
The Distance Between Us

The Distance Between Us

An aging man, aware that he has a few months to live, attempts to gather his family for a final family photo.

Nataly Fish

The Distance between Us

The Distance between Us

A dialogue between East and West unfurls through the audio letters of an immigrant family in Molenbeek. They bear witness to the pain and yearning of the ones who stayed behind. It's a haunted audiovisual mantra, reflected in the moody black-and-white images of social housing blocks in Brussels.

Nataly Fish

The Distance Between Us

The Distance Between Us

Suddenly separated by 1500 km during Italy's emergency Covid 19 lockdown, middle-aged Chiara and Marcello’s attempts at video sex lead them to unexpected places. Misunderstandings and innuendo reveal deep fractures in their relationship, laid bare by the vagaries of the pandemic, normally glued together by the routines of domestic life. Over the ..

Nataly Fish

The Distance Between Us and the Sky

The Distance Between Us and the Sky

Night, national road. Two strangers meet for the first time at an old gas station. One has stopped to gas up his bike, while the other is just stranded. Lacking the 22 euros he needs to get home, he will try to sell him the distance that separates them from the sky.

Nataly Fish

The Distance Between Us

The Distance Between Us

Seonduk Arts High school sets a “moral distance rule”, forbidding physical contact between boys and girls. The school recommends Byeonchan and Seohyun, who have been meeting for 700 days, to transfer to another school because of this rule.

Nataly Fish

The Last Distance Between Us

The Last Distance Between Us

The film depicts interconnected lives of various characters in South Vietnam in and after the war: a young girl (Mai) who lost her father (Hau)- a Viet Cong cadre; a woman (Nam) whose deceased husband is a South Vietnamese soldier has feelings for Hau and is trying to protect his daughter; a depressive man (Luong) who used to fight with Nam's husba..

Nataly Fish

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