
The Black Magic

The Black Magic

Three young men vacationing in Bangkok, Thailand meet a Thai woman who ends up dead the next morning. Upon returning to the states, the men are haunted by the vengeful spirit of the woman.

Nataly Fish

La Reine de la Magie Noire

La Reine de la Magie Noire

Un père de famille se rend avec sa femme et ses deux enfants dans l’orphelinat de campagne qui fut autrefois son foyer. Arrivé sur place, il retrouve ses anciens camarades, venus comme lui avec leur famille respective rendre hommage au fondateur de l’orphelinat, un vieil homme mourant, alité et incapable de communiquer. Mystérieusement dép..

Nataly Fish

La Reine de la Magie Noire

La Reine de la Magie Noire

Des manifestations surnaturelles perturbent un mariage, et une jeune femme est injustement accusée de sorcellerie, battue et laissée pour morte. Elle est recueillie par un sorcier l'initie à la magie, afin qu'elle accomplisse sa vengeance.

Nataly Fish

Black Magic - The Team New Zealand Story

Black Magic - The Team New Zealand Story

In this epic story of humble heroes and Kiwi ingenuity, relive the glory and the magic of the America's Cup 1995, when Sir Peter Blake carved out New Zealand's identity as innovators and world class sailors.

Nataly Fish

Black Magic: The Making of the Devil Rides Out

Black Magic: The Making of the Devil Rides Out

Documentary on the making of the classic Hammer Horror picture.

Nataly Fish

Quiet Masters - The History and Relevance of the Black Magical Artist

Quiet Masters - The History and Relevance of the Black Magical Artist

This documentary contains important historical facts about the black magicians. An unprecedented cast and dynamic interviews from black magicians from around the world. Witness their journey as they tell stories of the struggles and triumphs of being a black magician from the early 1800's, 1900's and 2000's.

Nataly Fish

Black Magic 2

Black Magic 2

Un jeune médecin quitte sa région pour rejoindre un de ses collègues afin de tenter de comprendre l'inquiétante maladie de certains patients, fiévreux et parfois recouverts de vers de terre. Non loin de là, un sorcier adepte de la magie noire pourrait être l'une des causes de ces problèmes.

Nataly Fish

The Black Magic

The Black Magic

Nataly Fish

Black Clover : L'épée de l'empereur-mage

Black Clover : L'épée de l'empereur-mage

Alors qu'un garçon courageux, mais dépourvu de pouvoirs magiques, rêve de devenir empereur-mage, quatre anciens empereurs-mages reviennent pour anéantir le royaume de Clover.

Nataly Fish

Black Magic M-66

Black Magic M-66

Lorsque deux androïdes de combat défectueux sont accidentellement lâchés lors d'une mission "Terminate at All Costs" contre la petite-fille insoupçonnée de leur créateur, une ville entière devient le champ de bataille et même l'armée ne peut les arrêter ! Le seul espoir de la fille : Sybil, une journaliste indépendante qui cherche à ob..

Nataly Fish

The Black Magic with Buddha

The Black Magic with Buddha

The story is about two explorers who invade a temple in the dark of a jungle. They find a mummy, remove its brain, and return to the mainland. The blood and fluid from the brain are used in black magic rituals that result in a series of bloody murders throughout the city… committed by the brain!

Nataly Fish

Black Magic, or the Rendez-vous with Devil

Black Magic, or the Rendez-vous with Devil

In 1946, boys from a small soviet village find a black magic grimoire in the abandoned Tzar-era mansion. Learning about discovery, more and more people want to use the demonic power to fullfill their wishes

Nataly Fish

Les rites sataniques de la prêtresse noire

Les rites sataniques de la prêtresse noire

Coralba montre des signes de troubles mentaux depuis qu'elle est revenue d'un voyage en Toscane. Ses amis vont enquêter jusqu'à découvrir une secte satanique dirigée par une belle et mystérieuse femme.

Nataly Fish

Black Magic

Black Magic

L'ingénieur en bâtiment Xu Nuo (Ti Lung) s'apprête à épouser sa compagne (Lily Li) et refuse les avances de Wang Chu Ying (Tanny Tien-Ni), veuve d'un homme prospère. L'éconduite décide alors d'en appeler aux services d'un sorcier (Ku Feng) spécialiste de la magie noire.

Nataly Fish

Black Magic

Black Magic

After his father commits suicide, Rendy, his wife Laura (Kelly Brook) and his two children return to Indonesia to look after his ailing mother. Rendy is shocked to find his mother mysteriously unable to speak, lying in bed in a trance. After his mother unexpectedly attacks the family, they soon realize she is haunted by a terrifying dark magic. A r..

Nataly Fish

Black magic rites

Black magic rites

Un groupe de vampires gardent le corps d'une sorcière dans la cave d'un château. Ils ont besoin du sang d'une vierge pour le ressusciter. Une fête est organisée et les choses peuvent alors commencer.

Nataly Fish

Black Magic

Black Magic

Jade seems happily married but he starts having nightmares about hopping corpses, followed by psychotic episodes, which cause him to kill his wife and then any romantic interests that follow. He's then hounded by the ghosts of his victims.

Nataly Fish

Detective Conan Magic File 2: Shinichi Kudo, The Case of the Mysterious Wall and the Black Lab

Detective Conan Magic File 2: Shinichi Kudo, The Case of the Mysterious Wall and the Black Lab

Shinichi Kudo is playing soccer in the park. While there, he sees a man who is trying to confirm his alibi for when his Grandmother was murdered, as he was drunk and passed out in the park at the time, but has no one that can verify his alibi, and he is the prime suspect. Shinichi decides to help. Due getting so concentrated in this case, Shinichi ..

Nataly Fish

Evil Black Magic

Evil Black Magic

La Pin, a sinister sorcerer from Thailand who earns money by placing spells of domination on people. Fa La-ting is his zombie murderess, controlled by a metal spike which La Pin has driven into her skull, and rival sorceress Sofia sends her sexually ravenous midget ghosts after Fa to avenge one of the zombie's murder victims. The main story line co..

Nataly Fish

Black Magic Mask

Black Magic Mask

Aim is a prostitute who lives in a slum and is often gang-raped. She has a hard life but wants to have a luxurious life and escape from hardship. One day, Aim received advice from a procurer who is in the same brothel to meet with a master who has black magic. He tells Aim to do the ritual. “Black magic mask”, but before the master starts the ..

Nataly Fish

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