
The Deal

The Deal

A Wall Street, une jeune fille travaillant dans les finances se trouve embauchée par un homme d'affaires véreux ayant des connexions avec la mafia russe.

Nataly Fish

The Deal

The Deal

Une pandémie sans précédent a ravagé l’humanité. Pour combattre la crise, une organisation totalitaire, le Bureau, a enfermé les survivants à l’intérieur d’une cité sans âme, où chaque individu est encouragé à signer le « Deal ». Acceptez-le et vous recevrez emploi, logement et soins médicaux pendant vingt ans, après quoi..

Nataly Fish

The deal

The deal

Comment Tony Blair et Gordon Brown ont conclu un accord, se partageant ainsi le pouvoir au sein du parti travailliste avant les élections britanniques.

Nataly Fish

Le Deal

Le Deal

Le monde du cinéma est sans pitié. Pour survivre dans l'univers du septième art, Charlie Berns, producteur peu scrupuleux, doit copieusement user de son charme pour séduire la responsable de studio Deidre Hearn afin de financer son nouveau film d'action. Pourtant, une fois ce dessein atteint et les fonds débloqués, tout va de travers et le to..

Nataly Fish

The Deal

The Deal

2 men discuss a deal over the phone

Nataly Fish

The Deal

The Deal

A big-idea farce about big, badass businessmen.

Nataly Fish

The Deal

The Deal

The Deal is a psychological thriller about unexpected change. The fat girl's skinny. The stoner's a success. And the nerd who did magic tricks is now the life of the party. But for Bryce, the prom king-quarterback, change isn't good, especially when what's left of his life vanishes before his eyes.

Nataly Fish

The Deal

The Deal

Stop-motion animation on the arranging of marriages in 1950/60s set in the Eastern-Polish borderland. The script is based on a part of Mikołaj Smyk's diary, the director's grandfather. The biographical objects used in the animation, such as an authentic headscarf, Polish and Russian books, the copy of Mikołaj Smyk's diary and photographs help sit..

Nataly Fish

The Deal

The Deal

Just weeks after losing to the New York Yankees in the 2003 ALCS, the Boston Red Sox made it their mission to get the bat they needed to put them over the top. That bat belonged to reigning AL MVP Alex Rodriguez of the Texas Rangers. Deals were offered. Plans were made. Everything was done. Rodriguez was headed to Fenway Park. Until he wasn’t. Th..

Nataly Fish

The Deal

The Deal

When the big guys make their deals, all we can do is watch the consequences.

Nataly Fish

The Deal

The Deal

It was a class film, actors were very good looking,

Nataly Fish

The Deal

The Deal

In an empty parking structure Sam and Henry wait for their contacts to make a deal with them.

Nataly Fish

The Deal

The Deal

Roger is trying to enjoy his day off, when he gets an unexpected phone call that could lose Roger and Cody a good amount of money.

Nataly Fish

The Deal

The Deal

A shy and nervous fellow hires a young hitman to kill him

Nataly Fish

The Deal

The Deal

A young couple in a hurry to get out of town, kidnap and car jack a man named Burks Hill. Hill agrees to take them to Los Angeles as long as they let him live, but this deal among strangers with secret motives does not work out quite as planned.

Nataly Fish

The Deal

The Deal

A short comedy film about a deal in a parking garage.

Nataly Fish

The Deal

The Deal

Nataly Fish

The Dealer

The Dealer

Éloignés par la distance et les circonstances, deux rivaux se retrouvent lorsque les périls du trafic de drogue les rapprochent de manière inattendue.

Nataly Fish

Donald Trump's The Art of the Deal: The Movie

Donald Trump's The Art of the Deal: The Movie

Donald Trump has it all. Money, power, respect, and an Eastern European bride. But all his success didn't come for nothing. First, he inherited millions of dollars from his rich father, then he grabbed New York City by the balls. Now you can learn the art of negotiation, real estate, and high-quality brass.

Nataly Fish

Le Coup du siècle

Le Coup du siècle

Le volubile Eddie Muntz est un vendeur hors pair. Il vend des armes : des petites pour susciter une émeute et des plus grosses qui peuvent déclencher une guerre mondiale. Toutefois, il ne vend pas à n’importe qui, seulement à ceux qui ont des valises pleine d’argent.

Nataly Fish

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