
Pirates des Caraïbes : La Malédiction du Black Pearl

Pirates des Caraïbes : La Malédiction du Black Pearl

Dans la mer des Caraïbes, au XVIIe siècle, Jack Sparrow, flibustier gentleman, voit sa vie idyllique basculer le jour où son ennemi, le perfide capitaine Barbossa, lui vole son bateau, le Black Pearl, puis attaque la ville de Port Royal, enlevant au passage la très belle fille du gouverneur, Elizabeth Swann. L'ami d'enfance de celle-ci, Will Tu..

Nataly Fish

The Black Pirates

The Black Pirates

Pirates searching for treasure take over a small town in Central America where they believe the loot is buried, but discover that a church has been built over the spot. They force the townspeople to dig for it, but there are more surprises in store for them than they counted on.

Nataly Fish

An Epic At Sea: The Making of Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl

An Epic At Sea: The Making of Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl

Behind the scenes documentary of the making of Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl, featuring behind the scenes footage, interviews with Cast and crew and revives some previously unknown background information.

Nataly Fish

Zagor: The Black Pirate's Treasure

Zagor: The Black Pirate's Treasure

This is the second Zagor movie starring Levent Çakir. In this one he fights pirates!

Nataly Fish

Jonah and the Black Warrior River Pirates

Jonah and the Black Warrior River Pirates

A man is convicted by God to go on a mission

Nataly Fish

The Last Black Sea Pirates

The Last Black Sea Pirates

This is a modern pirate story complete with a captain, a mutinous crew of outlaws, a princess, her wedding dress and untold riches. Only one thing is missing: the ship. According to legend, Vulchan, a 19th-century gypsy pirate, attacked three convoys laden with gold. He robbed them, sunk them and hid his treasure by the coast. Fast forward to prese..

Nataly Fish

The Pirate of the Black Hawk

The Pirate of the Black Hawk

Manfred, backed by Saracen pirates, deposes the Duke of Montfort, takes over the throne and kidnapped the Duke's young son. Capt. Riccardo, the leader of a pirate band on the ship Black Hawk, sets out to defeat Manfred and his Saracens and restore the Duke to his rightful place on the throne.

Nataly Fish

Die Abrafaxe - Unter schwarzer Flagge

Die Abrafaxe - Unter schwarzer Flagge

The Pirates Of Tortuga :Under The Black Flag Set sail with three young boys on an adventure where time travel, gold treasure and battling villainous pirates are all in a day’s work! On a trip to the city museum, three young boys, Alex, Max and Califax discover a golden bowl — part of a legendary Aztec treasure.

Nataly Fish

Hercules and the Pirates

Hercules and the Pirates

aka Hercules and the Black Pirates. Brave and noble Samson fights pirates as a soldier in the royal army. He wants to marry lovely fair maiden Rosita, but her haughty governor father disapproves. Meanwhile, the cunning and duplicitous Rodrigo Sanchez joins forces with the wicked Black Pirate to thwart Samson.

Nataly Fish

Les mystères de la jungle noire

Les mystères de la jungle noire

Un groupe de militaires britanniques est installé en bordure de la jungle noire et doit la surveiller. Le capitaine est emprisonné par la tribue des Thughs et sa fille est sauvée de justesse par l'un d'eux qui l'emmène loin du camp. Le reste des militaires tente de retrouver et sauver leur chef...

Nataly Fish

Black Devils of Kali

Black Devils of Kali

An adventure set deep in the Indian jungle as explorers seek out an ancient idol.

Nataly Fish

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