
The Alarm Clock

The Alarm Clock

t's 6:20 a.m. The camera pans a slew of alarm clocks that start to ring simultaneously, all set to awaken a solitary middle-aged man. The alarms are elaborate: in addition to traditional clocks, horns blow, bright lights flash, and a pot even blows smoke at the sleeper. After several minutes, the bed itself finally bounces him to his feet and he be..

Nataly Fish

The Alarm Clock

The Alarm Clock

On a supermarket shelf, a particular alarm clock keeps blaring off-hand, upsetting the staff and the customers. Eventually, it's golden frame attracts the attention of a shoplifter, who is almost caught by security because of that feature. After escaping without paying from two other stores, the thief will come face to face with a cop - also wearin..

Nataly Fish

François Couperin. The Alarm Clock

François Couperin. The Alarm Clock

From the film-almanac on musical works of classics for children "Children's Album". A little film about genesis.

Nataly Fish

Dadabai and the Alarm Clock

Dadabai and the Alarm Clock

Like a lazy person, Dadabai swallowed the alarm clock.

Nataly Fish

Le temps d'un réveil

Le temps d'un réveil

A writer has her alarm clock stolen after a sexual encounter.

Nataly Fish

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