
The Cowboy and the Girl

The Cowboy and the Girl

The scene is a parlor out West, with Ray Mayer sitting at the piano in is cowboy duds - hat, scarf, and chaps. He plays a little barrel-house music and then introduces Edith Evans, who enters wearing fur. She sings - her voice a light-opera soprano - while Mayer plays.

Nataly Fish

The Range Girl and the Cowboy

The Range Girl and the Cowboy

Tom is given the position of Cowboy on Sid Jordan's ranch. Vicky, Sid's daughter, is annoyed by Buck, the ranch foreman, who is discharged and Tom is given the position.

Nataly Fish

Cowboy and a Girl Whorehouse

Cowboy and a Girl Whorehouse

After Song Kunhuai's career, he had to face economic difficulties and almost ended up in a tragic situation of homelessness. At this critical moment, he met A Nan and Qing Yong, who was a cowherd. Under his recommendation, Song Kunhuai also went to sea. As a prostitute, Lian Li was often ravaged by her clients, so she vented her anger on Song Kunhu..

Nataly Fish

La Fille et son cow-boy

La Fille et son cow-boy

Dans les années 1930 à New York, Molly J. Truesdale est une employée de banque rêvant de grands espaces. Elle s'offre un circuit en bus dans l'Ouest sauvage qui la mène en Oregon. Là, elle rencontre Duke Hudkins qui concourt en itinérant dans des rodéos, accompagné par son partenaire Waco...

Nataly Fish

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