
La Toile d'araignée

La Toile d'araignée

Le comité de direction d'une clinique psychiatrique décide de changer les rideaux du salon réservé aux patients: un enjeu qui va catalyser les passions et révéler des drames individuels et familiaux. La femme de l'un des directeurs et l'administratrice passent commande chacune de leur côté, pensant que la tâche leur incombe naturellement. ..

Nataly Fish

The Cobweb Hotel

The Cobweb Hotel

A spider runs a hotel for flies where he keeps his guests captive. A pair of fly newlyweds arrive and check in. Fortunately, the husband is "flyweight champion". After a pitched battle featuring arrows (fountain pen nibs) and a machine-gun (aspirins shot from a perfume atomizer), the spider winds up in a bottle of library paste.

Nataly Fish

Set Aside the Cobwebs in the Sky (Gently Open Your Eyes to Sleep)

Set Aside the Cobwebs in the Sky (Gently Open Your Eyes to Sleep)

Set Aside the Cobwebs in the Sky (Gently Open Your Eyes to Sleep), is an experimental multi-channel live cinema performance and installation based on four musical movements. Thematically, Cobwebs embarks on a journey through anti-nostalgia, fragmentation, confusion, powerlessness, loss of identity, manufactured masculinity, and the lasting residue ..

Nataly Fish

Set Aside the Cobwebs in the Sky (Gently Open Your Eyes to Sleep) -- 20min Cut

Set Aside the Cobwebs in the Sky (Gently Open Your Eyes to Sleep) -- 20min Cut

Set Aside the Cobwebs in the Sky (Gently Open Your Eyes to Sleep), is an experimental multi-channel live cinema performance and installation based on four musical movements. Thematically, Cobwebs embarks on a journey through anti-nostalgia, fragmentation, confusion, powerlessness, loss of identity, manufactured masculinity, and the lasting residue ..

Nataly Fish

The Cobweb

The Cobweb

Iraj is a young photographer who meets Fariba. Fariba, who pretends to have a lot of money, lives by burglary.

Nataly Fish

Ça tourne à Séoul ! Cobweb

Ça tourne à Séoul ! Cobweb

Séoul, 1970 : le réalisateur Kim souhaite refaire la fin de son film "Cobweb". Mais les autorités de censure, les plaintes des acteurs et des producteurs ne cessent d'interférer, et un grand désordre s'installe sur le tournage. Kim doit donc surmonter ce chaos, pour achever ce qu'il pense être son chef-d'œuvre ultime.

Nataly Fish



Nataly Fish



Irén and Manci are to pass their final exam at the grammar school. They both want to become actresses

Nataly Fish

Elephants on a Cobweb

Elephants on a Cobweb

Lucia has written a letter for her father on his birthday. Standing before the whole family, she reads the letter thanking him for being such a great dad. But what she innocently describes as gestures of fatherly love have little to do with reality. Behind carefully upheld appearances lies an unspoken and terrible secret.

Nataly Fish

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