoon, The Dog and the Cat, from Lev Atamanov.

Nataly Fish

Uncle Fyodor, the Dog and the Cat

Uncle Fyodor, the Dog and the Cat

Nataly Fish

Dog and Cat

Dog and Cat

A veteran detective loses his partner in a shooting while they are investigating a gangster who is controlling the local porno rackets. He is stunned to discover that the new partner he is assigned is not only a rookie, but a female.

Nataly Fish

Dog and Cat

Dog and Cat

A dog wants to by a new hat from his local tailor (who is a cat). A story about why cats and dogs dosen't like each other.

Nataly Fish

Temps de chien !

Temps de chien !

Fringuant dans son uniforme de capitaine de bateau-mouche, Jean, quinqua fraîchement divorcé, vit néanmoins un vertigineux naufrage. Florence, son ex, menace de lui faire retirer la garde alternée de ses enfants. Las de son ivrognerie, son patron lui refuse une avance sur salaire. Même ses enfants râlent : ils en ont marre de céder leur cham..

Nataly Fish

Dogs & Cats

Dogs & Cats

Suzu lives with Furuta, her fiance, but one day she leaves home without saying a word. She moves into the apartment of her friend Abe, but he has gone abroad and Yoko now lives in his apartment. Suzu and Yoko, who have known each other since childhood and have both always loved Furuta, thus find themselves sharing the same home.

Nataly Fish

A cat with a dog

A cat with a dog

Deux frères réalisateurs se retrouvent lorsque l'aîné a une attaque cérébrale et que le cadet décide de s'occuper de lui malgré leur relation compliquée.

Nataly Fish

Cats and Dogs

Cats and Dogs

Animator Woo-Joo and webtoon writer Bo-Eun each begin to raise a stray cat and a stray dog. They meet at a veterinary clinic and they soon begin to date. They think their relationship is different from other couples. Is their relationship okay?

Nataly Fish

Dogs & Cats

Dogs & Cats

Suzu lives with Furuta, her fiance, but one day she leaves home without saying a word. She moves into the apartment of her friend Abe, but he has gone abroad and Yoko now lives in his apartment. Suzu and Yoko, who have known each other since childhood and have both always loved Furuta, thus find themselves sharing the same home.

Nataly Fish

Dogs and Cats

Dogs and Cats

In a village, the pharmacist and the innkeeper have an intense rivalry fuelled by the fact that they were once romantically involved many years before. To spite her rival, the innkeeper arranges to have her nephew set up a second pharmacy to take business away him. Unbeknownst to them a romance is developing between the younger generation of the fa..

Nataly Fish

Cats & Dogs

Cats & Dogs

In September 2022, Bengaluru made national news when the IT hub region of Bellandur faced major flooding resulting in a nightmare for all its residents. The idea of the film is to explore the two main factors contributing to this - the area’s topography and the rapid urbanization interfering with the natural water network - using visuals of a spr..

Nataly Fish

Of Cats, Dogs and Art

Of Cats, Dogs and Art

Ils représentent à la fois la sauvagerie et la domestication, symbolisent l'érotisme, la force mais aussi la fidélité et l'amilité. Même relégués au second plan, le chat et le chien jouent un rôle important dans l'art et en disent long sur les rapports de l'homme à la nature. Présentant un nouveau regard sur l'œuvre d'artistes connu..

Nataly Fish

Les chiens ne font pas des chats

Les chiens ne font pas des chats

Jules's life has taken a sad turn after his parents' divorce, but his routine is disrupted by the unexpected arrival of his grandmother Jeanne, who is on a very important mission. Jules's big sister Lola, a gloomy 17-year-old, is also roped into the journey. Along the trip, Jeanne reveals to her grandchildren that she is endowed with a special gift..

Nataly Fish

Dogs, Cats & Humans

Dogs, Cats & Humans

Animals are not always met with a loving and caring home, and approximately 1000 abandoned cats and dogs are put down each and every day in Japan. The creators of 'Dogs, Cats, & Humans' make it their mission to speak out for the voiceless animals who have no control over their possibly devastating fate.

Nataly Fish

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