
Le fantôme de Canterville

Le fantôme de Canterville

Une famille américaine emménage dans le Canterville Chase, un manoir londonien hanté par le fantôme Sir Simon De Canterville depuis 300 ans.

Nataly Fish

Le Fantôme de Canterville

Le Fantôme de Canterville

Lorsqu'une adolescente déménage en Angleterre, avec ses frères et parents dans l'ancien Canterville Hall, elle n'est pas du tout heureuse. D'autant plus qu'il y a un fantôme et une mystérieuse tache de sang réapparaissant sur le foyer. Elle fait campagne pour rentrer chez elle, et son père, croyant que les farces du fantôme sont celles de G..

Nataly Fish

Le Fantôme de Canterville

Le Fantôme de Canterville

Sir Simon de Canterville est condamné à hanter son château pour avoir fait preuve de lâcheté. Sa malédiction ne sera levée que si l'un de ses héritiers commet un acte courageux.

Nataly Fish

Le Fantôme de Canterville

Le Fantôme de Canterville

Un jeune couple américain hérite de "Canterville castle", un château en Angleterre. Ils découvrent bien vite qu'il est hanté par l'esprit d'un ancêtre. Mais étrangement, Jennifer, la petite fille du couple, devient amie avec le fantôme, Sir Simon et veut l'aider.

Nataly Fish

The Canterville Ghost

The Canterville Ghost

The poor ghost of Sir Simon Canterville has been roaming his castle searching in vain for a brave descendant who will release him from the Canterville curse by performing a brave deed. An American family moves in and finds the ghost amusing, but a young girl in the family can release him - if she dares!

Nataly Fish

The Canterville Ghost

The Canterville Ghost

An American family receives an inheritance a century English castle with its gardens and furniture includes a real ghost, that of Simon de Canterville. The ghost, which aims to continue to enjoy peace of mind several hundred years, using their best techniques to get rid of the spooky family upset.

Nataly Fish

The Canterville Ghost

The Canterville Ghost

The poor ghost of Sir Simon Canterville has been roaming his castle searching in vain for a brave descendant who will release him from the Canterville curse by performing a brave deed. An American family moves in and finds the ghost amusing, but a young girl in the family can release him - if she dares.

Nataly Fish

The Canterville Ghost

The Canterville Ghost

'The Canterville Ghost' is one of the most popular choice for making a film in Oscar Wilde's works, and the original short story deserves the popularity. It is a witty spoof about a ghost and the 'haunted' mansion where a rich American family start to live. In this story, the family are not annoyed by the presence of the ghost; no, it is the ghost ..

Nataly Fish

The Canterville Ghost

The Canterville Ghost

The ghost of Sir Simon Canterville has been roaming his castle searching in vain for a descendant who will release him from the Canterville curse by performing a brave deed. An American family moves in and finds the ghost amusing, but a young girl in the family can release him - if she dares.

Nataly Fish

Le Fantôme de Canterville

Le Fantôme de Canterville

Au fin fond d'une Bretagne de légendes, le fantôme d'Aliénor de Canterville est condamné à hanter le château de sa famille et à en faire fuir tout nouvel habitant. Elle remplit cette mission à merveille, aidée de Gwilherm, son fidèle serviteur. Mais lorsque les Otis, une famille fuyant la vie parisienne, achètent le château, Aliénor se..

Nataly Fish

The Canterville Ghost

The Canterville Ghost

The poor ghost of Sir Simon Canterville has been roaming his castle searching in vain for a brave descendant who will release him from the Canterville curse by performing a brave deed. An American family moves in and finds the ghost amusing, but a young girl in the family can release him - if she dares.

Nataly Fish

The Canterville Ghost

The Canterville Ghost

Nataly Fish

The Canterville Ghost

The Canterville Ghost

Nataly Fish

Un amour de fantôme

Un amour de fantôme

Sir Simon Canterville, propriétaire d'un somptueux château dans lequel il est décédé, est condamné à hanter les lieux jusqu'à la fin des temps. Quand la famille Brenner, désireuse de transformer le domaine en golf de luxe, se rend dans la demeure, le fantôme de Canterville tente de les effrayer avent de se lier d'amitié avec Paul, l'enfa..

Nataly Fish

Retour à Canterville

Retour à Canterville

Who would have thought that the horrendous Otis family, recently exiled from the United States, would settle down in England's isolated and haunted Canterville Manor? When their eldest daughter Virginia befriends Sir Simon, a ghost who is several hundred years older than her, Virginia is unaware that she is the subject of a potentially fatal myster..

Nataly Fish

The Canterville Ghost

The Canterville Ghost

The poor ghost of Sir Simon Canterville has been roaming his castle searching in vain for a brave descendant who will release him from the Canterville curse by performing a brave deed. An American family moves in and finds the ghost amusing, but a young girl in the family can release him - if she dares.

Nataly Fish

The Canterville Ghost

The Canterville Ghost

The poor ghost of Sir Simon Canterville has been roaming his castle searching in vain for a brave descendant who will release him from the Canterville curse by performing a brave deed. An American family moves in and finds the ghost amusing, but a young girl in the family can release him - if she dares.

Nataly Fish

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