
The Confession

The Confession

Un tueur à gages explique à un prêtre, durant ses confessions, pourquoi ses victimes méritaient de mourir..

Nataly Fish

Confession - Que justice soit faite

Confession - Que justice soit faite

Harry Fertig, un homme d'affaires important, perd tout son espoir quand son fils décède à cause d'une faute médicale. Il tue les responsables et se déclare à la police. Roy Bleakie, un jeune avocat ambitieux, est chargé de cette affaire par le patron de Fertig, Jack Renoble. Il essaye de le disculper en le déclarant irresponsable de ses act..

Nataly Fish

The Confession

The Confession

Fiona seeks refuge in her local church, escaping the evil within her house only to find that something far darker sits in the confession booth next to her. This short film is one of the five winning short films which were made for “My Annabelle Creation" competition as a promotion for the film Annabelle: Creation.

Nataly Fish

The Confession

The Confession

Sam can't think of any sins to tell the priest at his first confession. He worries that he won't be a real Catholic if the priest doesn't absolve him of some misdeed. Jacob, Sam's friend, devises a solution in the form of a prank, but the result is tragic.

Nataly Fish

The Confession

The Confession

Moazzam Begg has experienced a generation of conflict. The Confession captures the entirety of Begg’s story, from his forced confession and testimony as a free man, to his experience as a British Muslim and living the War on Terror Commissioned by BBC Storyville and the BFI, The Confession is a gripping account of the rise of modern jihad, its d..

Nataly Fish

The confession

The confession

A young man is tormented by a manifestation of his conscience, who is looking for a confession.

Nataly Fish

The Confession

The Confession

A young preist that hears the confession of a man who years before, drunk behind the wheel of his car, ran over a man and killed him on the walkway. He didn't give himself up to the ploice, but ran away from the accident site. For years, his conscience tortured him, reminding, above all, that man's child crying desperately. What he didn't know is t..

Nataly Fish

The Confession

The Confession

A priest hears a murderer's confession but can't reveal the truth, even though his brother is being tried for the crime.

Nataly Fish

The Confession

The Confession

When an aged man feels the need to confess to the new catholic priest, his gay lover of many years is hurt and upset.

Nataly Fish

The Confession

The Confession

Madame Rinaldi, propriétaire d'un bordel, aide le voleur Mario Forni à trouver un ancien trésor enfoui.

Nataly Fish

The Confession

The Confession

What is the mystery behind the murder of an apparently innocent man? Who was so afraid of the secrets he knew that they would kill him?

Nataly Fish

The Confession

The Confession

A woman who has strayed from her righteous path asks forgiveness from the inside of a dimly lit confessional. As she describes her sins, the viewer is transported into her sapphic fantasies before climaxing in a surprise twist ending. "The Confession" is written, directed, filmed, edited, and cast entirely by sex workers in British Columbia, Canada..

Nataly Fish

The Confession

The Confession

A man goes to confession and confesses a sin he hasn't committed yet!

Nataly Fish

The Confession

The Confession

Père Giorgi, un ancien réalisateur devenu prêtre, est envoyé dans un village reculé de Géorgie pour s’occuper d’une petite paroisse. Dès son arrivée, il décide d’installer un cinéma afin de rapprocher les habitants et l’église. Après la projection de CERTAINS L’AIMENT CHAUD, les paroissiens trouvent que Lili, professeure de mu..

Nataly Fish

Confessions : The Secrets of Machiko Matsuoka

Confessions : The Secrets of Machiko Matsuoka

Machiko Matsuoka is a high school music teacher who lives with Keiko, her older sister with a bad leg. They were close once, but Keiko became disabled in an incident. Believing that Machiko was the cause, Keiko has treated her like a slave ever since. Machiko has done everything she says, but her frustration has accumulated. One day, Machiko begins..

Nataly Fish

Madonna: The Confessions Tour

Madonna: The Confessions Tour

Le "Confessions Tour" fut la septième tournée mondiale de l'auteure-compositrice américaine Madonna. Selon le "Billboard", la tournée engranga 194.7 million $ US, devenant la tournée la plus rentable pour une artiste féminine Madonna dépassa son propre record de 2008, avec la tournée "Sticky & Sweet". 01. Future Lovers/I Feel Love 02. G..

Nataly Fish

L'héritage de Katie

L'héritage de Katie

Condamnée par une tumeur au cerveau, Laura vit ses derniers instants sans savoir que sa fille biologique, Katie, est à sa recherche. Séparées depuis que cette dernière avait rejoint la communauté Amish, elles ne s'étaient plus vues depuis des années.

Nataly Fish

Confession d'un enfant du siècle

Confession d'un enfant du siècle

Paris, 1830. Le jeune Octave, qui a été trahi par sa maîtresse, tente de retrouver le goût de vivre en se livrant au libertinage le plus effréné, entraîné par Desgenais, son ami. Mais sa vie de débauche ne parvient pas à tarir sa recherche d'absolu et à le guérir de sa mélancolie, le «mal du siècle». A la campagne, où il séjourne ..

Nataly Fish

Adolf Eichmann : les aveux du diable

Adolf Eichmann : les aveux du diable

Après la Seconde Guerre mondiale, l'architecte de la Solution finale, Adolf Eichmann, s'est réfugié en Argentine. Dans la clandestinité, il a enregistré une série d'entretiens détaillant son rôle dans les atrocités commises par les nazis. Aujourd'hui, pour la première fois, nous pouvons entendre La confession du diable !

Nataly Fish

The Confessions Of The Bat

The Confessions Of The Bat

It is the anniversary of the death of Bruce Wayne's parents and he has serious doubts about his calling.

Nataly Fish

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