
the catacombs

the catacombs

A film by James Fotopoulos

Nataly Fish

Man Gets lost in the Catacombs of Paris

Man Gets lost in the Catacombs of Paris

Video that has not been confirmed as either real or fake, of a tourist getting lost in the 400 miles of catacombs in paris.

Nataly Fish

The Catacombs

The Catacombs

The title refers to the office of records in the basement of a large company... sort of the place where a troublesome employee may be dumped in a dead end job. If fact, the story is a simple romantic comedy, with Burian as the kindly old stick-in-the-mud who helps the young man to sort out his romance with the daughter of the company's owner.

Nataly Fish



A rich woman who uses meditation to deal with pain is visited by her niece who returns from Paris. The woman can be a handful and one of her employees suggests to her husband that he kill her freeing them both. When an affair starts between the husband and the niece murder becomes a real possibility. However some people won't stay dead.

Nataly Fish

Curse IV : Catacombes

Curse IV : Catacombes

Au 17ème siècle un monastère italien enferme un démon qui à prit possession d'un des leurs. 400 ans plus tard, Elizabeth visite le monastère afin de faire des recherches. Ce que le moines ne se doutent pas, c'est que le mal a été libéré.

Nataly Fish

All Catacombs Are Gray

All Catacombs Are Gray

A collage animated adaptation of Sheridan Le Fanu’s cult novel about vampire Carmilla, which not only inspired Bram Stocker to write Dracula, but also became a template for an entire subgenre of exploitation cinema of the 1970s, among which Jesus Franco’s Vampyros Lesbos stands out.

Nataly Fish



A space where time has stopped, a man staring blankly at the sky beyond a small hole punctured like torture of hope. There's only one thing he can hope for here.

Nataly Fish

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